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Cowboy as a Symbol of Individualism: A Pragmatic Analysis of Red Dead Redemption 2
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As cultures are mainly divided into collectivistic and individualistic, members tend to emphasize, through communication, either their position as part of their group or their independence from the group. This emphasis is manifested in using the pragmatic concepts of positive politeness and negative politeness. The present study looks into the reflection of these two cultures in Rockstar’s renowned video game, Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018). It aims at identifying the two cultures as present in the game and showing their significance to its narrative. It fills the gap in the studies of language used within video games as well as its cultural reflections. The study addresses the following question: What are the positive and negative politeness strategies used in Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018), and what are the implications of using these strategies in its narrative? By adopting Brown and Levinson’s (1987) politeness theory, the researcher analyzed the positive and negative politeness used in the scripted dialogue of the in-game cutscenes through the mixed methods approach. The researcher hypothesized that the protagonist shows adherence to a collectivistic culture using positive politeness, and he begins transitioning towards an individualistic culture using negative politeness. The results showed that 75% of the protagonist’s interactions contained positive politeness while only 25% contained negative politeness. This transition explains the protagonist’s loss of trust and loyalty to his group as he begins to witness the futility of maintaining such loyalty. It also supports the overall narrative of the game as well as its cultural foundations.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Basic Science
Loss in the Translation of Colour Euphemstic Expressions in the Qur’an: A Pragmatic Analysis
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Politeness: A Socio- Pragmatic Study
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The most influential theory of ‘Politeness’ was formulated in 1978 and revised in 1987 by Brown and Levinson. ‘Politeness’, which represents the interlocutors’ desire to be pleasant to each other through a positive manner of addressing, was claimed to be a universal phenomenon. The gist of the theory is the intention to mitigate ‘Face’ threats carried by certain ‘Face’ threatening acts towards others.

            ‘Politeness Theory’ is based on the concept that interlocutors have ‘Face’ (i.e., self and public – image) which they consciously project, try to protect and to preserve. The theory holds that various politeness strategies are used to prot

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Pragmatic Analysis of Implied Meaning in Selected Poems by T.S. Eliot and Al-Sayyab
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In addition to its basic communicative function, language can be used to imply information that is not actually stated, i.e. addressers do not always state exactly (or directly) what they mean. Such instances fall within the domain of pragmatics in that they have to do with how addressers use language to communicate in a particular situation by implication rather than by direct statement. The researcher attempts to demonstrate that the beauty and the multiple layers of meaning in poetry can be better explored if the addressee looks at the lines from a pragmatic perspective in search for implied meaning. There are many devices that can convey implied meaning in poetry, among which are 'rhetorical', 'figurative' or 'literary' devices. But

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
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Chemical Papers
Nile red based dye D–π–A as a promising material for solar cell applications
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A recently reported Nile red (NR) dye conjugated with benzothiadiazole species paves the way for the development of novel organic-based sensitizers used in solar cells whose structures are susceptible to modifications. Thus, six novel NR structures were derived from two previously developed structures in laboratories. In this study, density functional theory (DFT) calculations and time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT) were used to determine the optoelectronic properties of the NR-derived moieties such as absorption spectra. Various linkers were investigated in an attempt to understand the impact of π-linkers on the optoelectronic properties. According to the findings, the presence of furan species led to the planarity of the molecule and a reduction

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
A Socio-Pragmatic Analysis of Responses to Impoliteness in some Selected English and Arabic Literary Texts
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2023
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Welcome To International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences & Humanities
A Pragmatic Study of Hedging in Academic Discourse
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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities (IJRSSH). It is an international refereed journal of Social Sciences, Humanities & Linguistics in English published quarterly, both print and online.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 18 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fast Text Analysis Using Symbol Enumeration and Hashing Methodology
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This paper is focusing on reducing the time for text processing operations by taking the advantage of enumerating each string using the multi hashing methodology. Text analysis is an important subject for any system that deals with strings (sequences of characters from an alphabet) and text processing (e.g., word-processor, text editor and other text manipulation systems). Many problems have been arisen when dealing with string operations which consist of an unfixed number of characters (e.g., the execution time); this due to the overhead embedded-operations (like, symbols matching and conversion operations). The execution time largely depends on the string characteristics; especially its length (i.e., the number of characters consisting

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Decisive Answers: A Pragmatic Linguistic Study
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The current research is concerned with studying the decisive answers which are considered quick and conclusive. These answers can effectively interrupt the opponent's argument and close the dialogue.This research is concentrated on deliberative methodology focusing on the decisive answer's activity and ending them through several completing and argument sides. This research consists of an introduction and three parts, the current introduction is focused the light on the concept of decisive answers and its uses in literature and the scarce of speech, and how to consider it with one dialogue description,that dialogue constitute by ? The first part is concerned with those answers through the deliberative methodology and classifying decisive

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Aggressive Language in Literature: A Pragmatic Approach
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Aggression is a negative form of an anti-social behavior. It is produced because of a particular reason, desire, want, need, or due to the psychological state of the aggressor. It injures others physically or psychologically. Aggressive behaviors in human interactions cause discomfort and disharmony among interlocutors. The paper aims to identify how aggressive language manifests itself in the data under scrutiny in terms of the pragmatic paradigm. Two British literary works are the data; namely, Look Back in Anger by John Osborne (1956), and The Birthday Party by Harold Pinter (1957). This paper endeavors to answer the question of how aggressive language is represented in literature pragmatically? It is hoped to be significant to

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 14 2020
Journal Name
The Fourth International Conference Of Linguistic Studies
A pragmatic study of refusals among Iraqi EFL learners
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The speech act of refusals has been studied widely either alone or in relation to such areas as apology, requests, promotion, and invitation. The present study aims to investigate the strategies employed by Iraqi females in refusing marriage proposals. It attempts to explore their preferences to respond directly or indirectly in relation to their ages and educational background of the parents. The sample of the study consists of 25 participants; they are learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) at the College of Education for Women/ University of Baghdad. The data are collected by using a discourse completion task (DCT) followed by a follow up interview. The researchers used a Google form shared via emails to get responses from the p

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