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Literal Translation and Its Impact on Political Terms Translation in Television Journalism
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The research tackles the potential challenged faced the translator when dealing with the literal translation of nowadays political terms in media. Despite the universal complexity of translating political jargon, adopting literal translation introduces an added layer of intricacy. The primary aim of literal translation is to maintain faithfulness to the original text, irrespective of whether it is in English or Arabic. However, this method presents several challenges within the linguistic and cultural dimensions. Drawing upon scholarly sources, this article expounds upon the multifaceted issues that emerge from the verbatim translation of political terms from English into Arabic. These problems include political culture, language differences, contextual incongruities, dialects, political abbreviations and symbols, and the complexity of terminology with dual or composite meanings. The study comes to the conclusion that a skilled translator must possess an exhaustive comprehension of political discourse to ensure accurate and contextually suitable translations while embracing versatile methodologies that uphold the authenticity of cultural subtleties. Furthermore, the evolving role of the translator is underscored in response to the dynamic Global and Linguistic landscapes and international events. and international events.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Title: Arabic Manuscript, Concepts and Terms and Their Impact on Determining Its Historical beginnings and extension of its existence.
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Title: Arabic Manuscript, Concepts and Terms and Their Impact on Determining Its Historical beginnings and extension of its existence.

Researcher: Dr. Atallah Madb Hammadi Zubaie.

Bn the name of Allah Most Merciful

The interest in manuscripts and rules  of their investigation and dissemination appeared soon, and the speech in editing terms and concepts appeared in sooner time.  When looking at the classified books  in the Arab manuscripts , we find the books of the first generation  did not allude definition for this term  , but rather  focused on  the importance of manuscripts and their  existence locations, indexing, care, and verification rules. The  reason for this is that the science of Arabic manuscrip

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Effect of Political Factors on the Performance of Specialized Journalists in Iraqi Electronic Journalism
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This study aimed to identify the political factors influencing the performance of specialized journalists in Iraqi electronic newspapers. The significance of the study stems from the role of communication in newspapers that have established themselves in reality due to their wide dissemination, multiple uses, expanding freedom base, and the current diversity in perspectives. These newspapers highlight and publish societal issues of concern. The importance of these newspapers is associated with their creators who face various factors affecting their value and performance, whether positively or negatively. In light of this, the political factor was identified as the primary driver for other influencing factors. The

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Criterion of Scientific Translation: Criterios de la traducción
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This research focuses on shedding light on the most important criteria by which the translator can achieve total success with regard to the translation of scientific texts whose written language in Spanish is greatly influenced by expressions and words adopted from the English language and other world languages, in addition to exposing the most outstanding difficulties that translators face when translating from Spanish to Arabic, giving the most appropriate solutions in this regard.


El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en echar luz sobre los criterios más importantes por los cuales el traductor puede conseguir el total éxito en la traducción de los textos científicos cuyo lenguaje

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 11 2020
Journal Name
Dirasat, Human And Social Sciences
The translation of sexual puns in Shakespeare’s Hamlet into Arabic
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Textual Analysis of Complex Nominals Translation Errors in Economic Texts
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The present study has three objectives: 1) to investigate the prevalence of complex nominals in economic discourse represented via the selected business news texts, 2) to shed some light on the most common translation errors made by second year students in the Department of Translation in rendering complex nominals into Arabic, and 3) to detect the possible causes behind such translation errors and suggest some translation tips which might sound helpful to the students of translation to find the most suitable translation equivalent. The present study is based on an empirical survey in which a selective analysis of someeconomic texts represented in business news texts is made. A corpus of 159 complex nominals was selected from seven busin

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Investigating Color Idioms and their Translation from English into Arabic
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Colors are universal, and throughout the ages, they have been associated with
various religious, social and spiritual meanings. They symbolize a galaxy of things
to designate certain ideas or symbols that are sometimes contradictory.
The present study is an attempt to investigate colors, their meanings and
symbolism, and the approaches to translating color idioms from English into
Arabic. It fathoms one of the thorny areas for translation theorists let alone
practitioners. Various definitions, classifications of types and symbolism across
cultures are provided. After reviewing idioms and methods of translating them, a
survey of 114 sentences that include color idioms was conducted to see which
method is mostly

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
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حوليات اداب عين شمس
Names of Day of Resurrection in the Hebrew translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran An analytical study Uri Rubin translation as a model
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The present study discusses the names of the Day of Resurrection in Uri Rubin’s translations of the Holy Qur’an. To identify the translation difficulties and complications and to find out the Hebrew equivalence, the study, through the application of a comparative analytical approach, aims at analyzing the linguistic structures of Day of Resurrection names cited in the Holy Qur’an. Heavenly religions are rich with distinct and unique terms that distinguish and reflect their specificity of other religions; something requires a great accuracy in the translation of such terminology. By investigating selected examples of the names of the Day of Resurrection in Arabic and Hebrew, the present study sheds light on the morphological and semant

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Language Studies
Translation Challenges in Children's Literature: A Comparative Study of Story Narratives
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This paper presents the intricate issues and strategies related to the translation of children's books, and it particularly focuses on the comparative analysis of "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" by Beatrix Potter and "Le Petit Prince" (The Little Prince) by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The study finds that the typical problems in translation are, idiomatic expressions, cultural reference, and the voice preservation, along side-sheet-specific challenges which each of the text faces. The translator of Potter's work should have skills of transposing all culturally oriented peculiarities of the UK land to the international audience to keep it accessible. On the contrary, "Le Petit Prince" translation will be the process of capturing the abstra

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 09 2015
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal (awej)
Investigating Socio-pragmatic Failure in Cross-cultural Translation: A Theoretical Perspective
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Pragmatics of translation is mainly concerned with how social contexts have their own influence on both the source text (ST) initiator's linguistic choices and the translator's interpretation of the meanings intended in the target text (TT). In translation, socio-pragmatic failure(SPF), as part of cross-cultural failure, generally refers to a translator's misuse or misunderstanding of the social conditions placed on language in use. In addition, this paper aims to illustrate the importance of SPF in cross-cultural translation via identifying that such kind of failure most likely leads to cross-cultural communication breakdown. Besides, this paper attempts to answer the question of whether translators from English into Arabic or vice versa h

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Semantic relations in text and translation: Die semantischen Relationen im Text und Übersetzung
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       Based on the German language department’s theoretical and practical aspects as well as educational programs, the present study discusses the semantic relations in text sentences and their role in the science of translation.  Through clarifying the semantic relationship between the text sentence and the methods used to express a news item, a situation or an occurrence and through the statement of the multiple theoretical semantic structures of the text’s construction and interrelation, a translator can easily translate a text into the target language.

        It is known that language learners face multiple difficulties in writing and creating an inte

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