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On the dynamical behavior of an eco-epidemiological model

The aim of this article is to study the dynamical behavior of an eco-epidemiological model. A prey-predator model comprising infectious disease in prey species and stage structure in predator species is suggested and studied. Presumed that the prey species growing logistically in the absence of predator and the ferocity process happened by Lotka-Volterra functional response. The existence, uniqueness, and boundedness of the solution of the model are investigated. The stability constraints of all equilibrium points are determined. The constraints of persistence of the model are established. The local bifurcation near every equilibrium point is analyzed. The global dynamics of the model are investigated numerically and confronted with the obtained outcomes.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Corporate Reputation Review
The Absorptive Capacity of Knowledge as an Approach for Building Strategic Reliability in the Sponge Organizations/Small Organizations in Kirkuk Governorate as a Model

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of the Addie and Shayer Model on the Achievement of Fifth Grade Students and their Attitudes towards History: The Effect of the Addie and Shayer Model on the Achievement of Fifth Grade Students and their Attitudes towards History


The current research aims to examine the effect of the Adi and Shayer model on the achievement of fifth-grade students and their attitudes toward history. To achieve the research objective, the researcher has adopted two null hypotheses. 1) there is no statistically significant difference at the level of (0.05) between the average score of students of the experimental group who study the history of Europe and modern American history according to the model of Addie and Shayer, and the average scores of the students of the control group who study the same subjects according to the traditional method in the test of post-achievement. 2) There was no statistically significant difference at the level (

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences
Evaluating the Effect of Showing the Dental Injector to Children on Their Dental Behavior in Relation to the Vital Signs And Maternal Anxiety

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
The role of e-Government on corruption and its impact on the financial performance of the government: An empirical analysis on the Iraqi government

This study aimed to provide a conceptual model for the use and benefits of the e-Government as related to administrative fraud and financial corruption. The study also looked into their concepts, forms, dimensions and types and the role of e-Government on fraud reduction, corruption in administration and finance and its impact on the government performance. From the result, it is revealed that there is need for electronic government for implementation in order to curb the rate of fraud and administrative and financial corruption and improve the quality of service provision for better performance

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Construction Policies on Campus An Analytical Study of the Policy of Construction Planning on Kufa Campus

     University Campuses, as any lively physical entity, is subject to continuous variation due to . growth, development and change. This reality covers the existing or futuristic additives or  additions, consecutively these changes may have a strong sensation of disorientation as a result of formatic changes in buildings, or in movement paths. And it epitomized the research problem to "the need for knowledge to clarify the impact of intellectual and executive policy in achieving coherence, functional and space organization of the elements of the university urban environment and in the stages of future growth and change,"  the search targeted "to highlight the study of constraction politics on campus Bmqomad

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use the le'vy Model on stock returns for some Iraqi banks estimate


In this article we  study a single stochastic process model for the evaluate the assets pricing and stock.,On of the models le'vy . depending on the so –called Brownian subordinate as it has been depending on the so-called Normal Inverse Gaussian (NIG). this article aims as the estimate that the parameters of his model using my way (MME,MLE) and then employ those  estimate of the parameters is the study of stock returns and evaluate asset pricing for both the united Bank and Bank of North which their data were taken from the Iraq stock Exchange.

which showed the results to a preference MLE on MME based on the standard of comparison the average square e

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Carbon Black and Water Absorption on Dielectric behavior of EP-modified SiO2 composites

Epoxy (EP) – Silica (SiO2) composites are well known composites used in microelectronic industry . So it is important to study their dielectric behavior under different conditions such as
the presence carbon black (UV absorber) and immersion in the water for 30 days .
Dielectric properties were calculated over the frequency range 102 – 106 Hz for epoxy composites with different weight % of micrometer 1.5μm SiO2 particles (60%, 65% and 70wt%) modified with 0.5wt% silane coupling agent to improve adhesion between EP and SiO2 phases .

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Sn Addition on Phase Transformation Behavior of Equiatomic Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy

Sn effect on the phase transformation behavior, microstructure, and micro hardness of equiatomic Ni-Ti shape memory alloy was studied. NiTi and NiTiSn alloys were produced using vacuum induction melting process with alloys composition (50% at. Ni, 50% at.Ti) and (Ni 48% at., Ti 50% at., Sn 2% at.). The characteristics of both alloys were investigated by utilizing Differential Scanning Calorimetry, X- ray Diffraction Analysis, Scanning Electron Microscope, optical microscope and vicker's micro hardness test. The results showed that adding Sn element leads to decrease the phase transformation temperatures evidently. Both alloy samples contain NiTi matrix phase and Ti2Ni secondary phase, but the Ti2Ni phase content dec

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 09 2023
Journal Name
Artificial Intelligence Review
Community detection model for dynamic networks based on hidden Markov model and evolutionary algorithm

Finding communities of connected individuals in complex networks is challenging, yet crucial for understanding different real-world societies and their interactions. Recently attention has turned to discover the dynamics of such communities. However, detecting accurate community structures that evolve over time adds additional challenges. Almost all the state-of-the-art algorithms are designed based on seemingly the same principle while treating the problem as a coupled optimization model to simultaneously identify community structures and their evolution over time. Unlike all these studies, the current work aims to individually consider this three measures, i.e. intra-community score, inter-community score, and evolution of community over

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences

In this paper, the error distribution function is estimated for the single index model by the empirical distribution function and the kernel distribution function. Refined minimum average variance estimation (RMAVE) method is used for estimating single index model. We use simulation experiments to compare the two estimation methods for error distribution function with different sample sizes, the results show that the kernel distribution function is better than the empirical distribution function.
