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Parallelizing RSA Algorithm on Multicore CPU and GPU
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Microbiological Examination of some ImportedCanned and Frozen Foods
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A number of juices, jams, canned foods and frozen fishes available in local markets were inspected with respect to microbial contamination. We have determined the total viable bacterial cell counts in these samples and the number of g(-) lactose fermentors as a bacterial indicator of food spoilage. The results indicated that most of the food items inspected, were contaminated with large numbers of different species of g(-) ,g(+), yeast and fungi and some were contained more than the maximum permissible number of pathogenic g(-) enteric E-coli, which render these food items unsafe for human consumption.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hypercyclictty and Countable Hypercyclicity for Adjoint of Operators
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Let be an infinite dimensional separable complex Hilbert space and let , where is the Banach algebra of all bounded linear operators on . In this paper we prove the following results. If is a operator, then 1. is a hypercyclic operator if and only if D and for every hyperinvariant subspace of . 2. If is a pure, then is a countably hypercyclic operator if and only if and for every hyperinvariant subspace of . 3. has a bounded set with dense orbit if and only if for every hyperinvariant subspace of , .

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
ascetic And the pleasures of the worldly life
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Because asceticism has a great impact on educating the human soul properly, according to what was mentioned in the Book and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and keeping it away from vices and what is devolving into it, and this world and its adornments keep the Muslim away from virtues and work with them in order to reach the Hereafter in which is the eternal bliss that God, peace be upon him, has prepared for the obedient. The two pious obedient ones. And because of the impact of this topic on the Islamic community and adorn it with good qualities. Likewise, I saw many Muslims who do not prefer the life of this world over the hereafter, and they began to fight over the world and enjoy its adornments, and they took pride in money, building, an

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Graphic Novels : A Privilege For Teachers and Students
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There are many ways to communicate a story, one can tell it, sing it, act it, write it, film it and can draw it. Each form of storytelling has its unique characteristics that separate it from the other forms. These distinguishing characteristics of each form does not indicate the superiority of one form over the other, on the contrary, it indicates the human ability to be creative on many levels. As students of literature, only the written form of a story is taken into account. One reason for the negligence of other forms of storytelling might be that singing and filming a story is not related to literature. But there has been a form of storytelling that uses words along with pictures which eventually became a genre of novels called grap

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
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Technical features of the Islamic and Chinese ceramics
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Eat this research study features Technical Ceramics Islamic and Chinese The study of four chapters , such as the first chapter the general framework for research and containing the problem that put the following question: Mamdy effect features art on porcelain Islamic and Chinese ) , and whether there are dimensions of the aesthetic , intellectual and ideological in porcelain Islamic and Chinese with lies the importance of research in the promise of a qualitative study and add a scientific theme features art in porcelain Islamic and China , and the objectives of this study One was in the detection of features technical Ceramics Islamic and Chinese study examined the length of time the ninth century AD , and the tenth century AD , and in

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
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Medea Euripides between text and contemporary theatrical presentation
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It is not available for us to go back in time and see plays old and it plays giants tragedy ancient Greek (Aeschylus, Sofokls, and yourbedes) through the eyes of a generation ago, and if we were able to go back to Ntegathm play it is certain that we will not taste or Nstassig for much of what we see from these offers will not afford the traditional religious rituals, which was accompanied also dance and music in the style of ancient Greek play was representing a large part of the theater see manifestations Can our eyes and ears we twentieth century audience to accept those appearances, and it was then?
Inevitably it will look like a museum bycollection not only. So we find ourselves in the light of the foregoing forced When you do rem

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
C3 and C4 complement components in autoimmune hepatitis.
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Background: . Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is an unresolving inflammation of the liver of unknown cause associated with interface hepatitis on histological examination,hypergammaglobulinemia and presence of circulating autoantibodies. Antibody-mediated tissue injury might be responsible for tissue injury in AIH therefore; a number of studies have been focused on the complement system in these patients .
The aim of the study is to estimate the level of complement (C3 and C4) in different types of Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH).
Methods: The study M’as performed on 73 Iraqi patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), attending the teaching hospital for gastroenterology and liver disease in a period betM'een November 2003 and July 2004. : A

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison between Direct and Coherent Optical Communication System
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The work in this paper focuses on the system quality of direct and coherent communication system for two computers. A system quality is represented by Signal to Noise ratio (SNR) and Bit Error Rate (BER). First part of the work includes implementation of direct optical fiber communication system and measure the system quality .The second part of the work include implementation both the( homodyne and heterodyne)coherent optical fiber communication system and measure the system quality . Laser diode 1310 nm wavelength with its drive circuit used in the transmitter circuit . A single mode of 62.11 km optical fiber is selected as transmission medium . A PIN photo detector is used in the receiver circuit. The optical D-coupler was u

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
𝝎Mc –functions and 𝑵Mc-functions
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In this paper, we presented new types of Mc-function by using 𝜔-open and 𝑁-open sets some of them are weaker than Mc-function and some are stronger, which are 𝜔Mc-function, M𝜔c-function, 𝜔M𝜔c-function, 𝑁Mc-function, M𝑁c-function and 𝑁M𝑁c-function, also we submitted new kinds of continuous functions and compact functions and we illustrated the relationships between these types. The purpose of this paper is to expand the study of Mcfunction and to get results that we need to find the relationship with the types that have been introduced.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
New Media and Political Awareness among Young People
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This study seeks to answer urgent questions about the role of new media that have emerged recently, such as the Internet and social networking sites and information services through mobile and others to increase awareness among young people, especially university students. during a field study that took place on a sample of students in the Department of Media at the University of Petra Kingdom of Jordan during the second semester in 2013 in the study the researcher finds increased attention and follow-up by young people for many of the world events and regional and local communities through exposure to a number of new media; in the forefront of the Internet and increase the level of awareness and interests young people do many of the eve

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