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Blindness and the Critique of Society: Dystopia in “Blindness” by José Saramago""
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This paper addresses the new coloring in the concept of dystopian society as represented by the positive role of one of the characters vs. the passive role of the government and its mutual effect on the people of the society. In addition, it describes how all men in the dystopian society victimize and degrade the other through unlawful acts, like: stealing, rape, and fear, which are the lowest points in a moral decay. However, it offers hope by illustrating a positive sense, as exemplified by the doctor's wife out of Saramago's optimistic view that men may be descended from good women. Accordingly, the paper aims to examine the effect of the government’s role in the lives of the people who have later turned into blind in a dystopian society and of people towards one other, and to clarify the positive sense as represented by the doctor’s wife. To meet this, the researcher is to adopt Tom Moylan’s (2000) concept of Dystopia when analyzing José Saramago’s novel, Blindness. This study has uncovered the erosion of trust in others and clarified the heinous injustices committed by both authority figures and laypeople. The troops' cruel treatment toward the blind has led to their sudden infection with that disease. Saramago expressed his upbeat belief that men can change just, they derived from good women as the doctor's wife. The study further has exposed the impact of the violent behavior of both the government and the people towards one another on the confusion and degradation of the humanity.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Argumentative Communication in RawdatAl-MuhebbenwaNozhattAl-Mushtaqeen’s Book by Ibn Al-Qayyem: The Foundations and Mechanisms of its Functioning: مريم إبراهيم علي غبان
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This research seeks to unravel the components of the argumentative discourse in the Book ofʻRawdat al-MuhebbeenwaNozhatt al-Mushtaqeenʼ - The Garden of Lovers and the Promenade of Longing People – by Ibn Al-Qayyem Al-Jawziyah. This is because this book has a moderate discourse with a sound Islamic thought that is characterized by its sustainability, popularity, realism, and interaction with the successive developments of the new age. This reflects the intellectual maturity the composing process has reached in the philosophy of love and its educational bases in every place and time. To explore the componets, properties, and the working mechanisms of an argumentative discourse in Ibn Qayyem’s book, the present work has been conducted

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 11 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Investigation of cytotoxic activity and dissolution improvement of Teniposide by incorporation into acid treated carbon nanotube and dispersed by hydrophilic polymer
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Single Walled Carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), as nano-needle structures, are good candidates as nanocarrier delivery systems that carry drug to the site of action. They are good due to their unique pharmaceutical properties. Teniposide is an anticancer drug, which is widely used, but it has a problem of low solubility. In this study, to improve the properties of carbon nanotubes, pre-functionalization of carbon nanotubes via carboxylation with strong acids has been performed and then functionalized through attaching them to the polymer and copolymer. Concurrently, a proper polymer-copolymer combination has been selected by the UV-Visible spectrometer at 880nm. It is selected based on the qualitative dispersibility analysis, the visual observa

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
Building the proposed Fama and French Six-Factor Model FF6M-DLE by adding the indebtedness factor and its reflection on the fair value of common stock
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The research aims to determine the required rate of return according to the Fama and French five-factor model, after strengthening it by adding the indebtedness factor to build the Fama and French six-factor model FF6M-DLE. The effect of the indebtedness factor on the company's profitability and the real value of the ordinary shares calculated according to the (equivalent ascertainment) model and its suitability with the company's situation, and an analysis of the fluctuation between the market value and the real value of the ordinary stocks.

Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Management by roaming and self-efficacy and their impact on the excellence of hotel service: An applied study
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      This research investigates the type and the significant relationship between roaming management and self-efficacy and its impact on excellence in providing hotel service. To achieve this, the applied approach was adopted through  A questionnaire was designed and developed for the collected data. It has consisted of three parts. The firsts section included nine questions to measure the dimensions of management by roaming. The second section includes nine questions to measure the effectiveness of the two employees. The last section includes   12   questions to measure the excellence of the hotel service. The research sample included  43  employees' responding to this

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Composite Materials (Al /SiC and Al/ B4C) Produced by Powder Technology
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In this investigation, metal matrix composites (MMCs) were manufactured by using powder technology. Aluminum 6061 is reinforced with two different ceramics particles (SiC and B4C) with different volume fractions as (3, 6, 9 and 12 wt. %). The most important applications of particulate reinforcement of aluminum matrix are: Pistons, Connecting rods etc. The specimens were prepared by using aluminum powder with 150 µm in particle size and SiC, B4C powder with 200 µm in particle size. The chosen powders were mixed by using planetary mixing setup at 250 rpm for 4hr.with zinc stearate as an activator material in steel ball milling. After mixing process the powders were compacted by hydraulic

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
The Journal Of Contemporary Dental Practice
The Relationship Between Orthodontic Force Applied by Monoblock and Salivary Levels of Alkaline Phosphatase and Lactate Dehydrogenase Enzymes
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Aim: The current study was aimed to determine the relationship between the orthodontic force applied by monobloc and the salivary level of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzymes, considering the time factor after insertion of the appliance and whether there is a correlation between these enzymes. Materials and methods: A sample of 28 growing patients requiring orthodontic treatment with myofunctional appliance (Monoblock) was taken for the current study with an age range 9 to 12 years,all patients had Angle's class II division 1 malocclusion with no or mild crowding, the sample was selected using simple random sampling. Only 16 subjects (10 males and 6 females) were included who follow certain inclusion criteria.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Al-fatih Journal
Some cognitive sense of kinesthetic and spatial relationship to the level of learning some skills in the ground dictated by hardwareResearch and descriptiveStudents on the third phase of the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - University of Baghdad
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إن النجاح في أداء المتطلبات الفنية والخططية في أي من الألعاب ألرياضيه يستوجب امتلاك العناصر الاساسيه المتعلقة بطبيعة الاداء ونوع الفعالية الرياضية الممارسة , لذا فان اغلب الألعاب الرياضية تعتمد على مكونات ألقدره التوافقيه والادراكيه الحسيه بوصفها احد العناصر الاساسيه في المستويات العليا لما توفره من قاعدة اقتران للصفات البدنيه والحر كيه وقدرات أجهزة الجسم الوظيفية , وفقا للأسس المعتمدة في بناء مهاراته, وع

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Controlling the Salt Wedge Intrusion in Shatt Al-Arab River by a Barrage
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Shatt Al-Arab River in Al Basrah, Iraq, has recently recorded massive levels of TDS values (Total Dissolved Solids) in the water as a result of reduced fresh water discharge from sources, causing the river to become salinized due to salt wedge intrusion. Therefore, a block dam in the south reach is required to salt intrusion prevention. The main objective of this research is to simulate the hydraulic impact of a suggested barrage in Ras Al Besha on the Shatt Al-Arab River. The HEC-RAS (5.0.7) model was used to develop a one-dimensional unsteady model to gaining an understanding of the proposed barrage's influence on river behaviour. The daily discharges of the Tigris River provided as the upstream boundary conditions, wh

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Induction of chromosomal aberrations by zinc phosphide in of illiteracy sperm cells and eggs laboratory rats
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1 - is not affected by illiteracy cells painful eggs after the first and seventh of the various concentrations used but found the effect of 21 and 35 days after treatment2 - repeat chromosomal aberrations illiteracy eggs cells no different distortions occurring sperm cells During Altnavra phase3 - increased chromosomal aberrations increase the dose especially for 21 and 35 days4 - The connective tissue is more sensitive phase of the pesticide from Altnavra phase

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
1st Samarra International Conference For Pure And Applied Sciences (sicps2021): Sicps2021
Analysis the average lattice strain in the crystal direction (hkl) in MgO nanoparticles by using modified Williamson-Hall method
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In this work ,the modified williamos-Hall method was used to analysis the x-ray diffraction lines for powder of magnesium oxide nanoparticles (Mgo) .and for diffraction lines (111),(200),(220),(311) and (222).where by used special programs such as origin pro Lab and Get Data Graph ,to calculate the Full width at half maximum (FWHM) and integral breadth (B) to calculate the area under the curve for each of the lines of diffraction .After that , by using modified Williamson –Hall equations to determin the values of crystallite size (D),lattice strain (ε),stress( σ ) and energy (U) , where was the results are , D=17.639 nm ,ε =0.002205 , σ=0.517 and U=0.000678 respectively. And then using the scherrer method can by calculated the crystal

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