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نوع المكاسب اثرها في التفاعلات التعاونية الدولية: دراسة في انماط سلوكيات الدول حيال التحديات المناخية
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في هذا البحث، تم استكشاف تأثير نوع المكاسب على التفاعلات التعاونية الدولية لاسيما في مجال مواجهة التحديات المناخية. إذ تبين أن المكاسب النسبية تلعب دورا حاسما في توجيه سلوك الدول فيما يتعلق بالاتفاقيات البيئية الدولية. ويعكس هذا التحليل دروسا مهمة لصياغة السياسات والجهود الدولية في هذا المجال ذاته. ان الدول عندما تتوقع مكاسب نسبية تفوق الخسائر المتوقعة من التعاون، فإنها تكون أكثر عرضة للالتزام بالاتفاقيات والتفاعل الإيجابي مع الشركاء الدوليين (الواقعية الجديدة). على العكس، إذا كانت الخسائر المتوقعة أكبر من المكاسب، فإن التعاون الدولي يصبح أقل احتمالا، ويمكن أن يؤدي إلى تجنب الالتزام بالاتفاقيات أو حتى الانسحاب منها. هذا يظهر جليا في دراسة الحالة والمثال المستخدم حيال انسحاب الولايات المتحدة من بروتوكول كيوتو واتفاقية باريس للمناخ. بينما الاتجاه الليبرالي الجديدة يدفع إلى أهمية معالجة قضايا الغش والارتداد عن الالتزامات من خلال المؤسسات الدولية بوصفها وسيلة لتعزيز التعاون بين الدول من خلال تبادل البيانات والمعلومات وغيرها من أنماط التعاون الأخرى بدلاً من الاهتمام بنوع المكاسب. هذه الجهود يمكن ان تنعكس ايجابيا على تضافر الجهود والتفاهم المشترك وصولا لتحقيق النتائج ذات المردود التعاوني. هذا النقاش النظري، يسهم في معرفة فهم دوافع وسلوك الدول في العلاقات الدولية. فالواقعية الجديدة تركز على القوة النسبية ودورها في تعزيز المصالح الوطنية عن طريق من توجيه الأنماط السلوكية للدول حيال الوحدات الدولية. في الجانب الآخر، الليبرالية الجديدة تركز على ضرورة ان يكون هناك مزيد من فرص تعزيز التعاون الدولي والقيم المشتركة والأخلاقيات في توجيه سلوك الدول

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the Causal Relationship Long-and Short-term Between the Price of Crude Oil, the Global Price of Gold and the US. Dollar Exchange Rate
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This research aims to test the causal relationship long-and short-run between the price of gold the global crude oil price and the exchange rate of the dollar and how you can take advantage of the nature of this relationship, particularly in the Arab oil states that achieve huge surpluses, including Iraq and how to keep on the purchasing power of these surpluses or reduce the levels of risk.

The problem is that the Arab oil countries, adversely affected, as a result of that relationship, due to the fact that its role confined to the sale of crude oil only. They do not have control in the dollar, then they are not able to take advantage of its impact on the price of gold the fact that gold is effective pr

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Solving the Hotdog Problem by Using the Joint Zero-order Finite Hankel - Elzaki Transform
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This paper is concerned with combining two different transforms to present a new joint transform FHET and its inverse transform IFHET. Also, the most important property of FHET was concluded and proved, which is called the finite Hankel – Elzaki transforms of the Bessel differential operator property, this property was discussed for two different boundary conditions, Dirichlet and Robin. Where the importance of this property is shown by solving axisymmetric partial differential equations and transitioning to an algebraic equation directly. Also, the joint Finite Hankel-Elzaki transform method was applied in solving a mathematical-physical problem, which is the Hotdog Problem. A steady state which does not depend on time was discussed f

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Select the optimal project by using two methods of analytic hierarchy and goal programming
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      The aim of this research is to solve a real problem in the Department of Economy and Investment in the Martyrs establishment, which is the selection of the optimal project through specific criteria by experts in the same department using a combined mathematical model for the two methods of analytic hierarchy process and goal programming, where a mathematical model for goal programming was built that takes into consideration the priorities of the goal criteria by the decision-maker to reach the best solution that meets all the objectives, whose importance was determined by the hierarchical analysis process. The most important result of this research is the selection of the second pro

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use Generalized Pareto Survival Models to Estimation Optimal Survival Time for Myocardial Infarction Patients
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The survival analysis is one of the modern methods of analysis that is based on the fact that the dependent variable represents time until the event concerned in the study. There are many survival models that deal with the impact of explanatory factors on the likelihood of survival, including the models proposed by the world, David Cox, one of the most important and common models of survival, where it consists of two functions, one of which is a parametric function that does not depend on the survival time and the other a nonparametric function that depends on times of survival, which the Cox model is defined as a semi parametric model, The set of parametric models that depend on the time-to-event distribution parameters such as

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Some Estimation methods for the two models SPSEM and SPSAR for spatially dependent data
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In This Paper, some semi- parametric spatial models were estimated, these models are, the semi – parametric spatial error model (SPSEM), which suffer from the problem of spatial errors dependence, and the semi – parametric spatial auto regressive model (SPSAR). Where the method of maximum likelihood was used in estimating the parameter of spatial error          ( λ ) in the model (SPSEM), estimated  the parameter of spatial dependence ( ρ ) in the model ( SPSAR ), and using the non-parametric method in estimating the smoothing function m(x) for these two models, these non-parametric methods are; the local linear estimator (LLE) which require finding the smoo

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The causal relationship between inflation and the volume of private sector deposits and the Amman Stock Exchange Index. (The case of Jordan for the period 1999-2017)
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        The study aims to show the correlation between inflation rates and the volume of private sector deposits in Jordan on one hand, and Amman Stock Exchange index for the period of 1999-2017. The study used the “Vector Auto Regression” model. Different types of tests are used such as: The “Johansen Co integration” test of joint integration, “Granger causality” test, the “Analysis of Variance Decomposition”, and “Impulse response Function” test.

The results showed there is a positive-one-way causal effect from Amman Stock Exchange index to inflation. Also, a one-way causal effect that comes from Amman Stock Exchange index to the size of private sec

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