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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Modern Applied Science
Hybrid Methodology for Image Segmentation Based on Active Contour Module and Alpha-Shape Theory
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The concept of the active contour model has been extensively utilized in the segmentation and analysis of images. This technology has been effectively employed in identifying the contours in object recognition, computer graphics and vision, biomedical processing of images that is normal images or medical images such as Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI), X-rays, plus Ultrasound imaging. Three colleagues, Kass, Witkin and Terzopoulos developed this energy, lessening “Active Contour Models” (equally identified as Snake) back in 1987. Being curved in nature, snakes are characterized in an image field and are capable of being set in motion by external and internal forces within image data and the curve itself in that order. The present s

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Gas Sensor for Hazardous Nitrogen Dioxide Based on TiO2 Nanotube Synthesis via Electrochemical Method
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Because of the quick growth of electrical instruments used in noxious gas detection, the importance of gas sensors has increased. X-ray diffraction (XRD) can be used to examine the crystal phase structure of sensing materials, which affects the properties of gas sensing. This contributes to the study of the effect of electrochemical synthesis of titanium dioxide (TiO2) materials with various crystal phase shapes, such as rutile TiO2 (R-TiO2NTs) and anatase TiO2 (A-TiO2NTs). In this work, we have studied the effect of voltage on preparing TiO2 nanotube arrays via the anodization technique for gas sensor applications. The results acquired from XRD, energy dispersion spectro

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Moral Intelligence and its Relationship with Academic Adjustment for Sixth Year Primary School Pupils
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This research aims at measuring the relationship between moral intelligence and academic adjustment for sixth year primary School Pupils.

The research is assigned to sixth year primary school pupils- Baghdad –the 2nd   karkh of the both genders .The total sample includes (500) pupils .The researchers has built two scales one for Moral Intelligence and another for Academic Adjustment and applied them on the total sample of the research .The researchers treated data by appropriate statistical means .The research has reached the following results:

  • The pupils of sixth year primary school characterized by Moral Intelligence.
  • The

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2011
Journal Name
المؤتمر الدولي الثالث للاحصائيين العرب
Use a form ARX(p,q) to estimate time series for the Iraqi Economy
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Due to the lack of statistical researches in studying with existing (p) of Exogenous Input variables, and there contributed in time series phenomenon as a cause, yielding (q) of Output variables as a result in time series field, to form conceptual idea similar to the Classical Linear Regression that studies the relationship between dependent variable with explanatory variables. So highlight the importance of providing such research to a full analysis of this kind of phenomena important in consumer price inflation in Iraq. Were taken several variables influence and with a direct connection to the phenomenon and analyzed after treating the problem of outliers existence in the observations by (EM) approach, and expand the sample size (n=36) to

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Isvs E-journal
Preserving the Past and Building the Future: A Sustainable Urban Plan for Mosul, Iraq
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Preserving the Past and Building the Future: A Sustainable Urban Plan for Mosul, Iraq

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Applied And Computational Mathematics
Reliable computational methods for solving Jeffery-Hamel flow problem based on polynomial function spaces
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In this paper reliable computational methods (RCMs) based on the monomial stan-dard polynomials have been executed to solve the problem of Jeffery-Hamel flow (JHF). In addition, convenient base functions, namely Bernoulli, Euler and Laguerre polynomials, have been used to enhance the reliability of the computational methods. Using such functions turns the problem into a set of solvable nonlinear algebraic system that MathematicaⓇ12 can solve. The JHF problem has been solved with the help of Improved Reliable Computational Methods (I-RCMs), and a review of the methods has been given. Also, published facts are used to make comparisons. As further evidence of the accuracy and dependability of the proposed methods, the maximum error remainder

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 29 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Safety And Security Engineering
Urban Safety is a Tool for Containing Slums to Reach a Sustainable Urban Structure
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Many cities suffer from the large spread of slums, especially the cities of the Middle East. The purpose of the paper is to study the reality of informal housing in Al-Barrakia and the most important problems that it suffers from. The paper also seeks to study the presence or absence of a correlation between urban safety indicators and urban containment indicators as one of the methods of developing and planning cities. This can be achieved through sustainable urban management. The slums are a source of many urban problems that threaten the security and safety of the residents and represent a focus for the concentration of crimes and drugs. The paper seeks to answer the following question: How can urban safety be improved through urban cont

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Finding Most Stable Isobar for Nuclides with Mass Number (165- 175) against Beta Decay
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In the beta decay process, a neutron converts into a proton, or vice versa, so the atom in this process changes to a more stable isobar. Bethe-Weizsäcker used a quasi-experimental formula in the present study to find the most stable isobar for isobaric groups of mass nuclides (A=165-175). In a group of isobars, there are two methods of calculating the most stable isobar. The most stable isobar represents the lowest parabola value by calculating the binding energy value (B.E) for each nuclide in this family, and then drawing these binding energy values as a function of the atomic number (Z) in order to obtain the mass parabolas, the second method is by calculating the atomic number value of the most stable isobar (ZA). The results show

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Conference Of Numerical Analysis And Applied Mathematics Icnaam 2019
Functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes network sensor for NO2 gas detection at room temperature
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 25 2023
Journal Name
Molecular Simulation
Engineering promising A-π-D type molecules for efficient organic-based material solar cells
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Within this work, to promote the efficiency of organic-based solar cells, a series of novel A-π-D type small molecules were scrutinised. The acceptors which we designed had a moiety of N, N-dimethylaniline as the donor and catechol moiety as the acceptor linked through various conjugated π-linkers. We performed DFT (B3LYP) as well as TD-DFT (CAM-B3LYP) computations using 6-31G (d,p) for scrutinising the impact of various π-linkers upon optoelectronic characteristics, stability, and rate of charge transport. In comparison with the reference molecule, various π-linkers led to a smaller HOMO–LUMO energy gap. Compared to the reference molecule, there was a considerable red shift in the molecules under study (A1–A4). Therefore, based on

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