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Flexible handover solution for vehicular ad-hoc networks based on software defined networking and fog computing
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<p>Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET) suffer from dynamic network environment and topological instability that caused by high mobility feature and varying vehicles density. Emerging 5G mobile technologies offer new opportunities to design improved VANET architecture for future intelligent transportation system. However, current software defined networking (SDN) based handover schemes face poor handover performance in VANET environment with notable issues in connection establishment and ongoing communication sessions. These poor connectivity and inflexibility challenges appear at high vehicles speed and high data rate services. Therefore, this paper proposes a flexible handover solution for VANET networks by integrating SDN and fog computing (FC) technologies. The SDN provides global knowledge, programmability and intelligence functions for simplified and efficient network operation and management. FC, on the other hand, alleviates the core network pressure by providing real time computation and transmission functionalities at edge network to maintain the demands of delay sensitive applications. The proposed solution overcomes frequent handover challenges and reduces the processing overhead at core network. Moreover, the simulation evaluation shows significant handover performance improvement of the proposed solution compared to current SDN based schemes, especially in terms of handover latency and packet loss ratio under various simulation environments.</p>

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
2009 7th International Conference On Information, Communications And Signal Processing (icics)
The effect of traffic load on using XCAST based routing protocol in wireless ad hoc networks
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 18 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
Performance Analysis of OLSR Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
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Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) is an efficient routing protocol used for various Ad hoc networks. OLSR employs the Multipoint Relay (MPR) technique to reduce network overhead traffic. A mobility model's main goal is to realistically simulate the movement behaviors of actual users. However, the high mobility and mobility model is the major design issues for an efficient and effective routing protocol for real Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the performance of the OLSR protocol concerning various random and group mobility models. Two simulation scenarios were conducted over four mobility models, specifically the  Random Waypoint model (RWP), Random Direction model (RD), Nomadic Co

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 18 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
Performance Analysis of OLSR Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
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Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) is an efficient routing protocol used for various Ad hoc networks. OLSR employs the Multipoint Relay (MPR) technique to reduce network overhead traffic. A mobility model's main goal is to realistically simulate the movement behaviors of actual users. However, the high mobility and mobility model is the major design issues for an efficient and effective routing protocol for real Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the performance of the OLSR protocol concerning various random and group mobility models. Two simulation scenarios were conducted over four mobility models, specifically the  Random Waypoint model (RWP), Random Direction model (RD), Nomadic Co

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 14 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Smart Flow Steering Agent for End-to-End Delay Improvement in Software-Defined Networks
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Smart Flow Steering Agent for End-to-End Delay Improvement in Software-Defined Networks
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To ensure fault tolerance and distributed management, distributed protocols are employed as one of the major architectural concepts underlying the Internet. However, inefficiency, instability and fragility could be potentially overcome with the help of the novel networking architecture called software-defined networking (SDN). The main property of this architecture is the separation of the control and data planes. To reduce congestion and thus improve latency and throughput, there must be homogeneous distribution of the traffic load over the different network paths. This paper presents a smart flow steering agent (SFSA) for data flow routing based on current network conditions. To enhance throughput and minimize latency, the SFSA distrib

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Publication Date
Mon May 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Suggesting Multipath Routing and Dividing the Zone to Process Communication Failure in Ad Hoc Networks
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Ad hoc networks are characterized by ease of setup, low costs, and frequent use in the corporate world. They ensure safety to the user and maintain the confidentiality of the information circulated. They also allow the user to address the cases of communication failure in areas subject to destruction of communication infrastructure. The proposed protocols in the ad hoc networks often build only one path to achieve communication between the nodes, due to the restrictions of battery run out and the movement of the nodes. This connection is often subject to a failure within a certain range. Thus, multiple alternate paths in ad hoc networks use a solution to failing node communications. In addition, when looking at the situation where interf

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 20 2018
Journal Name
Infection And Immunity
Acknowledgment of ad hoc reviewers
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Dynamic Fault Tolerance Aware Scheduling for Healthcare System on Fog Computing
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 Internet of Things (IoT) contributes to improve the quality of life as it supports many applications, especially healthcare systems. Data generated from IoT devices is sent to the Cloud Computing (CC) for processing and storage, despite the latency caused by the distance. Because of the revolution in IoT devices, data sent to CC has been increasing. As a result, another problem added to the latency was increasing congestion on the cloud network. Fog Computing (FC) was used to solve these problems because of its proximity to IoT devices, while filtering data is sent to the CC. FC is a middle layer located between IoT devices and the CC layer. Due to the massive data generated by IoT devices on FC, Dynamic Weighted Round Robin (DWRR)

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Fog-based Spider Web Algorithm to Overcome Latency in Cloud Computing
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The cloud-users are getting impatient by experiencing the delays in loading the content of the web applications over the internet, which is usually caused by the complex latency while accessing the cloud datacenters distant from the cloud-users. It is becoming a catastrophic situation in availing the services and applications over the cloud-centric network. In cloud, workload is distributed across the multiple layers which also increases the latency. Time-sensitive Internet of Things (IoT) applications and services, usually in a cloud platform, are running over various virtual machines (VM’s) and possess high complexities while interacting. They face difficulties in the consolidations of the various applications containing heterog

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Publication Date
Thu May 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Development of an Attendance System Based on Cloud / Fog Computing with Data Recovery Capability
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Given the high importance of attendance for university students, upon which the possibility of keeping or losing their places in the course is based, it is essential to replace the inefficient manual method of attendance recording with a more efficient one.  To handle this problem, technology must be introduced into this process. This paper aims to propose an automatic attendance system based on passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), fog, and cloud computing technologies (AASCF). The system has three sides. The first one, which is the Client-side; works on collecting the attendance data then sending a copy from it. The second side, which is the Server-side, works on calculating an absence ratio of all the students during the

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