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تأثير تمرينات على وفق العتبة اللاهوائية لتطوير القوة المميزة بالسرعة للذراعين والرجلين وبعض المهارات الدفاعية للشباب بكرة السلة
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لعبة كرة السلة واحدة من الألعاب الجماعية التي تتميز بقوة وسرعة الأداء في المباريات، وهذا لم يأتي مصادفة وإنما جاء نتيجة لتطور العملية التدريبية من جانب ومن جانب آخر امتلاك اللاعبين لقدرات بدنية لها فاعليتها من الأداء ومنها القوة المميزة بالسرعة، إما أهمية البحث فتكمن في السعي إلى تطوير هذه القدرة ومعرفة تأثيرها في الأداء المهاري لتكون عوناً للمدربين في العملية التدريبية. أما مشكلة البحث فيمكن أن توضع في تساؤل هو هل يتم استخدام تمرينات نوعية متنوعة لتطوير القوة المميزة بالسرعة على وفق العتبة اللاهوائية في الأعداد الخاص لمعرفة تأثيرها في تطوير الأداء المهاري. يهدف البحث إلى إعداد تمرينات على وفق العتبة اللاهوائية لتطوير القوة المميزة بالسرعة، ومن ثم معرفة تأثيرها في تطوير الأداء المهاري الدفاعي ( حركة اللاعب المدافع، والسحب الدفاعي). أما فرض البحث فيشير إلى أنّ هناك فروقاً ذات دلالة إحصائية بين الاختبارات القبلية والبعدية في متغيرات البحث. أجري البحث على لاعبي الشباب لنادي الأعظمية الرياضي بعدد (12) لاعب وبنسبة (16.66%)، إذ تم إجراء الاختبارات التالية (القوة المميزة بالسرعة للذراعين والرجلين، حركة اللاعب المدافع، السحب الدفاعي) وأستمر البحث للفترة من (24/8/2013 ولغاية 26/10/2013)، فضلاً عن الوسائل الإحصائية المناسبة. استنتج الباحثون إن التمرينات المستخدمة في البحث على وفق العتبة اللاهوائية أدت إلى تطوير القوة المميزة بالسرعة للذراعين والرجلين ومن ثم أحدثت تطوراً في متغيرات البحث المهارية. يوصي الباحثون بضرورة استخدام التمرينات البدنية اللاهوائية في التدريب كونها فعّالة في تطوير القوة المميزة بالسرعة والتي بدورها لها تأثيرها في تطوير مهارتي (حركة اللاعب المدافع، والسحب الدفاعي)، وذلك من خلال تخصيص الوقت الكافي لها في الوحدات التدريبية.

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Creative Accounting Practices on the Reliability of Financial Statements : Applied Research in the National General Insurance Company
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The study aims to highlighting the Creative Accounting practices, identifying  their impact on non reliability of financial statement of Insurance companies and Iraqi Public Reinsurance Company. Certain executive managements resort to creative accounting to falsely portray a better image to financial statement users by means of a set of techniques and mechanisms. Thus, impacting the company activities, The study was carried out in state insurance companies and Iraqi Public Reinsurance Company. Miller model is adopted to measure earning management practices. It is one of the tools to detect creative accounting practices and to measure reliability of accounting information of financial statements by applying  “White” scale on

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the RMB exchange rate on the value of Chinese exports For the period (1978-2017) using the Angel-Granger model
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In this research, we sought to identify the nature of the relationship between the exchange rate of the Chinese yuan and the value of Chinese exports, through the formulation of a standard model based on the model of common integration, and based on the data of the study and using the test "Angel-Granger" It reflects the relationship between the two research variables, through which the relationship between the RMB exchange rate and the value of Chinese exports was estimated during the period 1978-2017.

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Publication Date
Thu May 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Journal Misalignment on the Static Characteristics of Porous Journal Bearings Lubricated with Couple Stress Fluid
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In this paper, a theoretical study to the effect of journal misalignment on the static characteristics of oil filled porous journal bearing when lubricated with couple stress fluid has been carried out.

The analytical model used through this work is for a bearing with isotropic permeability. Considering isotropic permeability the Reynolds' equation for the oil film is modified to include a so – called filter term and the effect of fluid coupled stress. The pressure equation for the porous medium is obtained from Darcy's law and continuity equation. The equation which was used to evaluate the oil film thickness was modified to include the effect of possible misalignment in longitudinal and transverse directions. The governing eq

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the Social Responsibility and its Impact on the Financial Performance of Banks: Applied Research in the Iraqi National Bank
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The objective of the research is to measure the impact of social responsibility on the financial performance of the National Bank of Iraq for the period from 2014 to 2016 (3 years) through discussing and analyzing the level of practice of the Bank of Baghdad for social responsibility and the impact on their financial performance during the period. To measure the independent variable (CSR), the researcher used the CSR Disclosure Index and relied on the ROA as an indicator to measure the dependent variable (financial performance). The results of the research showed the main hypothesis of the research, which states that the social responsibility of the banks has no significant impact on the financial performance. In relation to the disclosu

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Solid Loading on Carbon Dioxide Absorption in Bubble Column
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In the present work experiments were conducted to study  the effect of solid loading (1,5 and 9 vol.%) on the enhancement of carbon dioxide absorption in bubble column at various volumetric gas flow rate (0.75, 1 and 1.5 m3/h) and absorbent concentration (caustic soda)( 0.1,0.5 and 1 M  ). Activated carbon and alumina oxide (Al2O3) are used as solid particles. The Danckwerts method was used to calculate interfacial area and individual mass transfer coefficients during absorption of carbon dioxide in a bubble column. The results show that the absorption rate was increased with increasing volumetric gas flow rate, caustic soda concentration and solid loading. Mass transfer coefficient and interfac

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 29 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Fuel Cetane Number on Multi-Cylinders Direct Injection Diesel Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions
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Due to the energy crisis and the stringent environmental regulations, diesel engines are offering good hope for automotive vehicles. However, a lot of work is needed to reduce the diesel exhaust emissions and give the way for full utilization of the diesel fuel’s excellent characteristics.

A kind of cetane number improver has been proposed and tested to be used with diesel fuel as                 ameans of reducing exhaust emissions. The addition of (2-ethylhexyl nitrate) was designed to raise fuel cetane number to three stages, 50, 52 and 55 compared to the used conventional diesel fuel whose CN was 48.5. The addition of CN improver results in the decre

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Evaluation the Effects of CO2 Laser on Soft and Hard Tissues (in vitro study)
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CO2 laser (10.6 μm) is the most often used laser in the oral surgery due to its high absorption by water of the oral tissues. Several benefits of the use of CO2 laser have been reported for oral surgical procedures. This study aims to evaluate the effect of CO2 laser on soft and hard oral tissues (in vitro study). This study was done on fresh tissues from sheep’s head. CO2Surgical Laser with different operation modes was used; 0.2 mm spot size using different laser parameters on the tongue, and bone making holes, incisions and cutting. The depths and widths of holes and incisions were measured using endodontic file under magnification. The speed of incisions was calculated and the required time for cutting was measured using sport clo

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 13 1998
Journal Name
المجلة العراقية للاحياء المجهرية
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ABSTRACT The isolation and characterization of (27) isolate of extreme halophilic bacteria was performed ninteen isolate belonged to the genus Halobacterium which included Hb.halobium. Hb. salinarium, Hb. volcanii. Growth curve and generation time in logarthmic phase was measured and found to be (12.8hr±0.32), (11.2hr±0.2), (9.8hr±0.87), respectivaly. Effect of various concentrations of NaCl, KCI, NH4Cl and MgSO4.7H2O was studied, NaCl was essential for the rod shape rapid growth Rat and pigmentation. Less than 1% concentration caused lysis of bacteria. Yeast extract was the best carbone source as compared with glucose and casamino acid.

Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Dietary Habits on Urolithiatic Patients at Urinary Units in Baghdad Teaching Hospitals
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Objectives: The study aims at finding the effectiveness of dietary habits on urolithiatic patients at Urinary Units
in Baghdad Teaching Hospitals.
Methodology: A quantitative descriptive study was conducted to identify the effectiveness of dietary habits on
(100) of urolithiatic patients in Urinary Units at Baghdad Teaching Hospitals starting from May 2011 to Sep.
2012.Data were collected through the use of constructed check list of the questionnaire format, which
consists of two parts: - The first part: is related to the patient's demographic variables ; the second part: is
constructed to serve the purpose of the study (effectiveness of the dietary habits). The total number of items
of the questionnaire is (69) item

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 08 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Curvature Ratio on Heat Transfer in Double Pipe Helical Heat Exchanger
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Different parameters of double pipe helical coil were investigation experimentally. Four coils were used; three with a curvature ratio (0.037, 0.031, and 0.028) and 11mm diameter of the inner tube while the fourth with 0.033 curvature ratio and 13 mm diameter of the inner tube. The hot water flow in the inner tube whereas the cold water flows in the annulus. The inlet temperatures of hot and cold water are 50 0C and 18 0C respectively. The inner mass flow rate ranges from 0.0167 to 0.0583 kg/s. The results show the Nusselt number increase with increase curvature ratio. The Nusselt number of the coil with 0.037 curvature ratio increases by approximately 12.3 % as compare with 0.028 curvature ratio. The results also r

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