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Using the artificial TABU algorithm to estimate the semi-parametric regression function with measurement errors
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Artificial Intelligence Algorithms have been used in recent years in many scientific fields. We suggest employing artificial TABU algorithm to find the best estimate of the semi-parametric regression function with measurement errors in the explanatory variables and the dependent variable, where measurement errors appear frequently in fields such as sport, chemistry, biological sciences, medicine, and epidemiological studies, rather than an exact measurement.

Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculate the Thermal Properties of (S2F2) Using Semi-empirical Quantum Mechanics (MNDO / PM3)
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In this paper, thermal properties were performed by using semi-empirical theoretical calculations to study the molecular structure of a nonlinear molecular system, the (S2F2) molecule in the infrared region, by using semi-empirical quantum programs in the (MNDO / PM3) method. This study is under the condition of obtaining the stable structure of the molecule in which the molecule obtains the minimum value of the total energy. The thermodynamic properties were also calculated, including the heat of formation, whose value was (-61.002kcal / mol),  the entropy and its value (78.2916 cal / mol.k), as well as the heat capacity  (15.9454 cal / mol.k) and the enthalpy (3763.434 cal /mol),  Gibbs F

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparison of the Suggested loss Function with Generalized Loss Function for One Parameter Inverse Rayleigh Distribution
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The experiences in the life are considered important for many fields, such as industry, medical and others. In literature, researchers are focused on flexible lifetime distribution.

In this paper, some Bayesian estimators for the unknown scale parameter  of Inverse Rayleigh Distribution have been obtained, of different two loss functions, represented by Suggested and Generalized loss function based on Non-Informative prior using Jeffery's and informative prior represented by Exponential distribution. The performance of   estimators is compared empirically with Maximum Likelihood estimator, Using Monte Carlo Simulation depending on the Mean Square Error (MSE). Generally, the preference of Bayesian method of Suggeste

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2011
Journal Name
المؤتمر الدولي الثالث للاحصائيين العرب
Use a form ARX(p,q) to estimate time series for the Iraqi Economy
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Due to the lack of statistical researches in studying with existing (p) of Exogenous Input variables, and there contributed in time series phenomenon as a cause, yielding (q) of Output variables as a result in time series field, to form conceptual idea similar to the Classical Linear Regression that studies the relationship between dependent variable with explanatory variables. So highlight the importance of providing such research to a full analysis of this kind of phenomena important in consumer price inflation in Iraq. Were taken several variables influence and with a direct connection to the phenomenon and analyzed after treating the problem of outliers existence in the observations by (EM) approach, and expand the sample size (n=36) to

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Statistical Equations to Estimate the In-situ Concrete Compressive Strength from Non-destructive Tests
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The aim of this study is to propose reliable equations to estimate the in-situ concrete compressive strength from the non-destructive test. Three equations were proposed: the first equation considers the number of rebound hummer only, the second equation consider the ultrasonic pulse velocity only, and the third equation combines the number of rebound hummer and the ultrasonic pulse velocity. The proposed equations were derived from non-linear regression analysis and they were calibrated with the test results of 372 concrete specimens compiled from the literature. The performance of the proposed equations was tested by comparing their strength estimations with those of related existing equations from literature. Comparis

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2011
Journal Name
The Iraqi J. Agric. Sci.
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A field experiment was conducted at the field of the Dept. of Field Crop Sci. / College of Agriculture / University of Baghdad . The objective was to determine the values of relative constant of three – way and double crosses of maize . Ten inbreds were used and crossed during spring and fall seasons of 2009 to produce three - way and double crosses , and ten hybrids were taken from each group . The ten hybrids were grown and selfed during spring 2010 to produce 2 seed . Three way and double crosses were sown with their parents and 2 seed during fall 2010 in RCBD with four replicates . Leaf area , total dry matter , row/ear , grain/ear , grain weight and grain weight/plant of hybrids , parents and 2 plants were taken . Results showed that

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Encoding errors in reading the first grade of primary (analytical study)
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    Aims current research to identify the mistakes coding contained in the reading first grade. Encoding knew that he had failed in Retrieval or identifying information, the researcher diagnosis of mistakes and presented to a group of teachers first grade and they have an appropriate adjustment and using the percentage shows that the agreement on the mistakes ratio and adjusted researcher recommended a set of proposals and recommendations can work out the future for the advancement of scientific level

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Studies In Systems, Decision And Control
The Effect of Using an Accounting Information System Based on Artificial Intelligence in Detecting Earnings Management to Enhance the Sustainability of Economic Units
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This research aims to clarify the importance of an accounting information system that uses artificial intelligence to detect earnings manipulation. The research problem stems from the widespread manipulation of earning in economic entities, especially at the local level, exacerbated by the high financial and administrative corruption rates in Iraq due to fraudulent accounting practices. Since earning manipulation involves intentional fraudulent acts, it is necessary to implement preventive measures to detect and deter such practices. The main hypothesis of the research assumes that an accounting information system based on artificial intelligence cannot effectively detect the manipulation of profits in Iraqi economic entities. The researche

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using Entropy and Linear Exponential Loos Function Estimators the Parameter and Reliability Function of Inverse Rayleigh Distribution
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     This paper is devoted to compare the performance of non-Bayesian estimators represented by the Maximum likelihood estimator of the scale parameter and reliability function of inverse Rayleigh distribution with Bayesian estimators obtained under two types of loss function specifically; the linear, exponential (LINEX) loss function and Entropy loss function, taking into consideration the informative and non-informative priors. The  performance of such estimators assessed on the basis of mean square error (MSE) criterion. The Monte Carlo simulation experiments are conducted in order to obtain the required results. 


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The efficiency of cluster analysis to analyzing medical image of Covid-19 patient by using K-means algorithm
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Predicting the Sporting Achievement in the Pole Vault for Men Using Artificial Neural Networks
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The physical sports sector in Iraq suffers from the problem of achieving sports achievements in individual and team games in various Asian and international competitions, for many reasons, including the lack of exploitation of modern, accurate and flexible technologies and means, especially in the field of information technology, especially the technology of artificial neural networks. The main goal of this study is to build an intelligent mathematical model to predict sport achievement in pole vaulting for men, the methodology of the research included the use of five variables as inputs to the neural network, which are Avarage of Speed (m/sec in Before distance 05 meters latest and Distance 05 meters latest, The maximum speed achieved in t

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