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Comparison between MDDV and VADD routing protocols in VANET (Case Study)
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Routing is the process of delivering a packet from a source to a destination in the network using a routing algorithm that tries to create an efficient path. The path should be created with minimum overhead and bandwidth consumption. In literature, routing protocols in VANET were categorized in many ways, according to different aspects. In the present study, we prefer the classification based on the number of hops to reach the destination node. In literature, these are single-hop and multi-hops protocols. We first discuss the two types and then compare the MDDV (multi-hops protocol) with VADD (single-hop protocol). The comparison is theoretically and experimentally implemented by providing a network environment consisting of SUMO, VIENS and INET++ libraries within OMNeT++ simulator. The code of each protocol is written in C++ language and integrated in the OMNeT++ simulator. Several evaluation measures are used including: throughput, end-to-end packet delay, packet delivery ratio, and goodput. Results reveal that none of these two protocols is ideal for all possible scenarios of VANET traffic. VADD protocol performs better for high vehicles density and high transmission rates, whereas MDDV protocol gives better performance for low density and low transmission rates.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al-qadisiyah Medical Journal
Comparison between dome and wedge osteotomy in management of hallux valgus deformity
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Background: the condition of hallux valgus is considered as the most common deformities affecting females more than males, characteristically manifested as lateral deviation of the big toe and widening of first and second inter -metatarsal angle with a deformity of second toe in some severe cases. Objective: to make a radiological and clinical assessment of two surgical methods of osteotomy used in treatment of hallux valgu and to compare between them: first one is the distal dome osteotomy, and second one is a distal wedge metatarsal osteotomy. Patients and methods: a total of 36 feet of 28 patients suffer from hallux valgus, with mean age of 50.3 years were included in this study, followed for 6- 30 months ( mean follow-up of 8.8 months).

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
Biomedical And Pharmacology Journal
Phytochemical Comparison Study for Evaluating the Hypolipidemic Effect Between Two Iraqi Pepper Spp in the Rats Model.
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Hypercholesterolemia is a predominant risk factor for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease (CVD). The World Health Organization (WHO), ) recommended reducing the intake of cholesterol and saturated fats. On the other hand, limited evidence is available on the benefits of vegetables in the diet to reduce these risk factors, so this research was conducted to compare the hypolipidemic effect between the extracts of two different types of Iraqi peppers, the fruit of the genus Capsicum traditionally known as red pepper extract (RPE), and Piper nigrum as black pepper extract (BPE), respectively, in different parameters and histology of the liver of the experimental animals. The red pepper was extracted by ethyl acetate, while the black pepp

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On Comparison Study between Double Sumudu and Elzaki Linear Transforms Method for Solving Fractional Partial Differential Equations
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        In this paper, double Sumudu and double Elzaki transforms methods are used to compute the numerical solutions for some types of fractional order partial differential equations with constant coefficients and explaining the efficiently of the method by illustrating some numerical examples that are computed by using  Mathcad 15.and graphic in Matlab R2015a.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
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In this paper, some commonly used hierarchical cluster techniques have been compared. A comparison was made between the agglomerative hierarchical clustering technique and the k-means technique, which includes the k-mean technique, the variant K-means technique, and the bisecting K-means, although the hierarchical cluster technique is considered to be one of the best clustering methods. It has a limited usage due to the time complexity. The results, which are calculated based on the analysis of the characteristics of the cluster algorithms and the nature of the data, showed that the bisecting K-means technique is the best compared to the rest of the other methods used.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Performance Comparison between Recycled Single Stage and Double Stage Hydrocyclones
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   This research presents a comparison of performance between recycled single stage and double stage hydrocyclones in separating water from water/kerosene emulsion. The comparison included several factors such as: inlet flow rate (3,5,7,9, and 11 L/min), water feed concentration (5% and 15% by volume), and split ratio (0.1 and 0.9). The comparison extended to include the recycle operation; once and twice recycles. The results showed that increasing flow rate as well as the split ratio enhancing the separation efficiency for the two modes of operation. On the contrary, reducing the feed concentration gave high efficiencies for the modes. The operation with two cycles was more efficient than one cycle. The maximum obtained effici

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Jul 03 2021
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Comparison between VG-levy and Kernel function estimation with application
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2005
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Comparison between Zernike moment and central moments for matching problem
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Moment invariants have wide applications in image recognition since they were proposed.

Publication Date
Sun May 17 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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Recently, dental implants have experienced increasing demand as one of the most effective, permanent and stable ways for replacing missing teeth. However, peri-implant diseases that are multispecies plaque-based infections may ultimately lead to implant failure (i.e., late peri-implantitis). Therefore, the present study aims to detect the microbial diversity of subgingival plaque in peri-implantitis cases (N = 30) by comparing with healthy implants (N = 34) using culture-based identification methods, including VITEK 2 system. An increase in microbial diversity (29 species along with 1 and 7 isolates, which were classified as a genus and unidentified species, respectively) were observed in subgingival sites of diseased implants dominated by

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Comparison of Bacterial Contamination between I Phone and Galaxy Devices
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Ninety eight mobile samples, (54) galaxy phone and (44) I phone, were swabbed for bacterial culture determination by culturing on MacConky agar , Blood agar , Mannitol salt agar , Muller Hinton agar .Staphylococcuswas the highest frequent isolated bacteria from Galaxy phone (33%) and I phone (37%). This study revealed that galaxy phone appears less contaminated with bacteria, the ratio of non-contaminated devices is (44%) when compared with I phone (9%). Sensitivity test showed that Ogmintin have the lowest effect on Staphylococcusisolated from both type of devices while cefitriaxone have the highest effect. DNA of isolate from galaxy 31 that exhibit highest resistance against antibiotics was extracted and 16S rRNA gene was polymerized by P

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison between Modified Weighted Pareto Distribution and Many other Distributions
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In 2020 one of the researchers in this paper, in his first research, tried to find out the Modified Weighted Pareto Distribution of Type I by using the Azzalini method for weighted distributions, which contain three parameters, two of them for scale while the third for shape.This research compared the distribution with two other distributions from the same family; the Standard Pareto Distribution of Type I and the Generalized Pareto Distribution by using the Maximum likelihood estimator which was derived by the researchers for Modified Weighted Pareto Distribution of Type I, then the Mont Carlo method was used–that is one of the simulation manners for generating random samples data in different sizes ( n= 10,30,50), and in di

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