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In Vitro Comparative Assessment of the Effect of Gutta-Fusion Obturation on the Push Out Bond Strength of Three Types of Sealers
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Background: The bond strength of the root canal sealers to dentin is very important property for maintaining the integrity and the seal of root canal filling. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the push-out bond strength of root filled with total fill Bioceramic, AH Plus and Gutta-flow®2 sealers using GuttaFusion®obturation system versus single cone obturation technique. Materials and method: sixty of mandibular premolars teeth with straight roots were used in this study, these roots were instrumented using Reciproc system, instrumentation were done with copious irrigation of 3 mL 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl) during all the steps of preparation, and smear layer will be removed with 1 ml of 17% EDTA kept in the canal for 1 min, roots were randomly divided into two groups according to the obturation technique (thirty teeth for each group): Group I: Single Reciproc Gutta percha cone obturation technique, Group II: Gutta fusion obturation technique, then each group divided into three subgroup according to the type of sealer, AH subgroup: AH Plus sealer, BC subgroup: bioceramic sealer and GF subgroup: Gutta flow 2 sealer. The roots then stored in moist environment at 37°C for one week, the roots were embedded in clear acrylic resin and each root sectioned into three levels apical, middle and cervical. The bond strength was measured using computerized universal testing machine each section fixed in the machine so that the load applied from apical to cervical direction at 0.5mm/min. speed and the computer show the higher bond force before dislodgment of the filling material. These forces were divided by the surface area to obtain the bond strength in MPa. Results: Statistical analysis was performed and the result showed a highly significant differences between the three types of sealers when the same obturation technique were used, also there is highly significant differences between two groups with two different obturation technique. Conclusion: This study showed that the push out bond strength of AH plus sealer was higher than bioceramic sealer and Gutta flow 2 sealer respectively when the same obturation technique was used. The push out bond strength was affected by the obturation technique and Gutta fusion obturation technique showed higher bond strength than single cone obturation technique when the same type of sealer was used.

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Publication Date
Mon May 09 2022
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مجلة علوم ديالى
The expression of PmrA gene in Acinetobacter baumannii bacteria that is responsible for Colistin resistance
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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Joints are among the most widespread geologic structures as they are found in most each exposure of rock. They differ greatly in appearance, dimensions, and arrangement, besides they occur in quite different tectonic environments. This study is important because joints provide evidence on what kind of stress produced them (history of deformation) and also because they change the characteristics of the rocks in which they occur. The Measured data of joints from the studied area which are located in the high folded zone – Northeast of Iraq, were classified according to their relationship with the tectonic axes by projecting them stereographically using Schmidt net in GEOrient ver.9.5.0 software. The joint systems revealed the orientation of

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measurement and accounting disclosure of intellectual capital using accounting models in the Iraqi insurance company
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The research aims to shed light on the possibility of measuring the intellectual capital in the Iraqi insurance company using accounting models, as well as disclosing it in the financial statements of the company, where human capital was measured using the present value factor model for discounted future revenues and the intellectual value-added factor model for measuring structural capital It was also disclosed in the financial statements based on the theory of stakeholders. The research problem lies in the fact that the Iraqi insurance company does not carry out the process of measuring and disclosing the intellectual capital while it is considered an important source for the company’s progress in the labor market recently. T

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Morphological and Histological Study of The Fore Brain (Cerebrum) In Quail Coturnix coturnix (Linnaeus, 1758)
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The morphological and histological aspects of fore brain (Cerebrum) in quail (Coturnix coturnix) have been investigated, results of the present study revealed that the cerebrum in quail is large size triangular shape, its surface contains folds of shallow grooves.      Microscopical examination declears that cerebrum consists of two regions, the first represents pallium which includes the external corticoid area which consist of hyperpallium and the dorsolateral corticoid area, it consists of piriform cortex and hippocampal complex. The second region is the internal corticoid areas dorsal ventricular ridge which contains the mesopallium, nidopallium and archopallium. he large size pyramidal neurons appeared in the nidopall

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
The environmental planning vision for development of human settlements in marshes by using GIS techniques
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Abstract<p>Marshlands environment in southern Iraq is unique and is considered a habitat of thousands of migratory birds as shelter and a source of livelihood for thousands of people living there. Its environment is characterized by a fragile ecosystem that requires great care and effort to achieve the greatest possible balance and parallelism of development, which necessarily require careful environmental planning that accurately regulates the resources of the environment and therefore, planned the best way to use them. The idea of research for creating the spatial organization of the development of the human settlements and taking into account the environmental aspect by thinking for the plann</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 11 2018
Journal Name
Acta Neuropathologica Communications
Zidovudine ameliorates pathology in the mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy via P2RX7 purinoceptor antagonism
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
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Methods for simultaneous detection of the cyanotoxins BMAA, DABA, and anatoxin-a in environmental samples
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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The effectiveness of balance in building formal relationships for media evidence: ساهرة عبد الواحد حسن
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The media guide is a small-sized printed medium, whose importance is highlighted through the specific information it carriesThe task of the guide lies in the clarity of these indications and making a positive impact on the recipient with understanding so it is a means for the purpose of reaching the effect and effectiveness of the message symbols from the movements of lines in which elements that are supposed to be equal in the performance of their functions and the purpose of their existence gather to achieve the mental response of perception, understanding and enjoyment. It must be in an objective unity based on the balance in this distribution. To form a formal organizational unit and an integrated system, the result of which is to gi

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
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Background: Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is the result of aninitial episode of acute otitis media and is characterized by a persistent discharge from the middle ear through a tympanic perforation for at least 2 weeks duration. It is an important cause of preventable hearing loss, particularly in the developing world.Methods. 1. To get an overview on the bacterial ear infection profile in general 2. To assess the antibiotic resistance of Pseudomonal infection (PS) particularly since it is usually the commonest infection to cause otitis media and the most difficult to treat due to the problem of multi drug resistance... A cross sectional study was done which included 405 patient of CSOM patients196 (48%) case were males ,209 (52

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 29 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Biological versus Topological Domains in Improving the Reliability of Evolutionary-Based Protein Complex Detection Algorithms
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     By definition, the detection of protein complexes that form protein-protein interaction networks (PPINs) is an NP-hard problem. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs), as global search methods, are proven in the literature to be more successful than greedy methods in detecting protein complexes. However, the design of most of these EA-based approaches relies on the topological information of the proteins in the PPIN. Biological information, as a key resource for molecular profiles, on the other hand, acquired a little interest in the design of the components in these EA-based methods. The main aim of this paper is to redesign two operators in the EA based on the functional domain rather than the graph topological domain. The perturb

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