لقد لاقت مواضيع استعمال التحليل الاحصاء المالي رواجاً كبيراً في الآونة الأخيرة سواء على مستوى الافراد والشركات العامة والخاصة مروراً بأسواق الاسهم والاوراق المالية (البورصات) وصولاً الى اقتصاديات الدول والبلدان. وذلك بعد وصول الباحثين والدارسين للظواهر الاقتصادية والمالية بكل أنماطها الى إدراك أهمية التحليل الكميّ عموماً والتحليل الاحصائي على وجه الخصوص، مما دفعنا لتأليف الطبعة الأولى من هذا الكتاب بالعنوان نفسه، والذي أثار إهتماماً وتشجيعاً من غالبية المهتمين بشأن التحليل الكمي في القطاع المالي من الأكادميين (أساتذة وطلبة) ومحللّي المال والأعمال من الأقتصادين والمحاسبيين ومديري الأعمال. وهنا دعت الحاجة الى تلبية طلب الشرائح المذكور آنفاً والمعنية بهذا الكتاب وذلك عبر أصدار طبعة ثـانــيــة (مزيدة ومنقحة) لهذا الكتاب كمنهج علمي يساعد في الوصف والتحليل ومن ثم التنبؤ. ليكون أحد المراجع في المكتبة العربية والتي تبقى بحاجة ماسّة إلى مثل هكذا مرجع، ولحرص الجامعات على تبنّي الإحصاء المالي ضمن خططها التدريسية لتخصصات العلوم المالية والمصرفية. حاولنا من خلال هذه الطبعة الثانية للكتاب أن نغطي الجزء الأكبر من التنقيحات والتعديلات وأضافة بعض المفردات والأمثلة والتمارين في هذا المضمار من خلال سبع فصول.
The financial analysis of the published financial statements is the means that enables businessmen, financial institutions, financial analysts and others to conduct their studies and conclusions to obtain information that helps them in the decision-making process, including decisions related to investment. National in making the decision on the investment activity, for the period from 2012 to 2018, through the information provided by the annual financial statements, by selecting a set of indicators provided by the financial statements, namely (liquidity ratio, activity percentage, profitability ratios) to measure the extent of this ability Indicators in determining their role in making an investment decision.
The responsibility of the Central Bank through the implementation of its monetary policy to maintain the integrity and stability of the financial system and the economic system, because any shock, whether internal or external, may endanger the financial system and instability, so the research sheds light on the effectiveness of monetary policy in maintaining financial stability, The most important conclusion is that there is an increase in capital, which gives banks the possibility to face the risks to which they are exposed, as well as a rise in the total bad debts, which weakens its financial position, which constitutes a decline in the financial stability of these banks.
Controlling public expenditures is one of the main objectives of the public budget. The public budget often suffers from a deficit, whether in developed or developing countries, because expenditures are usually greater than the revenues generated. This requires the existence of financial rules that are adhered to by the government, which in turn leads to discipline. Fiscal policy leads to a reduction in the obligations incumbent on the government. Adhering to the financial rules would correct the course of fiscal policy in Iraq, with the need to direct oil revenues in the years of financial abundance when global oil prices rise to sovereign funds similar to other rentier countries, which contributes to maintaining the stabi
... Show MoreThe banks mobilize savings and channel them to the economy, whether commercial or Islamic banks and thus both contribute to increasing financial depth, the objective of this paper is to measure the contribution of the Islamic banks in increase financial depth in Iraq, and compared the role played by private commercial banks in contributing to increasing financial depth in Iraq. The paper has been applying the most used indicators of financial depth that used widely in the literatures, especially those applicable with the Iraqi economy.
The paper found via using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) that Islamic banks did not contribute to increasing financial depth in Iraq, as well as for the p
... Show MoreThe aim of this research was to analyze the financial reporting requirements of segmental information that stipulated by the Iraqi accounting rules, investigating the extent of it compliance with the requirements of the International Financial Reporting Standard No.8 (IFRS 8) and the Statement of Financial Standards No.131 (SFAS 131). Also the research aimed to identify the segmental disclosure practices in listed corporations on Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX), basing on a hypotheses said that “the insufficient of Iraqi financial reporting requirements of segmental information affect<
... Show MoreAbstract
Nowadays, the adoption of economic unity on the accuracy of financial reporting is very important. Economic units need accurate financial reporting to be more competitive and to improve the performance. Management can also achieve financial information in real time through the application of ERP systems. This system will facilitate management to access the most up-to-date information such as planning, monitoring and evaluating the business processes of the organization to be more effective.
On the practical side, the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system was applied to the General Company for Vegetable Oils to demonstrate a course in enhancing the accuracy of financial reporting.
... Show Moreيهدف البحث الى دراسة تأثير مؤشرات الاستقرار المالي على قيمة اسهم القطاع المصرفي لسوق العراق للأوراق المالية ، اذ تعد مؤشرات الاستقرار المالي اداة مفيدة لفحص سلامة وصحة القطاع المصرفي , وكذلك اداء لقياس مؤشر الاستقرار المصرفي المتكون من اربع مؤشرات فرعية (مؤشر كفاية راس المال ، مؤشر جودة الموجودات ، مؤشر السيولة ، مؤشر الربحية) ومؤشر الاقتصاد الكلي ، ومؤشر سوق راس ، ومؤشر الدورة المالية للفترة (2015_2020) ، وتمثل ا
... Show MoreThe oil and gas production industry is considered the most important industries in the modern world because of its large relative significance among the group of energy recourses required for the world, where the natural resources represent the oil and natural gas fields, phosphate, gold, coal, forests and others. The most important advantage of the natural resources is its need for huge financial investments for a relatively long period of time from the beginning of the work until the start of extracting natural resources. Also, there are numerous cases where the natural source is not feasible exploited economically and is not discovered until after the passage of a long period of time from the start of work and paying relatively high a
... Show MoreThe kinds of financial and administrational corruption have an important
dimensions and affects on human rights because of all events which happened in the world
made tackles concerning with this phenomena.
This article has been researched about an impacts of it to the nature of structural
social system especially its scopes items in institutionally and politically and economically
and culturally to be an obvious in all fields.
This phenomena should be studied carefully in order to put all remedies required
for set up with measures and procedures such as following :
1-the dependency on respecting all laws in the country.
2-the work with principles of accountability transparency in pro-active cooperation level.<
Accountancy unit is looked is upon as unit that established for the purpose achieve it goals and programmers for unlimited time. Unless otherwise take place such as liquation whether voluntary or mandatory. Thus going concern logic is considered to be the logical foundation witch the familiar accounting principles are based upon. The future of a Company real its financial statues and position and the extent of it ability to face events in future. Hence the success and continuity its activities depend on the extent of the company activity to generate profits. And its ability to retain appropriate liquidity to serve its debts.
Therefore financial statements of the company consider to be on
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