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The Liability of Maritime Carrier under the Iraqi Transport Law and International Conventions
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Everywhere carriers incur a measure of liability for the safety of the goods. Carriers are liable for any damage or for the loss of the goods that are in their possession as carriers unless they prove that the damage or loss is attributable to certain excepted causes. Damaged and lost items can unfortunately be a common problem when shipping freight. Legal responsibilities arise due to loss or damage during transit while cargo is in their care. This study intends to investigate the nature of the liability of the maritime carrier when this liability is realized, and the extent to which it can be paid or disposed of given the risks realized from the transportation process, which may result in damage or loss of the goods, and the damage that may cause to the consignee because of this damage or loss.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Radioactive contamination in Iraq and its impact on birth defects for the period (2004-2013)
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In the present time, radioactive contamination is considered one of the most dangerous types of environmental pollution. It usually takes place because of a leakage of radioactive materials to one of the environment natural components, such as, water, air, and soil. Iraq is considered one of the most contaminated environments in the world; this is closely associated with the wars Iraq had suffered from; especially, in 1991 and 2003. Considering the importance of the radioactive contamination and its different health impacts on the population, the current paper is interested in studying this type of environmental contamination and its impact on the birth defects depending on the data available in the annual reports issued by the Iraqi min

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Curing of concrete is the maintenance of a satisfactory moisture content and temperature for a
period of time immediately following placing so the desired properties are developed. Accelerated
curing is advantages where early strength gain in concrete is important. The expose of concrete
specimens to the accelerated curing conditions which permit the specimens to develop a significant
portion of their ultimate strength within a period of time (1-2 days), depends on the method of the
curing cycle.Three accelerated curing test methods are adopted in this study. These are warm water,
autogenous and proposed test methods. The results of this study has shown good correlation
between the accelerated strength especially for

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Economic policies and their ability to reform the investment climate Case Study Iraq after 2003
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The investment climate is the main engine of economic development. If an appropriate and attractive investment climate is created that takes into account economic, administrative, political and environmental issues, it will contribute to the development of industry, transfer of technology, diversification of agricultural production, increased productivity, the promotion of a green economy and support for sustainable and inclusive growth. Thus, analyzing the investment climate of a country can provide reasons and roots for the complexity of the problems in the economy. In the Iraqi economy, the problem has not been rooted in the economy, but the roots of the problem are deeper and inherent in the management of the economy. Investm

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Controller work specificity and their impact on performance (Applied Study in the financial oversight bodies)
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The research aims to a statement of specificity of the Controller of (academic achievement, specialty, job title, length of service, Gender) and its impact on performance, Through a proposed appraisal form includes three main axes and each axis including several specialized elements in the supervisory work in form (check list). as is the importance of research to enable officials of oversight bodies financial identify and diagnose performance Controller through what has this observer of the process of scientific properties when performing supervisory work. Be summarized problem of the research that the lack of regulatory institution with the Controller interesting in terms of the necessary characteristics and requirements and inv

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Solid State Communications
Chlorine trifluoride gas adsorption on the Fe, Ru, Rh, and Ir decorated gallium nitride nanotubes
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The impact of decorating Fe, Ru, Rh, and Ir metals upon the sensing capability of a gallium nitride nanotube (GaNNT) in detecting chlorine trifluoride (CT) was scrutinized using the density functionals B3LYP and B97D. The interaction of the pristine GaNNT with CT was a physical adsorption with the sensing response (SR) of approximately 6.9. After decorating the above-mentioned metals on the GaNNT, adsorption energy of CT changed from −5.8 to −18.6, −18.9, −19.4, and −20.1 kcal/mol by decorating the Fe, Ru, Rh, and Ir metals into the GaNNT surface, respectively. Also, the corresponding SR dramatically increased to 39.6, 52.3, 63.8, and 106.6. This shows that the sensitivity of the metal-decorated GaNNT (metal@GaNNT) increased by in

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigating the Aerodynamic Surface Roughness Length over Baghdad City Utilizing Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
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This study calculated the surface roughness length (Zo), zero-displacement length (Zd) and height of the roughness elements (ZH) using GIS applications. The practical benefit of this study is to classify the development of Baghdad, choose the appropriate places for installing wind turbines, improve urban planning, find rates of turbulence, pollution and others. The surface roughness length (Zo) of Baghdad city was estimated based on the data of the wind speed obtained from an automatic weather station installed at Al-Mustansiriyah University, the data of the satellite images digital elevation model (DEM), and the digital surface model (DSM), utilizing Remote Sensing Techniques. The study area w

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Between Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Methods For Estimating The Gamma Regression With Practical Application
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In this paper, we will illustrate a gamma regression model assuming that the dependent variable (Y) is a gamma distribution and that it's mean ( ) is related through a linear predictor with link function which is identity link function g(μ) = μ. It also contains the shape parameter which is not constant and depends on the linear predictor and with link function which is the log link and we will estimate the parameters of gamma regression by using two estimation methods which are The Maximum Likelihood and the Bayesian and a comparison between these methods by using the standard comparison of average squares of error (MSE), where the two methods were applied to real da

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
ترجمه هاى تكرارى وعوامل ظهور آن Repeated Translations and the factors that Affect their Appearance
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     My research dealt with the phenomenon of  repeated translation.

First Section deals with identifying repeated translation from both linguistic and terminological sides . Section two display the reasons and factors that stand behind this phenomenon while section three sheds light on the positive and negative sides of the phenomenon understudy and in  the last section , the researcher sets several recommendations which lead to prevent the widespread of repeated translation phenomenon .



    این بحث که با عنوان (ترجمه های تکرار

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Relationship between Interleukin-33(IL-33) and Oxidative Stress in Diabetic Patients with Cardiomyopathy
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   Interleukin -33 (IL)-33 is among IL-1 cytokine superfamily , which shows promise as a biomarker predictive of mortality in diabetic and several cardiovascular disorders in vivo study.The objective of this study  is to investigate the differences in the levels of IL-33 between healthy controls and patients with type 2 diabetes and diabetic cardiomyopathy and to investigate the correlation of IL-33 with HbA1C (biomarkers of type 2 diabetes), hs-CRP  and oxidant –antioxidant status.    One hundred and fifty individuals (age 40-55) were enrolled in this study which was divided into three groups as follows: G1:50 healthy control,G2: 50 subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus,G3: 50 patients with dia

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Laser Field Effect on Chemisorption Energy and Its Contributions for the System Na2 / W(100)
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In this study, a mathematical model is presented to study the chemisorption of two interacting atoms on solid surface in the presence of laser field. Our mathematical model is based on the occupation numbers formula that depends on the laser field which we derived according to Anderson model for single atom adsorbed on solid surface. Occupation numbers formula and chemisorption energy formula are derived for two interacting atoms (as a diatomic molecule) as they approach to the surface taking into account the correlation effects on each atom and between atoms. This model is characterized by obvious dependence of all relations on the system variables and the laser field characteristics which gives precise description for the molecule –

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