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Comparison among the Synthesis of Some Azomethine Derivatives by Classical and Non-classical Methods
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 08 2022
Journal Name
Mathematical Statistician And Engineering Applications
Illation for the Groups SL(2,112 ) and SL(2,132 )
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Computations for the groups SL(2,81) and SL(2,729)
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For any group G, we define G/H (read” G mod H”) to be the set of left cosets of H in G and this set forms a group under the operation (a)(bH) = abH. The character table of rational representations study to gain the K( SL(2,81)) and K( SL(2, 729)) in this work.

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
Journal Name
Idealism and Realism in The Design: A Comparative Study
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At the beginning of the twentieth century distorting handling totalitarian phenomena of art, which can be called the stage of the test, transition from the theory of ideal theory and other realistic is not cushy, since it requires vision and reading and other concepts, and in light of this dialectic manifested research problem by asking the following Is affected by the design idealism and realism. Through the above mentioned questions, the researcher found rationale for addressing this problem, the study through his research, which is marked (idealism and realism in a comparative study design). And demonstrated the importance of research in the identification of the concept and the effectiveness of the two theories idealism and realism a

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The political dimension Engineering social characteristics and Alssayashllansan community
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تستهدف هذه الدراسة وبشكل أساس، الكشف عن طبيعة وخصائص البعد السياسي لهندسة/صناعة الخصائص الاجتماعية والسياسية للإنسان والمجتمع، بوصفها العملية المسؤولة عن تصميم هذه الخصائص وصناعتها وتغييرها جزئيا أو كليا، دون أبعادها الأخرى المتعددة والمتنوعة، لا لمجرد الانسياق وراء دوافع الرغبة الذاتية، أو اعتبارات التخصص الدقيق وأحكامه، لأن معهما أيضا، بل وقبلهما أحيانا، دوافع واعتبارات أخرى موضوع

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
Typographic Accomplishment between the Manual Skill and Contemporary Technology
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     The typographic accomplishment is the most important means of cognitive communication and carries a message from the sender to the recipient which serves a certain objective functionally, economically and advertisingly.

            The design of typographic accomplishment depends on two different techniques, the first is manual, which depends on the skill, training and individual achievement of the designer and his ability to design and produce typographic accomplishment with manual skill effects. The second one is the contemporary digitization which is represented by computers, programs and printers attached to them. The problem of the current resear

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Interactive Communication and its Reflection on Social Capital
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The Internet makes the world like a small village. It has the ability to make groups of the same ideas, thoughts, and identity close to each other by gathering them in one place. It is a way to communicate and share information and opinion; shaping and sharing of comprising individuals with common interests and the participation of individuals in a fruitful dialogue results in achieving a set of goals promote ideas and mobilizing people about issues and events of common interests.

To address the relationship of the internet via interactive communication and its ability to achieve social capital and discuss issues and various social events, the study sees that the problem of the study could be formulated as follows:


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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The paradise in surat al-rahman and its preparation
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Our life is a test and the eternal life in the afterlife. So we must work well in our life even win paradise, must always remember the death and there is a life after this death and we will be responsible for everything we've done in our life. God did not create us vain but for reward, punishment, for this we must have to well prepare for this great day and we have to think about what to do in order to win the paradise.
Keywords: paradise, surat al-rahman, preparation.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Virtual reality and its impact on the industrial product
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The current study investigates the impact of virtual reality technology on industrial product design. The focus of this study is on the development of industrial products that utilize virtual reality technology, specifically examining the effects of this technology on the visual and design aspects of these products. The aim is to continuously improve the functionality of industrial products and enhance the user experience through virtual reality integration.
The first chapter of the study addresses the research problem, which centers around exploring the technological influence of virtual reality used in industrial products and understanding the functionalities it brings to the design process. Virtual reality technology facilitates th

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment the Relation between Breast Cancer and Blood Group
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Objectives: To assess the relation between breast cancer & blood groups, identify the importance of women
age group and the relation of age with breast cancer.
Methodology: The study was performed on (115) women who were diagnosed with breast cancer in different
stages of disease and different ages. Blood samples were taken from them to demonstrate their blood groups and
(20) fresh tumor tissue samples were obtained; the tumor tissue used as a source of lectin for hemagglutinate
with erythrocyte of different blood groups. The study conducted at Baghdad Teaching Hospital and Radiation &
Nuclear Medicine Hospital from January, 2007 through June 2007.
Results: The study shows that the highest percentage of women

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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Sculptural Formation in the Third Millennium: Styles and Trends
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The research studies the sculptural formation in the third millennium: styles and trends, by taking the most important results of sculpture in the third millennium. The problem of the research is to search for the new sculptural formation in what it constitutes of social and human importance, and what are the important factors in forming the   contemporary sculptural structure, and what is the mechanism of showing and producing the new formation. The research requires the study of the most important thing that the (sculptural formation in the third millennium styles and trends) represents. The importance of research depends on the importance of the sculptural formation after the twentieth century and the importance that the for

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