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A Training Program According to Interactive Teaching Strategies and its Impact on Achievement and Creative Problem Solving for Fourth-Grade Preparatory Students in Chemistry

The aim of the research is to know the effect of a training program based on interactive teaching strategies on achievement and creative problem solving among fourth-grade students in chemistry of the directorate of education Rusafa first, the sample was divided into two groups, one experimental and numbering (29) students and the other control group numbering (30) students. The experimental group underwent the training program in the first semester of the year (2021-2022) and the control one studied according to the usual method. Two tools were built, the first being an academic achievement test consisting of (40) multiple-choice items, and the second a test of creative problem-solving skills in a chemistry subject and consisting of (10) essay questions. The results, using the t-test for two independent samples, showed that there was a statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) in favor of the average scores of the students who were applied to the training program which based on interactive teaching strategies.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Investigating Difficulties Faced by Iraqi EFL Learners in Identifying the Illocutionary Force of the Reduplicative Words

A reduplicative word is an important phenomenon in all language studies because it reflects many functions in language communication such as plurality, emphasis, contrast, imitation.  The various instances of reduplicative words in a particular language reflect the richness and uniqueness of that language. Moreover, such variation gives insights into both culture and thought. A reduplicative word is a linguistic phenomenon found in the syntactic, morphological, phonological and semantic levels. The current study aims at investigating the illocutionary force of English reduplicative words in some selected English colloquial utterances. To achieve this aim, an analytical -pragmatic approach has been used by adopting Searle’s (1979)

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of the cleaning efficiency of the isthmus using different rotary instrumentation techniques (In vitro study)

Background: The aims of the study were to evaluate the unclean/clean root canal surface areas with a histopathological cross section view of the root canal and the isthmus and to evaluate the efficiency of instrumentation to the isthmus using different rotary instrumentation techniques. Materials and Methods:The mesial roots of thirty human mandibular molars were divided into six groups, each group was composed of five roots (10 root canals)which prepared and irrigated as: Group one A: Protaper system to size F2 and hypodermic syringe, Group one B: Protaper system to size F2 and endoactivator system, Group two A:Wave One small then primary file and hypodermic syringe, Group two B:Wave One small then primary file and endoactivator system, Gr

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of the Project Overhead Costs in Iraqi Construction Industry using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP)

This research investigated the importance and priorities of the project overhead costs in Iraq via a questionnaire using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process technique (FAHP). Using this technique is very important in the uncertain circumstances as in our country. The researcher reached to frame an equation through the results of the priorities of weights include the percentages of each of the main items of the project overhead costs. The researcher tested this equation by applying it to one of the completed projects and the results showed suitability for the application. The percentages of the (salaries, grants, and incentives) and (fieldwork requirements) in equation represent approximately two-thirds of project overhe

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation of Trace Elements in Iraqi Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS)

Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Magnesium, Manganese, Chromium, Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, Vanadium and Germanium were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) in blood serum of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, (30) patients (14male and 16female) with age range (37-60) years compared with normal tensive control. The analysis of results showed that the mean value of concentration (Magnesium,  Manganese and Nickel) were significantly higher in patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared to that of healthy, while the mean levels of serum (Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Chromium, Iron, Cobalt and Germanium) were significantly lower than controls. There were no significant changes in overall mean concentration of serum Vanadium in patients

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Revue Africaine D'études Juridiques Et Politiques
Civil Liability of Hotels Towards the Victims of the Terrorist Operations that Take Place in Them

At a time when any tourist in the world wants a trip to reload his energy and enjoy peace and quiet and engage in adventures in a safe environment, terrorism comes to disturb him on that journey through operations aimed at the tourist and entertainment destinations, such as shops, restaurants, cafes and hotels Is the orbit of research) for many reasons. The security measures taken by hotels play an important and fundamental role in preventing or limiting these terrorist operations. At the same time, while some hotel administrations are constantly seeking to improve these measures to preserve the safety of their guests and visitors, In spite of the high number of attacks on hotels since 2001 and today. This research is intended to highlight

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Hematology
Comparison of circulating matrix metalloproteinase-2 levels in untreated acute myeloid leukemia patients with remission status

The study aimed to evaluate the level of MMP‑2 in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients in comparison with that in remission status, and healthy subjects, and to find its correlation with hematologic parameters. This study included sixty newly diagnosed AML patients. Remission status was assessed after induction chemotherapy. The overall survival (OS) was determined after 6 months. The plasma MMP‑2 level was measured at diagnosis by enzyme immunoassay. Twenty‑eight healthy individuals were recruited as a control group. Plasma MMP‑2 was higher in AML patients than in healthy individuals (P = 0.005). The level of MMP‑2 was much higher in the M5 subtype than in the other subtypes (P = 0.0001). There was no statistically significant d

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2005
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Stimulation of Phagocytic Activity of Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes in Vitro Using 10 mW He-Ne Laser.

Stimulative effect of 10 mW He-Ne laser on the phagocytic activity of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes( PMNs) has been studied in vitro. Normal polymorphonuclear leucocytes were isolated from the human peripheral blood. A mixture of 0.25 ml of Hanks solution, 0.25 ml of serum, 0.25 ml of Candida albicans suspension and 0.25 ml of PMNs suspension was prepared. The samples of mixture of PMNs and Candida were subdivided in 1 ml ependrof tubes and irradiated to He-Ne laser for 1, 3, 5, 10 and 20 min. The diameter of the irradiated area was 0.8 cm. For calculation of Phagocytic index before and after irradiation, the samples were incubated (37°C) at 5, 15, 30, 60 min. The slides of samples were prepared and stained using Giemsa stain. The

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effects of Vitamin D as Immune-Modulatory Agent in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients

  This study was designed to show the roles of vitamin D as immune-modulatory agent in serum type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients collected from type II Diabetes Mellitus and controls. They have been classified into two groups as the following: 1) Patients of type II DM group includes (20) individuals from both sexes with age range (35–65) years. 2) Control group: includes (20) healthy individuals from both sexes, with age range (30 – 45) years and no previous disease which may interfere with the parameters analyzed in this research. All the blood samples were analyzed for vitamin D3, albumin, C- reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA),  α1- antitrypsin and to

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring The Level of Complexity In The Process University – Case Study At The Southern Technical University.

    Complexity is the inherent characteristic of contemporary organizations. It is characterized by the intertwining and expansion of its relations, by the severe disorder and rapid change in its environment, which makes it suffer from a state of uncertainty in determining the direction of its future or the assessment of the rules governing its paths. All organizations tend to evolve with increasing sophistication, And to take measures that contribute to the simplification of the system as it moves towards complexity, allowing the administration to easily control its movement and directions, and the problem of complexity in the university is based on the entanglement and overlap in the goals and processes betwe

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2004
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
NEW RECORD OF SOME BIOLOGICAL ENEMIES OF CITRUS LEAFMINER Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillaridae) IN IRAQ

An extensive survey of citrus leaf miner (CLM) , Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton parasites
and predators was conducted during 1998 and 1999 in citrus orchards and nursuries in
Baghdad, Diyala and Wasit .Five eulophid parasites were recorded for the first time on citrus
leaf miner larvae , prepupae and pupae viz. Cirrospilus sp, Pnigalio sp ., Ratzburgiola
incompleta , Tetrasticus sp. and, Neochrysocharis formosa . Parasitism rate was ranged from
15% to 63% Chrysopa carnea , Orius albidipennis , Amblyseius sp . Were observed as
predators on CLM .

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