This work was included external morphological study of male Black veined white butterfly Aporiacrataegi L. 1758. The study involved morphological characters of many body regions, in addition the male genitalia. This morphological characters study supported by illustrations, it should be noted the work specimens were collected from northern Iraq.
This work included external morphological study of horse fly Tabanus autumnalis L. 1761, which belongs to family Tabanidae order: Diptera. The study involved the most important taxonomic external characters of the: head, thorax, abdomen and their appendages which are: antenna, maxillary palp, wings, legs, spotting in coloring pattern of abdomen.
Three Spirurid nematodes: Amidostomoides acutum (Lundahl,1848) Seurat, 1918, Epomidiostomum uncinatum (Lundahl,1848) Seurat, 1918 and Tetrameres sp. Creplin,1846 were isolated from the stomach (provenrticulus and gizzard) of the shoveler Anas clypeata from central Iraq. A brief description, morphometric and meristic characters for the nematodes were provided.Incidence of the three nematodes discussed with pertinent literatures.
The study included the description of external body parts and the male genitalia for the male of rusty flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst,1797) and the studied was supported by illustrations
The present study attempts to identify some of the differences between the skull bones of two species Cyprinus carpio and Carassius carassius, which belong to the Cyprinidae family. The study is a taxonomic diagnostic study between the two species which are considered local fish abundant in the Iraqi aquatic environment
The present study introduces detailed description of Coenagrion lindenii (Selys, 1840). External morphological characters of the three body region were used included male genitalia. Such characters were supported by illustration. Date and place of collection were recorded. Both the genus and species are recorded recently to Iraq
This work included external morphological study of horse fly Tabanus nemoralis Meig. 1820, which belongs to family Tabanidae order: Diptera. The study involved the most important taxonomic external characters of the: head, thorax, abdomen and their appendages which are: antenna, maxillary palp, wings, legs, spotting in coloring pattern of abdomen
This work presents external morphological study of the leafhopper Empoasca decedens
Paoli, 1932 particularly male genitalia, which were dissected and illustrated.
The genus Empoasca Walsh (Typhlocybinae: Empoascini) contains small, slender, fragile
and generally green leafhoppers. The overall length ranges from 3-3.5 mm. Members of this
genus are charachterized by their uniformly green color, inner and outer apical cells of
forewing not attaining wing apex, second and third apical cells are sessile or triangular or
even short stalked, submarginal vein of hindwing extends around wing apex and turned
beneath costal margin, apical thirds of tibiae and tarsal segments including claws are
prominently green while other
External Morphologicalstudy of species DiplacodestrivialesRambure of family :
Libellulidae from suborder Anisoptera of the order Odonata which were collected from
Maisan Governorate 2010.
such study was included : Detailed description of most body parts (Head,
Thorax,Abdomen and their appendages), identification and recognition of species, study male
and female genitalia. The species Diplacodes Triviales Rambure was new record to Iraqi
fauna of Odonata.
Twenty-two of the Starling Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus, 1758 were collected in Baghdad city during the period from January to September, 2014, and examined for endoparasites. Ten (45.45%) were found infected with either the cestode Passerilepis crenata (Goeze, 1782) (31.81%) or the nematode Dispharynx nasuta (Rudolphi, 1819) (13.63 %). Morphometric and meristic features for these worms were expressed. D. nasuta is recorded here for the first time from S. vulgaris for Iraq.
External Morphological study of species Saprinus discoidalis of subfamily saprininae from family Histeridae of the order coleopteran. The specements of the present study were collected from Salahdin Governor-ate (Beigi &Balad) and Governorate during May 2012. The present study included detailed description of most body parts (Head, Thorax, Abdomen and their appendages) identification and recognition of species study male genitalia. The species Saprinus discoidalis LeConte is a new record to Iraqi fauna of Coleoptera.