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The Use of Gradient Based Features for Woven Fabric Images Classification

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Publication Date
Wed May 12 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
The Effect of the Programmed Education Strategy to Learning the Under Hand Service and Receiving Service Skills of Volleyball for Juniors

In order to advance the education process and raise the educational level of the players, it became necessary to introduce new educational aids, programmed education in the education process, through which the basic skills to be learned are explained and clarified, and immediate feedback is provided that would enhance the information of the learner, and Reaching the goal to be achieved, taking into account the individual differences between the players, and thus it is possible to move away from the educational methods used in learning skills, which requires great effort and time, in addition to that the open playground may not perform the skill accurately and the player looks from one side, while when using the computer you look from severa

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of accounting disclosure in raising the quality of tax settling accounts: Applied research in the General Commission for Taxes

The research aims to highlight the role of accounting disclosure in raising the quality of tax settling accounts so as to enhance confidence between taxpayers (corporates) and tax authority, standing over companies commitment to take care of  their financial statements which are  prepared to the appropriate accounting disclosure of tax authority. It has been noticed that a good disclosure about the results of the activity leads to the acceptance of the tax authority to the results which are stated by the financial statements and the tax is linked on its bases.   The researcher depends on the deductive approach which based on Arabic and foreign references, books, researches, previous  studies,  scientific &nb

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effects of the Rotation on the Mixed Convection Heat Transfer Analysis for the Peristaltic Transport of Viscoplastic Fluid in Asymmetric Channel

      In this paper, we study the impact of the variable rotation and different variable on mixed convection peristaltic flow of incompressible viscoplastic fluid. This is investigated in two dimensional asymmetric channel, such as the density, viscosity, rate flow, Grashof number, Bingham number, Brinkman number and tapered, on the mixed convection heat transfer analysis for the peristaltic transport of viscoplastic fluid with consideration small Reynolds number and long wavelength, peristaltic transport in asymmetric channel tapered horizontal channel and non-uniform boundary walls to possess different amplitude wave and phases. Perturbation technique is used to get series solutions. The effects of different values of these parame

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The reasons for the failure of simple assault and its relationship to the level of levelp performance skill players weapon sword

The method of analysis is one of the tools the coach to identify strengths andweaknesses of each player, and how to avoid mistakes that in the course ofperformance on the other hand, Voslob analysis is important for the player, as throughthe analysis will determine the capacity enjoyed by both the coach and player, as wellas being the possibility of progress in a scientific manner thoughtful, and also helps inthe evaluation of physical and skill level and tactical, psychological and trainingcapacity of the coach in order to avoid obstacles and make the coach is movingtowards the right track to improve the good level, and then an investigation tocomplete higher education.Hence the importance of research in the analysis of simple attack and n

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
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The Image of the Arab in Hebrew Literature for Young Adults – A Reading of the Novel “Nadia” by Kalila Ron Feder

يهدف هذا البحث الى التطرق الى صورة العربي كما يعرضها ادب اليافعين العبري في رواية " نادية " للكاتبة العبرية " كاليلا رون فيدر " . والتي تعد من الاديبات العبريات اللواتي تطرقن بصورة مباشرة الى موضوع ما خلف الجدار ، والصراع العربي – الإسرائيلي وانعكاساته على المجتمع الإسرائيلي بصورة عامة والمجتمع العربي بصورة خاصة . ينقسم هذا البحث إلى ثلاثة فصول، تطرق الفصل الأول  إلى "ادب اليافعين"، و تاريخه ، مميزاته والفئ

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of some methods for estimating the parameters of the binary logistic regression model using the genetic algorithm with practical application


   Suffering the human because of pressure normal life of exposure to several types of heart disease as a result of due to different factors. Therefore, and in order to find out the case of a death whether or not, are to be modeled using binary logistic regression model

    In this research used, one of the most important models of nonlinear regression models extensive use in the modeling of applications statistical, in terms of heart disease which is the binary logistic regression model. and then estimating the parameters of this model using the statistical estimation methods, another problem will be appears in estimating its parameters, as well as when the numbe

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Engineering Properties and Geochemical Relationship For The Volcaniclastic Rocks Of The Muqdadiya Formation In Hemrin Area, NE. IRAQ

Volcaniclastic rocks of Al Muqdadiya Formation (Pliocene) in Injana area, southern Hemrin anticline, NE of Iraq, were studied ( petrographically, physically, mineralogically and geochemically , as well as the engineering properties) to assess the suitability of volcaniclastic rocks to use them in industry as refractories. The results show that the physical and engineering properties change with the temperature change. The bulk density and the specific gravity increase by increasing temperature while the apparent porosity, water sorption and the linear shrinkage decrease. On the other hand the compressive strength increase by increasing temperature. The volcaniclastics have very low thermal conductivi

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 05 2014
Journal Name
Engineering And Technology Journal
New Method to Increase the Ability of the Water for Dissolving Total Salts in Soil by Using the Magnetism

Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Rare Metal Materials And Engineering
The effect of special exercises using the (Blazepod) device to develop the defensive player's movement for advanced basketball players

The purpose of this paper is to preparing exercises for using the (Blazepod) device for advanced basketball players, and then identifying the effect of using the (Blazepod) device in developing some of the player's defensive movement for advanced basketball players. 12 players from the Adhamiya Sports Club, the category of applicants for the 2022/2023 sports year, where they were chosen in a deliberate manner from the community of origin represented by clubs, and the researchers used the defender player's movement test, and the results of the study showed that the special exercises prepared by the researcher using the (Blazepod) device affected the development Defensive skills (the movement of the defending player) greatly increased among a

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Measuring and analyzing the impact of financial crises on the main source for financing the public budget in Iraq) *

    Form recurrence of financial crises phenomenon disturbing and attention , and returns the reasons so that its negative effects were sharp and dangerous , because of the nature and cause of Ncaha , threatened political and economic stability of the countries in which they occur these crises , in addition to Machmlh these crises spread of contagion across multiple channels to include other countries many developed and developing , and the reason for this to the openness of the economic and financial witnessed by the countries affected by crises and other countries concerned, the financial crisis is a case of financial turmoil appears in one of the sections of the financial system one and extends to

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