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المهارات الادارية ودورها في تعزيز التفوق التنافسي للشركات
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يحاول البحث ان يكشف كيفية التحكم والسيطرة على التفوق التنافسي للشركات عن طريق بناء المهارات الادارية في المستويات التنظيمية المختلفة لذا يهدف البحث الى معرفة طبيعةعلاقةالمتغير الرئيس الاول الذي يتمثل بالمهارات الادارية وهي المهارات الفنية والمهارات الانسانية والمهارات الفكريةمع المتغير الرئيس الثاني الذي يتمثل بالتفوق التنافسي، وذلك عن طريق التطبيق الميداني في الشركة العامة للصناعات الانشائية واختبار المتغيرات المبحوثة الرئيسة والفرعية عن طريق استمارة الاستبيان التي تعد أداة استقصاء رئيسة في جمع المعلومات من المسؤولين والبالغ عددهم (45) مدير وتم تحليل البيانات بالاستعانة ببعض الوسائل والبرامج الإحصائية ابرزها برنامج(SPSS)في استخراج الوسط الحسابي والانحراف المعياري ومعامل الارتباط واختبار (F) و(R2) من اجل الوصول الى نتائج تفيد البحث وتحقق أهدافه ، وقد توصل البحث الى مجموعة استنتاجات ابرزها ان المهارات الادارية تؤثر في مستوى التفوق التنافسي للشركة بشكل مباشر وتؤدي الى توليد ميزة تنافسية فريدة يصعب على الشركات المنافسة ان تقلدهاكما يضع الباحثون مجموعة توصيات علمية ابرزها ضرورة الاهتمام بالمهارات الادارية الثلاثة معا وعدم اهمال اي نوع منها والتاكيد على المهارات الانسانية التي تكون في الغالب حلقة الوصل بين الادارة العليا والادارة الدنيا.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Intellectual trends on the nature of the Economic Structure of Iraq
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The Impact of Intellectual trends on the nature of the Economic Structure of Iraq

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of strategic leadership in achieving organizational excellence: field research in Al-Faris General Company
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The current research aims to determine the role of strategic leadership in achieving organizational excellence. In this context the sample of the research consist of 123 managers .The research problem can be summarized as {what is the role of strategic leadership in achieving organizational excellence}which resulted in a number of sub-questions and its goal was to explain the theoretical philosophy and intellectual expositions of this variables because of they are vital variables imposed by the current situation. To achieve research objectives we had use the questionnaire as a tool to collect data and information after verifying the validity and dependency of the measures. A number of statistical techniques and tools had been use

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The interrelationship between ignorance processors is ideologically defined and strategic achievement achieved
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Abstract : 

The aim of the study is to diagnose the level and nature of the relationship between cognitive interactions, cognitive ignorance and the achievement of strategic excellence). The aim of this is to explore theoretical philosophy and intellectual implications of these variables, and, then test the correlation and impact relationships and their feasibility in the application environment, which was formed from the seven directorates in the Ministry of Education. The sample of the study was determined by the directors, their assistants, and the department directors. The sample number is (130). The importance of the study is to come out with a philosophical basis for the nature of the variables, based on an app

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Printmaking Techniques to Enable People with Visual Impairment to Taste Print Artworks
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The study aims to integrate the visually impaired people into the art connoisseur community through producing special print artworks to enable the visually impaired people to use their other senses to feel artworks by using artistic printing techniques through adding some prominent materials to the printing colors or making an impact that visually impaired people can perceive using their other senses. This study also aims to set up art exhibitions that display tangible works that can enable visually impaired people to feel artwork and understand its elements to enable them to feel it through other senses.
The study follows the experimental method, through using artistic printing techniques, which allow printing with prominent textur

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Artistic processing of Emotional Scenes in the Narrative Film
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This research entitled: "Artistic processing of Emotional Scenes in the Narrative Film" deals with how to process and embody those emotional scenes. As there are certain filmic elements that play an effective role in deepening the viewer's sense of the importance of those scenes, and that their presence in the film is necessary and inevitable, and cannot be dispensed because it forms an interconnected connection with the rest of the film's scenes, in addition to its dramatic and aesthetic value in the film in crystallizing the viewer's feelings and integrating him/her into the scene.
The research was divided into four chapters, the first chapter includes: the methodological framework, which represented the research problem, and brin

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Comparative between Intermediat Stage Art Education Curriculum in Iraq and Egypt Base on the Contemporary Theory
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The current research aims to analyze the content and and make a comparison based on the theory of art education as an organized cognitive area D.B.A.E. The researcher started by making a comparison followed by analysing the content to design a philosophical framework for content. He used these steps as starting point to study the comparison and some elements of art education due to the modern theories at the third intermediate stage in both Iraq and Egypt in light of the art education trend as an organizing cognitive area.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Contemporary Iraqi arts techniques and their reflection on the products of the students of Art Education
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The techniques of contemporary Iraqi painting and their reflection on the productions of students of art education is an important subject in the field of painting at the theoretical and practical levels in academic study, whether theoretical or practical. Al-Iraqi is one of the arts with historical roots and a distinguished position among other artistic genres. Painting has received a sufficient level of development through the use of various contemporary techniques to advance it for the better.
The methodological framework included the problem of research and the need for it, and then the importance of research came in shedding light on the techniques of contemporary Iraqi painting, and the impact of these techniques on the producti

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Technical Processing of documentary programs in satellite channels
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The current research dealt with the study and analysis of the documentary
program on RT satellite channel dealt with research in a problem identified
by the researcher in a major question, which is the methods of technical
processing of documentary programs in satellite channels? The goal of
identifying the channel's handling of its documentary programs.
The research is considered descriptive research in which the researcher
used the survey method, the content analysis method to analyze (12)
documentary programs, It was determined by the comprehensive inventory
method within the temporal field of research extending from 1/10/2019 to
The researcher has obtained several results, the most important

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Technology of Education and the Technical Reality of Education in Sudan: Analytical Samples: أسماء محمد الأمين محمد البشير
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This study aims to examine the technologies of education and their importance, shedding light on their reality and  status in Sudan especially in the secondary stage. It has become necessary to invest these technologies and include them in different aspects of the technical education curricula. Such a step helps cope with the innovative scientific development in the advanced countries, qualify professors and technicians, develop the factories and workshops, and create an attractive technical educational environment to the pupils. Thus, the researcher has adopted a descriptive analytical approach that is based on conducting pilot visits to certain technical schools in Al-Khartoum state. Different aspects of such schools were examined

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Degree of Implementation of the Coronavirus Prevention Standards (Covid-19) In the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia (A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN FAMILIES OF PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES AND FAMILIES OF ORDINARY PEOPLE)
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The study aims to identify the degree of implementation of the coronavirus prevention standards (covid-19) in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and compare it with the families of intellectual disabilities. The study population consisted of all families residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To achieve the objectives of the research, the analytical descriptive approach was employed. The study sample consisted of (372) families, among them (84) families with intellectual disabilities, and (288) families without intellectual disabilities. They were chosen from the Saudi community according to what is available for collection in a simple random way, using the standard criteria for the prevention of coronavirus (Covid- 19) Prepared by the resear

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