A fast moving infrared excess source (G2) which is widely interpreted as a core-less gas and dust cloud approaches Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) on a presumably elliptical orbit. VLT
This study is the first investigation in Iraq dealing with genotyping of
This assay rapidly detects chlorpromazine hydrochloride using its ability to reduce gold ions to form nanoparticles. Its low cost, resilience to interferences and short analysis time could facilitate environmental monitoring and biomedical analysis.
This assay rapidly detects chlorpromazine hydrochloride using its ability to reduce gold ions to form nanoparticles. Its low cost, resilience to interferences and short analysis time could facilitate environmental monitoring and biomedical analysis.
The Catharanthus roseus plant was extracted and converted to nanoparticles in this work. The Soxhlet method extracted alkaloid compounds from the plant Catharanthus roseus and converted them to the nanoscale. Chitosan polymer was used as a linking material and converted to Chitosan nanoparticles using Sodium TriPolyPhosphate (STPP). The extracted alkaloids were linked with Chitosan nanoparticles CSNPs by maleic anhydride to get the final product (CSNPs- Linker- alkaloids). The synthesized (CSNPs- Linker- alkaloids) was characterized using SEM spectroscopy UV–Vis., Zeta Potential, and HPLC High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis shows that the Chitosan nanoparticles (CSNPs) have small dim
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