This work was included external morphological study of male Black veined white butterfly Aporiacrataegi L. 1758. The study involved morphological characters of many body regions, in addition the male genitalia. This morphological characters study supported by illustrations, it should be noted the work specimens were collected from northern Iraq.
The deficit budget, one of the results of increased public spending for their revenues due to the economic pressures imposed by the interest of the economies of those countries from the need to increase government spending in order to revitalize the national economy and accelerate economic growth rates and provide employment to the growing levels of unemployment in those countries opportunities and what is required to address the current debt crisis (borrowing), which has become a big burden on the governments and the need to move towards the application of austerity spending and tax increases, which inevitably forced those countries will be reflected reduced spending on basic aspects of life and their peoples, particularly earners
... Show MoreFive subsurface sections covering the entire length of the Jeribe Limestone Formation (Early Middle Miocene) were studied from four oilfields in northern Iraq. It is hoped to unravel this formation microfacies ; depositional environment; diagenetic attributes and their parental processes; and the relationship between these processes and the observed porosity patterns. The microfacies were found to include mudstone, wackestone, packstone, and grainstone, which have been deposited respectively in open platform, restricted platform, and edge platform which represent the lagoonal environment, while the deposits of the lower parts of the Jeribe formation especially in well Hamrin- 2 reflect a deeper fore slope environment. By using the lithofac
... Show MoreThe study aimed to describe the anatomical, histological, and histochemical structure of the proventriculuc of adult male Eurasian marsh harrier, Circus aeruginosus (Linnaeus, 1766) (Accipitriformes, Accipitridae). Six birds were used for this study. The histological sections of proventriculus were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid Schiff, and alcain blue. The proventriculus, representing the upper stomach, appeared as a conical structure with a thick wall connecting the caudal end of the thoracic esophagus to the gizzard. It had a light brown color. Microscopic examination revealed that the proventriculus wall consists of the outer tunica serosa, the tunica muscularis, tunica sub mucosa, and the inner tunica mucosa.
... Show MoreCalcareous nannofossils were documented from the upper part of the Cretaceous Balambo Formation in northern Iraq with the aim of determining an evidence for the Oceanic Anoxic Event. A detailed investigation of the calcareous nannofossils led to the identification of twenty-four species. Regarding these data, Discolithus litterarius (Górka, 1957) was identified at the studied interval with the age of Early Aptian.
Early Aptian assemblages are dominated by nannoconids that drop sharply within the D. litterarius nannofossil zone, which may be related to the nannoconid crisis recorded in the Early Aptian in the other parts of the world. This event is coincided by a decrease in CaCO3<
... Show MoreThis paper reviews the distribution range of wild goat Capra aegagrus (Erxleben, 1777) in Iraq with new sighting of very small herd of wild goat occur in Alqosh mountain, north of Nineveh province, where wild goat have a little informations on the distribution areas in Iraq according to the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).