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Dynamics Analysis of a Delayed Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Model in Humans
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Given that the Crimean and Congo hemorrhagic fever is one of the deadly viral diseases that occur seasonally due to the activity of the carrier “tick,” studying and developing a mathematical model simulating this illness are crucial. Due to the delay in the disease’s incubation time in the sick individual, the paper involved the development of a mathematical model modeling the transmission of the disease from the carrier to humans and its spread among them. The major objective is to comprehend the dynamics of illness transmission so that it may be controlled, as well as how time delay affects this. The discussion of every one of the solution’s qualitative attributes is included. According to the established basic reproduction number, the stability analysis of the endemic equilibrium point and the disease-free equilibrium point is examined for the presence or absence of delay. Hopf bifurcation’s triggering circumstance is identified. Using the center manifold theorem and the normal form, the direction and stability of the bifurcating Hopf bifurcation are explored. The next step is sensitivity analysis, which explains the set of control settings that have an impact on how the system behaves. Finally, to further comprehend the model’s dynamical behavior and validate the discovered analytical conclusions, numerical simulation has been used.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences
Assessment of Water Quality in Tigris River of AL-Kut City, Iraq by Using GIS
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The concerns about water contaminants affect most developing countries bypassing rivers over them. The issue is challenging to introduce water quality within the allowed limits for drinking, industrial and agricultural purposes. In the present study, physical-chemical parameters measurements of water samples taken from eleven stations were collected during six months in 2020 through flow path along the whole length of Tigris River inside AL Kut city (center of Wassit government) were investigated for six parameters are total hardness TH, hydrogen ion pH, biological oxygen demand BOD5, total dissolved solids TDS, nitrate NO3, and sulfate SO4. The water quality analysis results were compared with the maximum allowable limit concentrat

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Estimation of Heavy Metals Contamination in the Soil of Zaafaraniya City Using the Neural Network
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of the effect of some pregnancy parameters on Malon dialdehyde concentration in pregnant women
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The present study aimed to evaluate the concentration of Malon dialdehyde (MDA) in pregnant women during different stages of pregnancy (stage of pregnancy, abortion, contraceptives and parity number).The study included (120) blood samples from normal pregnant women in age of the procreating were subdivided into three trimesters of pregnancy (40/group), and (40) samples from non-pregnant women as a control group. The results showed a significant increase in MDA in three stages of pregnancy compared with the control group. The concentration of MDA increased significantly in pregnant women with multipregnancy when compared with pregnant women for the first time, and in pregnant women whom was using contraceptions compared with p

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Assessment of the Quality of Drinking Water for Plants in the Al-Karkh, Baghdad, Iraq
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     The study aims to assess some physical, chemical, and bacterial characteristics of two drinking water treatment plants of Al- Dora and Al-Qadisiya in the area of ​​Karkh, Baghdad, Iraq. The areas covered by each plants and these sites of areas selected as the nearest and the farthest point from plants, for winter and summer season. Some physicochemical parameters of water quality were taken in this study and these parameters were temperature water, pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, free residual chlorine, calcium, magnesium, nitrate, nitrite, sulphate and heavy metals (lead). In addition to four bacterial indicators of drinking water pollution (APC, Total Coliform, Fecal Coliform

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Employment of Literay Tradition In the Polemic Poems of Jarir , Al-Farazdaq and Al-Akhtal
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The present study is an academic attempt to show how the threeUmayyad poets ; Jarir ,
Al-Farazdaq and Al-Akhtal have skillfully employed old conventions and traditions in their
poetry to serve a dual purpose of making their ideas striking , memorable and compelling and
of reaching eminence as poets.
The primary aim of the poets has been to amuse , convince and influence the readers or
listeners of their poetry . as it were, a mirror image of the social , religious and historical
beliefs , values and customs which prevailed throughout the ages before the emergence.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Safety Profile of Single Daily Dose of Aminoglycosides in Comparison with Multiple Daily Dose
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To overcome  the  problems  which  associated  with  the standard  multiple  daily  doses (MDD)

of aminoglycosides (AGs) like high incidence of toxicity(nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity)(5-25%) and high cost, an alternative approach was developed which was single daily dose (SDD).This new regimen was designed to maximize bacterial killing by optimizing the peak concentration/minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC)ratio and to reduce the potential for toxicity. The study includes 75 patients selected randomly, 50 of them received SDD regimen of age range of 17-79 years and the remaining received MDD regimen of age range of 13-71 years. The study was designed to evaluate the safety of SDD regim

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 18 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Strategic dimensions of the Turkish role in the map of international and regional forces balances
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It is necessary to examine the nature of the Turkish position and what Turkey seeks to achieve at the international, regional and Iraqi levels. Or is this external role an expression of foreign policy and has not yet reached the level of maturity that reaches the stage of strategy? The answer to this question is the essence of research in the Turkish role. The answer to this question requires the realization of the elements and pillars that guarantee Turkey's continuity and survival. Continuity is a cornerstone of the strategy. The continuity of the role and its interaction with the event and the ability to employ multiple alternatives are what qualify the state to describe its politics. The external strategy has evolved into. In order t

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Advanced Technique of Rock Typing Characterization of Mishrif Formation, Amara Oil Field in Southern Iraq
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Reservoir rock typing integrates geological, petrophysical, seismic, and reservoir data to identify zones with similar storage and flow capacities. Therefore, three different methods to determine the type of reservoir rocks in the Mushrif Formation of the Amara oil field. The first method represents cluster analysis, a statistical method that classifies data points based on effective porosity, clay volume, and sonic transient time from well logs or core samples. The second method is the electrical rock type, which classifies reservoir rocks based on electrical resistivity. The permeability of rock types varies due to differences in pore geometry, mineral composition, and fluid saturation. Resistivity data are usually obtained from w

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 25 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Effect of Zinc drug on amino acid concentration in liver of white mice, Mus musculus
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Zinc is one of the essential trace elements, it plays a key role in many biochemical and functional processes. It is less harmful than many other minerals, in the case of exposure to high doses of zinc, poisoning occurs, and this poisoning may mostly result from the accidental ingestion of household products containing zinc or nutritional supplements, this study was conducted to find out the effects of zinc on the concentration of amino acid. A total of 30 adult white mouse males were taken and divided into three groups; the first group (control) of 10 mice taken with distilled water for 30 days, the second group includes 10 mice that were dose with Zn drug concentration of 50 mg/kg/day for 30 days, the third group includes 10 mice that wer

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 25 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Effect of Hydroxychloroquine Drugs on Amino Acids in the Kidneys of White Mice (Mus musculas)
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Hydroxychloroquine (HQC) and chloroquine drugs belong to a class of drugs known as 4-aminoquinoline, its structure weak bases due to the presence of the essential side chain, and this chain contributes to the accumulation of drugs in the intracellular parts. A 21 mice were taken and divided into three groups, the first group (A) was the control group that administered oral distilled water for 30 days, and the second group (B) treated group that was dose with 15 mg/kg/day of drug for 30 days, and the third group (C) was the treated group by injected drug with a concentration of 30 mg/kg/day for 30 days also. The result of amino acids studied in the kidney of adult white mice (Mus musculus) showed the presence of (18) amino acid represented:

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