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The Possibility of Minimizing Rutting Distress in Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course
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The excessive permanent deformation (rutting) in asphalt-concrete pavements resulting from frequent repetitions of heavy axle loads is studied in this paper. Rutting gradually develops with additional load applications and appears as longitudinal depressions in the wheel path. There are many causes of the rutting of asphalt roads, such as poor asphalt mixing and poor continuous aggregate gradation. All factors affecting the mixture resistance to permanent deformation must be discussed, and all must be properly considered to reduce the rutting propensity of asphalt-aggregate mixtures. In this study, several mixtures were produced with the most common techniques in rutting resistance (using the most effective additives for each mixture), and their performance was compared with the (conventional) mixture currently used in Iraq. The tests focused on the asphalt-concrete mixture for wearing courses. Different mixtures types were tried, namely, dense hot asphalt mixture (HMA) with two different asphalt contents (4.7% and 5.3%), Open-Grade Friction Course (OGFC) mixture, Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) mixture, and Beton Bitumineux a Module Eleve (BBME). The modifiers included natural Sisal Fibers (SFs), Carbon Fibers (CFs), and mineral filler (hydrated lime, HL). Marshall test was carried out to find stability and flow values. Rutting was evaluated by the repeated load test for cylindrical specimens under two temperatures (40°C and 60°C) to obtain the permanent deformation parameters. The parameters were used as input to the VESYS 5W software to evaluate the rut depth during different times of design life under 7×10^6 Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESALs). The results of the selected mixtures were compared with the mixture designed in the laboratory dense gradation mix Job-Mix Formula (JMF)) within the limits of the Iraqi specification (SCRB,2003). Manipulation of the aggregate gradation that is customary in the implementation of the local mixture showed that the best performance regarding rutting resistance was exhibited by JMF, which decreased the rut depth at 40°C and 60°C by 21.63mm and 44.304mm respectively, in comparison with the conventional mixture. Changing the aggregate gradation of the local mixture gives better performance in rutting resistance without additives or changing the percentage of asphalt, at the same cost.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 27 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessing the Marshall Properties of Porous Asphalt Concrete
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Porous asphalt paving is a modern design method that differs from the usual asphalt pavements' traditional designs. The difference is that the design structure of porous pavements allows the free passage of fluids through their layers, which controls or reduces the amount of runoff or water accumulated in the area by allowing the flow of rain and surface runoff.  The cross-structure of this type of paving works as a suitable method for managing rainwater and representing groundwater recharge. The overall benefits of porous asphalt pavements include environmental services and safety features, including controlling the build-up of contaminated metals on the road surface, rainwater management, resistance to slipping ac

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 02 2024
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Contributory Factors related to the Tensile Strength of Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete
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Tensile strength is a critical property of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) pavements and is closely related to distresses such as fatigue cracking. This study aims to evaluate methods for assessing fatigue cracking in Asphalt Concrete (AC) mixes. In order to achieve optimum density at different binder contents, the mixes were compressed using a gyratory compactor. Tensile strength was assessed using the Indirect Tensile (IDT) and Semi-Circular Bend (SCB) tests. The results showed that the tensile strength measured by the SCB test was consistently higher than that measured by the IDT test at 25 °C. In addition, the SCB test showed a stronger correlation between increasing binder content and tensile strength. For binder contents ranging from 4

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Ain Shams Engineering Journal
Neural network modeling of rutting performance for sustainable asphalt mixtures modified by industrial waste alumina
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Publication Date
Fri May 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Moisture Damage of Warm Mix Asphalt Concrete
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Implementation of Warm Mix Asphalt concrete (WMA) is getting global acceptance due to the restrictions for protecting the environment and the requirements to reduce fuel consumption. In this investigation, two WMA mixtures have been prepared in the laboratory using medium curing cutback (MC-30) and Cationic emulsion asphalt. Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) was also prepared for comparison. The cylinder specimens (63.5mm) in height and (101.6mm) in diameter were constructed from the mixtures and subjected to indirect tensile strength test to determine the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR). The cylinder specimens of (101.6mm) in height and (101.6mm) in diameter were also constructed from those mixtures and subjected to static compressive

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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessing Asphalt and Concrete Pavement Surface Texture in the Field
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The incorporation of safety characteristics into the traditional pavement structural design or in the functional evaluation of pavement condition has not been established yet. The design has focused on the structural capacity of the roadway so that the pavement can withstand specific level of repetitive loading over the design life. On the other hand, the surface texture condition was neither included in the AASHTO design procedure nor in the present serviceability index measurements.

The pavement surface course should provide adequate levels of friction and ride quality and maintain low levels of noise and roughness. Many transportation departments perform routine skid resistant testing, the type of equipment us

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Publication Date
Sun May 22 2022
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Size Effect of Hydrated Lime on the Mechanical Performance of Asphalt Concrete
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Despite widespread agreement on the beneficial nature of hydrated lime (HL) addition to asphalt concrete mixes, understanding of the effect of HL particle size is still limited. Previous investigations have focused mainly on two different size comparisons, and so certain guidance for a practical application cannot yet be produced. This study investigates three distinct sizes of HL, in the range of regular, nano, and sub-nano scales, for their effects on the properties of modified asphalt concretes. Five different percentages of HL as a partial replacement of ordinary limestone filler in asphalt concrete mixes were studied for wearing course application purposes. Experimental tests were conducted to evaluate the mechanical properties

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Equivalent Modulus of Asphalt Concrete Layers
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A flexible pavement structure usually comprises more than one asphalt layer, with varying thicknesses and properties, in order to carry the traffic smoothly and safely. It is easy to characterize each asphalt layer with different tests to give a full description of that layer; however, the performance of the whole; asphalt structure needs to be properly understood. Typically, pavement analysis is carried out using multi-layer linear elastic assumptions, via equations and computer programs such as KENPAVE, BISAR, etc. These types of analysis give the response parameters including stress, strain, and deflection at any point under the wheel load. This paper aims to estimate the equivalent Resilient Modulus (MR) of the asphalt concrete

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Advances In Civil Engineering
Equivalent Modulus of Asphalt Concrete Layers
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A flexible pavement structure usually comprises more than one asphalt layer, with varying thicknesses and properties, in order to carry the traffic smoothly and safely. It is easy to characterize each asphalt layer with different tests to give a full description of that layer; however, the performance of the whole; asphalt structure needs to be properly understood. Typically, pavement analysis is carried out using multi-layer linear elastic assumptions, via equations and computer programs such as KENPAVE, BISAR, etc. These types of analysis give the response parameters including stress, strain, and deflection at any point under the wheel load. This paper aims to estimate the equivalent Resilient Modulus (MR) of the asphalt concrete

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2022
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Rutting Prediction of Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures Modified by Nano silica and Subjected to Aging Process
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High-volume traffic with ultra-heavy axle loads combined with extremely hot weather conditions increases the propagation of rutting in flexible pavement road networks. Several studies suggested using nanomaterials in asphalt modification to delay the deterioration of asphalt pavement. The current work aims to improve the resistance of hot mix asphalt (HMA) to rutting by incorporating Nano Silica (NS) in specific concentrations. NS was blended into asphalt mixtures in concentrations of 2, 4, and 6% by weight of the binder. The behavior of asphalt mixtures subjected to aging was investigated at different stages (short-term and long-term aging). The performance characteristics of the asphalt mixtures were evaluated using the Marshall s

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Scientific Review Engineering And Environmental Sciences
Mesoscale modeling of fracture in cement and asphalt concrete
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In this paper, mesoscale modeling is performed to simulate and understand fracture behavior of two concrete composites: cement and asphalt concrete using disk-shaped compact tension (DCT) tests. Mesoscale models are used as alternative to macroscale models to obtain better realistic behavior of composite and heterogeneous materials such as cement and asphalt concrete. In mesoscale models, aggregate and matrix are represented as distinct materials and each material has its characteristic properties. Disk-shaped compact tension test is used to obtain tensile strength and fracture energy of materials. This test can be used as a better alternative to other tests such as three points bending tests because it is more convenient for both field and

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