The aim of this research is to find out the satisfaction functional for faculty members
To Girls College of education at the University of Baghdad, and to find out the differences in this variable according to gender and qualification of education.
The sample was chosen from 60 teachers (males – females), they applied a questionnaire consisting of (30) paragraphs after the verifying of sincerity and persistence for paragraphs.
The main findings of the studies,
The results are indicated that the samples (faculty members) have a good level of satisfaction functional. In addition, results are shown; there are no significant differences of statistically between males and females for the faculty members. However, results are sho
Education specialists have differed about determining the best ways to detect the
talented. Since the appearance of the mental and psychological measurement movement, some
scholars adopted intelligence ratios as a criterion to identify the talented and others went to
rely on the degree of academic achievement. Each of these two methods has its own flaws and
mistakes and a large number of talented children were victims of these two methods.
Therefore the need to use other scales for the purpose of detection of talented children
appeared because they provide valuable information which may not be obtained easily
through objective tests and these scales are derived from consecutive studies of gifted andtalented children
ان من اهم القضايا التي تثيرها المعرفة البشرية في تجلياتها، وتعبيراتها المفاهيمية، تكمن في مدى تأصلها وانتمائها الى البنى والتشكيلات الموضوعية (في مستوياتها التاريخية) التي تسعى لتفسيرها وادراكها ومضاهاتها. فالينبوع الذي يغرف منه الفكر مادته هو الكيان الاجتماعي المتموضع خارج الوعي والايدولوجيا.
ان قدرة الوعي على ادراك الواقع الموضوعي بخصائصه العامة يشكل الشرط الضروري لاكتساب الوعي ل
... Show MoreBaghdad Lake Touristic is suffering from a lake of tourism and entertainment services
efficiency provided to their visitors , knowing that this type of services as they are the basics
to achieve economic and socialist development because of their indicators where their goal is
to serve human in city as they represent lungs which population breathe within .
The Parks are resorted as human usually in search of quiet and funny places , away from
the noise of the city and its complex , as well as they give the city a beauty manifestations ,
that give happiness.
The study reached that there is deficiencies in service present, inability to provide
services and inadequate for the population and bad distribution. So the s
The rapid reality of events in the information era, and the enormous pressure of forces market, competition, permanent movement of the markets and consumers and the large development unprecedented of technology in all areas make a lot of organizations find it difficult to keep up with this rapid developments .Here was the role of strategic vigilance closer organization to their environment ,and play an active role in providing the necessary information to make decisions and insurance companies are not far from those changes .On this basis the researcher offered studied(Over the awareness of managers of insurance companies for strategic vigilance).Choosing sample of 35 managers in the National Insurance Company to test th
... Show MoreMeasuring the level of communicative competence in news headlines and the level of stylistic and semantic processing in its formulation requires creating a quantitative scale based on the bases on building the scales and their standards. As judging by scientific of journalism studies lies in the possibility of quantifying the journalistic knowledge, i.e. the ability of this knowledge to shift from qualitative language to its equivalent in the language of numbers.
News headlines and editorial processing are one of the journalistic knowledges that should be studied, analyzed stylistically and semantically; their conclusions drawn and expressed in numbers. Press knowledge is divided into two types:<
... Show MoreThe study of the language through the prophetic curriculum in general and the semantics in particular through the books of Professor Abdul Salam Yassin, may God have mercy on him and the most distinctive linguistic phenomena, and then study semantics and the most prominent methods that reveal the emotions dominated by this study to indicate the semantics of religious terms In this research we try to dive into the sea of significance to know the relationship between the words and their connotations, and to monitor aspects of semantic development, although we have left non-essential words in order to avoid lengthening. N or three and sometimes Aguetsarna on one example we thought it was enough to clarify the meaning.
Compelling evidence proved that coronavirus disease (COVID-19) disproportionately affects minorities. The goal of the present study was to explore the effects of intersected discrimination and discrimination types on COVID-19, mental health, and cognition. A sample of 542 Iraqis, 55.7% females, age ranged from 18 to 73, with (M = 31.16, SD = 9.77). 48.7% were Muslims, and 51.3% were Christians (N = 278). We used measures for COVID-19 stressors, executive functions, intersected discrimination (gender discrimination, social groups-based discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, and genocidal discrimination), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, status and death, existential anxieties, and health. We conducted in
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