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Hydrate Equilibrium Model for Gas Mixtures Containing Methane, Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide
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Abstract<p>Gas hydrate formation is considered one of the major problems facing the oil and gas industry as it poses a significant threat to the production, transportation and processing of natural gas. These solid structures can nucleate and agglomerate gradually so that a large cluster of hydrate is formed, which can clog flow lines, chokes, valves, and other production facilities. Thus, an accurate predictive model is necessary for designing natural gas production systems at safe operating conditions and mitigating the issues induced by the formation of hydrates. In this context, a thermodynamic model for gas hydrate equilibrium conditions and cage occupancies of N2 + CH4 and N2 + CO4 gas mixtures at different compositions is proposed. The van der Waals-Platteeuw thermodynamic theory coupled with the Peng-Robinson equation of state and Langmuir adsorption model are employed in the proposed model. The experimental measurements generated using a cryogenic sapphire cell for the pressure and temperature ranges of (5-25) MPa and (275.5-292.95) K, respectively, were used to evaluate the accuracy of this model. The resulting data show that increasing nitrogen mole percentage in the gas mixtures results in decreasing of equilibrium hydrate temperatures. The deviations between the experimental and predictions are discussed. Furthermore, the cage occupancies for the gas mixtures in hydrate have been evaluated. The results demonstrate an increase in the cage occupancy for both the small and large cavities with pressure.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of College Of Education
An Investigative Study on the Electron Energy Distribution Function and Electron Transport Coefficients in SF6 -- Ne Gas Mixtures
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 06 2022
Journal Name
Methods And Objects Of Chemical Analysis
Spectrophotometric Analysis of Quaternary Drug Mixtures using Artificial Neural network model
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A Novel artificial neural network (ANN) model was constructed for calibration of a multivariate model for simultaneously quantitative analysis of the quaternary mixture composed of carbamazepine, carvedilol, diazepam, and furosemide. An eighty-four mixing formula where prepared and analyzed spectrophotometrically. Each analyte was formulated in six samples at different concentrations thus twenty four samples for the four analytes were tested. A neural network of 10 hidden neurons was capable to fit data 100%. The suggested model can be applied for the quantitative chemical analysis for the proposed quaternary mixture.

Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying the Electron Energy Distribution Function (EEDF) and Electron Transport Coefficients in SF6 – He Gas Mixtures by Solving the Boltzmann Equation
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The Boltzmann equation has been solved using (EEDF) package for a pure sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas and its mixtures with buffer Helium (He) gas to study the electron energy distribution function EEDF and then the corresponding transport coefficients for various ratios of SF6 and the mixtures. The calculations are graphically represented and discussed for the sake of comparison between the various mixtures. It is found that the various SF6 – He content mixtures have a considerable effect on EEDF and the transport coefficients of the mixtures

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Excess Molar Volumes and Viscosities of Mixtures Containing Dimethylformamide (DMF) with benzene, o-xylene, 1, 4- Dioxane and Tetrahydrofuran at 298.15 K.
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          Measurements of excess molar volumes VE , viscosities η , excess viscosities Δ ln η  and excess molar activation energies of viscous flow ΔGE , are reported for binary mixtures of dimethylformamide (DMF) with , benzene , o-xylene , 1,4- dioxane and tetrahydrofuran are reported from density and viscosity measurements at 298.15 k and at atmospheric pressure over the entire composition range . The excess values are positive for the mixture (DMF+ polar solvent) and negative deviation from ideality for the mixture (DMF + non-polar solvent) over the whole composition range and discussed in the light of molecular interaction in the mixture.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy
Determination of best possible correlation for gas compressibility factor to accurately predict the initial gas reserves in gas-hydrocarbon reservoirs
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Gas compressibility factor or z-factor plays an important role in many engineering applications related to oil and gas exploration and production, such as gas production, gas metering, pipeline design, estimation of gas initially in place (GIIP), and ultimate recovery (UR) of gas from a reservoir. There are many z-factor correlations which are either derived from Equation of State or empirically based on certain observation through regression analysis. However, the results of the z-factor obtained from different correlations have high level of variance for the same gas sample under the same pressure and temperature. It is quite challenging to determine the most accurate correlation which provides accurate estimate for a range of pressures,

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Some Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Magnetic Reactive Powder Concrete Containing Nano Silica
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         This study involves the design of 24 mixtures of fiber reinforced magnetic reactive powder concrete containing nano silica. Tap water was used for 12 of these mixtures, while magnetic water was used for the others. The nano silica (NS) with ratios (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3) % by weight of cement, were used for all the mixtures. The results have shown that the mixture containing 2.5% NS gives the highest compressive strength at age 7 days. Many different other tests were carried out, the results have shown that the carbon fiber reinforced magnetic reactive powder concrete containing 2.5% NS (CFRMRPCCNS) had higher compressive strength, modulus of rupture, splitting tension, str

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of the Different Carbon and Nitrogen Sources on the Production of Biodiesel by Oleaginous Fungi Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus fumigatus
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In the present study, the growth and total lipid contents of two oleaginous fungal isolates Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus fumigatus were compared in different nitrogen and organic carbon sources.  Artificially the fungi were cultured on media consisting of various mono- or di- or polysaccharides and  peptone or yeast extract as elementary sources for carbon and nitrogen, respectively. Media containing sucrose /yeast extract or glucose/ yeast extract were the most effective for lipid production from fungal, during  two weeks  incubation period, the highest biomass of dry weight was (19.6 , 18.8) g / L , (25.8 , 30.5) g /L  and  lipid yield (1, 0.97 )g/L, (0.65, 0.65) g/ L for two isolates Aspergillus terreus

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
كلية التربية الجامعة المستنصرية
Study the electron drift velocity in gas mixtures of CF3I with N2 obtained from Boltzmann equation analysis
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
كلية التربية -الجامعة المستنصرية
study the electron drift velocity in gas mixtures of SF6 with N2 obtained from Boltzmann equation analysis
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Enhancement of gas response of annealed ZnO film for hydrogen gas detection
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  The mechanism of hydrogen (H2) gas sensor in the range of 50-200 ppm of RF-sputtered annealed zinc oxide (ZnO) and without annealing was studied. The X-ray Diffraction( XRD) results showed that the Zn metal was completely converted to ZnO with a polycrystalline structure. The I–V characteristics of the device (PT/ZnO/Pt) measured at room temperature before and after annealing at 450 oC for4h, from which a linear relationship has been observed. The sensors had a maximum response to H2 at 350 oC for annealing ZnO and showed stable behavior for detecting H2 gases in the range of 50 to 200 ppm. The annealed film exhibited hig

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