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Eruption of first permanent molar among a group of Iraqi children in relation to nutritional status
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Background/Aim: The timing of a tooth's eruption can be affected by a variety of factors. The nutritional status has an impact on the development of a child's body. The purpose of the study was to analyse the number of children aged 6 to 9 in an Iraqi Arab population who had erupted permanent first molars and to examine how nutritional status affected the timing and level of emergence. Methods: A total of 330 boys and girls, in first grade elementary school, made up the sample. First molars that had erupted were noted, along with the level of the eruption. Each child's nutritional status was evaluated by recording their height and weight and body mass index (BMI) value was compared to the 2007 WHO reference. Results: Girls had higher number of erupted molars than boys did and a correlation between the number of erupted teeth and nutritional condition existed, with a higher mean number of erupted molars in obese children. Conclusion: BMI had an impact on the timing of the eruption of permanent first molars, a result that was primarily observed in females.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Proceeding Of The 1st International Conference On Advanced Research In Pure And Applied Science (icarpas2021): Third Annual Conference Of Al-muthanna University/college Of Science
A theoretical study including the breakdown voltage characteristics for some industrial gases
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Industrial characteristics calculations concentrated on the physical properties for break down voltage in sf6, cf4 gases and their mixture with different concentrations are presented in our work. Calculations are achieved by using an improved modern code simulated on windows technique. Our results give rise to a compatible agreement with the other experimental published data.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing
Developing a real time navigation for the mobile robots at unknown environments
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<p><span>This research deals with the feasibility of a mobile robot to navigate and discover its location at unknown environments, and then constructing maps of these navigated environments for future usage. In this work, we proposed a modified Extended Kalman Filter- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (EKF-SLAM) technique which was implemented for different unknown environments containing a different number of landmarks. Then, the detectable landmarks will play an important role in controlling the overall navigation process and EKF-SLAM technique’s performance. MATLAB simulation results of the EKF-SLAM technique come with better performance as compared with an odometry approach performance in terms of measuring the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Industrial Research (ijoir)
Biofuel Production and Its Impact on Global Food Security: A Review Article
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The aim of this study is to shed light on the importance of biofuels as an alternative to conventional energy, in addition to the importance of preserving agricultural crops, which are the main source of this fuel, to maintain food security, especially in developing countries. The increase in global oil prices, in addition to the fear of global warming, are among the main factors that draw the world’s attention to searching for alternative sources of traditional energy, which are sustainable on the one hand, and on the other hand reduce carbon emissions. Therefore, the volume of global investment in renewable energy in general, and in liquid biofuels and biomass in particular, has increased. Global fears emerged that the excessive convers

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Attitude The King Ghazi a Problem the Border with Kuwait 1933-1939
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King Ghazi (1933-1939) was of the Arabic characters that characterized national and
patriotic spirit and that faced the British policy in all its aspects.
King Ghazi distinguished as of Arab nationalist tendencies and called for the
liberalization of Arab lands which were under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. He called for
reunification under the one Arab country, Hence came the King invitations to liberate Kuwait
from the British protectorate and consolidated with Iraq.
King Ghazi established a private radio station in the royal palace (AL zzaahoor) palace
and provided special programs to return of Kuwait to Iraq, this radio station was The
prominent role in the revitalization of the Kuwaiti National Movement, an

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Proposing a General Formula for Evaluating the Parametric Cost Using MLR Method
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This research takes up address the practical side by taking case studies for construction projects that include the various Iraqi governorates, as it includes conducting a field survey to identify the impact of parametric costs on construction projects and compare them with what was reached during the analysis and the extent of their validity and accuracy, as well as adopting the approach of personal interviews to know the reality of the state of construction projects. The results showed, after comparing field data and its measurement in construction projects for the sectors (public and private), the correlation between the expected and actual cost change was (97.8%), and this means that the data can be adopted in the re

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Proposed Management System for Construction Practices during Sustainable Buildings Life Cycle
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For many years, the construction industry damages have been overlooked such as unreasonable consumption of resources in addition to producing a lot of construction waste but with global awareness growth towards the sustainable development issues, the sustainable construction practices have been adopted, taking into account the environment and human safety. The research aims to propose a management system for construction practices which could be adopted during constructing different types of sustainable buildings besides formulating flowcharts which clarify the required whole phases of sustainable buildings life cycle. The research includes two parts: theoretical part which generally ,handles the sustainability concepts at construction i

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A New Approach for Designing Multi Information Management System Using XML Technology
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XML is being incorporated into the foundation of E-business data applications. This paper addresses the problem of the freeform information that stored in any organization and how XML with using this new approach will make the operation of the search very efficient and time consuming. This paper introduces new solution and methodology that has been developed to capture and manage such unstructured freeform information (multi information) depending on the use of XML schema technologies, neural network idea and object oriented relational database, in order to provide a practical solution for efficiently management multi freeform information system.


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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Efficient Image Encryption Using a Dynamic, Nonlinear and Secret Diffusion Scheme
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The growing use of tele

This paper presents a new secret diffusion scheme called Round Key Permutation (RKP) based on the nonlinear, dynamic and pseudorandom permutation for encrypting images by block, since images are considered particular data because of their size and their information, which are two-dimensional nature and characterized by high redundancy and strong correlation. Firstly, the permutation table is calculated according to the master key and sub-keys. Secondly, scrambling pixels for each block to be encrypted will be done according the permutation table. Thereafter the AES encryption algorithm is used in the proposed cryptosystem by replacing the linear permutation of ShiftRows step with the nonlinear and secret pe

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Utilizing a Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Technique (MAF) Via Adaptive Nero Fuzzy(ANFIS)
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An experimental study was conducted for measuring the quality of surface finishing roughness using magnetic abrasive finishing technique (MAF) on brass plate which is very difficult to be polish by a conventional machining process where the cost is high and much more susceptible to surface damage as compared to other materials. Four operation parameters were studied, the gap between the work piece and the electromagnetic inductor, the current that generate the flux, the rotational Spindale speed and amount of abrasive powder size considering constant linear feed movement between machine head and workpiece. Adaptive Neuro fuzzy inference system  (ANFIS) was implemented for evaluation of a serie

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 09 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Algae Bioactive Constituents and Possible Role During COVID-19 Pandemic (A review)
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Nowadays, the use of natural bio-products in pharmaceuticals is gaining popularity as safe alternatives to chemicals and synthetic drugs. Algal products are offering a pure, healthy and sustainable choice for pharmaceutical applications. Algae are photosynthetic microorganisms that can survive in different environmental conditions. Algae have many outstanding properties that make them excellent candidate for use in therapeutics. Algae grow in fresh and marine waters and produce in their cells a wide range of biologically active chemical compounds. These bioactive compounds are offering a great source of highly economic bio-products. The prese
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