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Enhancing Drilling Parameters in Majnoon Oilfield
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The objective of drilling parameters optimization in Majnoon oilfield is to arrive for a methodology that considers the past drilling data for five directional wells at 35 degree of inclination as a baseline for new wells to be drilled. Also, to predicts drilling performance by selecting the applied drilling parameters generated the highest rate of penetration (ROP) at each section. The focal point of the optimization process is to reduce drilling time and associated cost per each well. The results of this study show that the maximum ROP could not be achieved without sufficient flow rate to cool and clean the bit in clay intervals (36" and 24") hole sections. Although the influence of combination of Weight on Bit (WOB), Round per minute (RPM), and hydraulic horsepower on the bit in (16", 12 1/4" and 8 1/2") hole sections is a key to reduce drilling time, therefore, the drilling parameters produced the fastest ROP per each section was considered as optimum parameters likely to apply for the future wells.

Publication Date
Sun Sep 19 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Enhancing the Rheological Properties of Water-Based Drilling Fluid by Utilizing of Environmentally-Friendly Materials
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Recently, many materials have shown that they can be used as alternatives to chemicals materials in order to be used to improve the properties of drilling fluids. Some of these materials are banana peels and corn cobs which both are considered environmentally- friendly materials. The results of the X-ray diffraction examination have proved that the main components of these materials are cellulose and hemicellulose, which contribute greatly to the increasing of the effectiveness of these two materials. Due to their distinct composition, these two materials have improved the rheological properties (plastic viscosity and yield point) and reduced the filtration of the drilling fluids to a large extent. The addition rates used for each o

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 12 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination of Optimum Mechanical Drilling Parameters for an Iraqi Field with Regression Model
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Publication Date
Sat May 25 2024
Journal Name
Optical And Quantum Electronics
Enhancing plasma jet parameters control by external magnetic field strength variation
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Abstract This research scrutinizes the impact of external magnetic field strength variations on plasma jet parameters to enhance its performance and flexibility. Plasma jets are widely used for their high thermal and kinetic energy in both medical and industrial fields. The study employs optical emission spectroscopy to measure electron temperature, electron density, and plasma frequency in a plasma jet subjected to varying magnetic field strengths (25, 50, 100, 150, and 250 mT). The results indicate that a stronger magnetic field results in higher electron temperature (1.485 to 1.991 eV), electron density (5.405 × 1017 to 7.095 × 1017), and plasma frequency 7.382 × 1012 to 8.253 × 1012 Hz. As well as the research investigates the influ

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Correlation of Penetration Rate with Drilling Parameters For an Iraqi Field Using Mud Logging Data
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This paper provides an attempt for modeling rate of penetration (ROP) for an Iraqi oil field with aid of mud logging data. Data of Umm Radhuma formation was selected for this modeling. These data include weight on bit, rotary speed, flow rate and mud density. A statistical approach was applied on these data for improving rate of penetration modeling. As result, an empirical linear ROP model has been developed with good fitness when compared with actual data. Also, a nonlinear regression analysis of different forms was attempted, and the results showed that the power model has good predicting capability with respect to other forms.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Drilling Optimization by Using Advanced Drilling Techniques in Buzurgan Oil Field
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Efficient and cost-effective drilling of directional wells necessitates the implementation of best drilling practices and advanced techniques to optimize drilling operations. Failure to adequately consider drilling risks can result in inefficient drilling operations and non-productive time (NPT). Although advanced drilling techniques may be expensive, they offer promising technical solutions for mitigating drilling risks. This paper aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of advanced drilling techniques in mitigating risks and improving drilling operations when compared to conventional drilling techniques. Specifically, the advanced drilling techniques employed in Buzurgan Oil Field, including vertical drilling with mud motor, managed pres

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 02 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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The Middle Cenomanian-Early Turonian Mishrif Formation includes important carbonate reservoirs in Iraq and some other surrounding countries due to their high reservoir quality and wide geological extension. The 2D models of this study for facies, effective porosity and water saturation indicate the vertical and lateral heterogeneity of the Mishrif Formation reservoir properties in the Majnoon oil field. Construction of 2D reservoir model of the Mishrif Formation to explain the distribution of facies and petrophysical properties (effective porosity and water saturation) by using RockWorks software. The increase of effective porosity is attributed to the presence of shoal facies.The high water saturation is attributed to the existence of rest

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Reservoir units of Mishrif Formation in Majnoon Oil field, Southern Iraq
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The reservoir units of Mishrif Formation in Majnoon oil field were studied by using available wireline logs (gamma ray, porosity and resistivity) and facies that derived from core and cutting samples for three wells including Mj-1, Mj-15, and Mj-20. The reservoir properties were determined and interpreted by using IP software. The results showed that unit D have the best reservoir properties due to high effective porosity, low water saturation and very low volume of shale. Furthermore, a large part of this unit was deposited in shoal environment. The other reservoir units are then graded in reservoir properties including units B, A, F & E respectively, except unit C, which is considered as a cap unit, because it consists of rest

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Development of New Models to Determine the Rheological Parameters of Water-Based Drilling Fluid using Artificial Neural Networks
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It is well known that drilling fluid is a key parameter for optimizing drilling operations, cleaning the hole, and managing the rig hydraulics and margins of surge and swab pressures. Although the experimental works represent valid and reliable results, they are expensive and time consuming. In contrast, continuous and regular determination of the rheological fluid properties can perform its essential functions during good construction. The aim of this study is to develop empirical models to estimate the drilling mud rheological properties of water-based fluids with less need for lab measurements. This study provides two predictive techniques, multiple regression analysis and artificial neural networks, to determine the rheological

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
New Study of Mgo Nps in Drilling Fluid to Reduce Stick-Slip Vibration in Drilling System
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Stick-slip is kind of vibration which associated with drilling operation in around the bottom hole assembly (BHA) due to the small clearance between drill string & the open hole and due to the eccentric rotating of string. This research presents results of specific experimental study that was run by using two types of drilling mud (Fresh water Bentonite & Polymer), with/without Nanoparticle size materials of MgO in various ratios and computes the rheological properties of mud for each concentration [Yield point, plastic viscosity, Av, PH, filter loss (30 min), filter cake, Mud Cake Friction, Friction Factor]. These results then were used to find a clear effects of Nanoparticle drilling mud rheology on stick - slip strength by sev

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Certain Assessment of Using MWCNT Nps in Drilling Fluid to Mitigate Stick-Slip Problem during Drilling Operation System
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   Stick- slip is the continuous stopping& release of the Bit/BHA due to the irregular down-hole rotation prompted by the existing relationship between the friction torque and the torque applied from the surface to free the bit.

   Friction coefficient between BHA and wellbore is the main player of stick slip amount, which can be mitigated by support a good lubricators as additives in drilling mud.

   Mathematical (or empirical) solves should be done through adjusting all parameters which supposed to reduce stick- slip as low as possible using different models, one of the main parameters is drilling mud. As per Nanoparticles drilling fluid is a new technology that offers high performance

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