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Flexible handover solution for vehicular ad-hoc networks based on software defined networking and fog computing
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<p>Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET) suffer from dynamic network environment and topological instability that caused by high mobility feature and varying vehicles density. Emerging 5G mobile technologies offer new opportunities to design improved VANET architecture for future intelligent transportation system. However, current software defined networking (SDN) based handover schemes face poor handover performance in VANET environment with notable issues in connection establishment and ongoing communication sessions. These poor connectivity and inflexibility challenges appear at high vehicles speed and high data rate services. Therefore, this paper proposes a flexible handover solution for VANET networks by integrating SDN and fog computing (FC) technologies. The SDN provides global knowledge, programmability and intelligence functions for simplified and efficient network operation and management. FC, on the other hand, alleviates the core network pressure by providing real time computation and transmission functionalities at edge network to maintain the demands of delay sensitive applications. The proposed solution overcomes frequent handover challenges and reduces the processing overhead at core network. Moreover, the simulation evaluation shows significant handover performance improvement of the proposed solution compared to current SDN based schemes, especially in terms of handover latency and packet loss ratio under various simulation environments.</p>

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Compression-based Data Reduction Technique for IoT Sensor Networks
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Energy savings are very common in IoT sensor networks because IoT sensor nodes operate with their own limited battery. The data transmission in the IoT sensor nodes is very costly and consume much of the energy while the energy usage for data processing is considerably lower. There are several energy-saving strategies and principles, mainly dedicated to reducing the transmission of data. Therefore, with minimizing data transfers in IoT sensor networks, can conserve a considerable amount of energy. In this research, a Compression-Based Data Reduction (CBDR) technique was suggested which works in the level of IoT sensor nodes. The CBDR includes two stages of compression, a lossy SAX Quantization stage which reduces the dynamic range of the

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
2018 2nd Ieee Advanced Information Management,communicates,electronic And Automation Control Conference (imcec)
Hybrid Regressor and Approximation-Based Adaptive Control of Piezoelectric Flexible Beams
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Publication Date
Sat Aug 25 2012
Journal Name
Wireless Personal Communications
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition for Energy Efficient Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Electronic System Based on Cloud Computing to Develop Electronic Tasks for Students of the University of Mosul
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The present research aims to design an electronic system based on cloud computing to develop electronic tasks for students of the University of Mosul. Achieving this goal required designing an electronic system that includes all theoretical information, applied procedures, instructions, orders for computer programs, and identifying its effectiveness in developing Electronic tasks for students of the University of Mosul. Accordingly, the researchers formulated three hypotheses related to the cognitive and performance aspects of the electronic tasks. To verify the research hypotheses, a sample of (91) students is intentionally chosen from the research community, represented by the students of the college of education for humanities and col

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
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User Authentication Based on Keystroke Dynamics Using Artificial Neural Networks
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Computer systems and networks are being used in almost every aspect of our daily life, the security threats to computers and networks have increased significantly. Usually, password-based user authentication is used to authenticate the legitimate user. However, this method has many gaps such as password sharing, brute force attack, dictionary attack and guessing. Keystroke dynamics is one of the famous and inexpensive behavioral biometric technologies, which authenticate a user based on the analysis of his/her typing rhythm. In this way, intrusion becomes more difficult because the password as well as the typing speed must match with the correct keystroke patterns. This thesis considers static keystroke dynamics as a transparent layer of t

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Computational And Theoretical Nanoscience
Solution for Multi-Objective Optimisation Master Production Scheduling Problems Based on Swarm Intelligence Algorithms
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The emphasis of Master Production Scheduling (MPS) or tactic planning is on time and spatial disintegration of the cumulative planning targets and forecasts, along with the provision and forecast of the required resources. This procedure eventually becomes considerably difficult and slow as the number of resources, products and periods considered increases. A number of studies have been carried out to understand these impediments and formulate algorithms to optimise the production planning problem, or more specifically the master production scheduling (MPS) problem. These algorithms include an Evolutionary Algorithm called Genetic Algorithm, a Swarm Intelligence methodology called Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA), Bat Algorithm (BAT), T

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Parallel Computing for Sorting Algorithms
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The expanding use of multi-processor supercomputers has made a significant impact on the speed and size of many problems. The adaptation of standard Message Passing Interface protocol (MPI) has enabled programmers to write portable and efficient codes across a wide variety of parallel architectures. Sorting is one of the most common operations performed by a computer. Because sorted data are easier to manipulate than randomly ordered data, many algorithms require sorted data. Sorting is of additional importance to parallel computing because of its close relation to the task of routing data among processes, which is an essential part of many parallel algorithms. In this paper, sequential sorting algorithms, the parallel implementation of man

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flexible Genetic Algorithm Based Optimal Power Flow of Power Systems
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Nowadays, the power plant is changing the power industry from a centralized and vertically integrated form into regional, competitive and functionally separate units. This is done with the future aims of increasing efficiency by better management and better employment of existing equipment and lower price of electricity to all types of customers while retaining a reliable system. This research is aimed to solve the optimal power flow (OPF) problem. The OPF is used to minimize the total generations fuel cost function. Optimal power flow may be single objective or multi objective function. In this thesis, an attempt is made to minimize the objective function with keeping the voltages magnitudes of all load buses, real outp

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 13 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Robotics
Hierarchical Stabilization and Tracking Control of a Flexible-Joint Bipedal Robot Based on Anti-Windup and Adaptive Approximation Control
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Bipedal robotic mechanisms are unstable due to the unilateral contact passive joint between the sole and the ground. Hierarchical control layers are crucial for creating walking patterns, stabilizing locomotion, and ensuring correct angular trajectories for bipedal joints due to the system’s various degrees of freedom. This work provides a hierarchical control scheme for a bipedal robot that focuses on balance (stabilization) and low-level tracking control while considering flexible joints. The stabilization control method uses the Newton–Euler formulation to establish a mathematical relationship between the zero-moment point (ZMP) and the center of mass (COM), resulting in highly nonlinear and coupled dynamic equations. Adaptiv

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Perceptually Important Points-Based Data Aggregation Method for Wireless Sensor Networks
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The transmitting and receiving of data consume the most resources in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The energy supplied by the battery is the most important resource impacting WSN's lifespan in the sensor node. Therefore, because sensor nodes run from their limited battery, energy-saving is necessary. Data aggregation can be defined as a procedure applied for the elimination of redundant transmissions, and it provides fused information to the base stations, which in turn improves the energy effectiveness and increases the lifespan of energy-constrained WSNs. In this paper, a Perceptually Important Points Based Data Aggregation (PIP-DA) method for Wireless Sensor Networks is suggested to reduce redundant data before sending them to the

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