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Traffic Classification of IoT Devices by Utilizing Spike Neural Network Learning Approach

Whenever, the Internet of Things (IoT) applications and devices increased, the capability of the its access frequently stressed. That can lead a significant bottleneck problem for network performance in different layers of an end point to end point (P2P) communication route. So, an appropriate characteristic (i.e., classification) of the time changing traffic prediction has been used to solve this issue. Nevertheless, stills remain at great an open defy. Due to of the most of the presenting solutions depend on machine learning (ML) methods, that though give high calculation cost, where they are not taking into account the fine-accurately flow classification of the IoT devices is needed. Therefore, this paper presents a new model based on the Spike Neural Network (SNN) called IoT-Traffic Classification (IoT-TCSNN) to classify IoT devices traffic. The model consists of four phases: data preprocessing, feature extraction, classier and evaluation. The proposed model performance is evaluated according to evaluation metrics: accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score and energy usage in comparison with two models: ML based Support Vector Machine IoT-TCSVM and ML based Deep Neural Network (IoT-TCDNN). The evaluations result has been shown that IoT-TCSNN consumes less energy in contrast to IoT-TCDNN and IoT-TCSVM. Also, it gives high accuracy in comparison with IoT-TCSVM.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Elimination of phenol by sonoelctrochemical process utilizing graphite, stainless steel, and titanium anodes: optimization by taguchi approach

   Phenol is one of the worst-damaging organic pollutants, and it produces a variety of very poisonous organic intermediates, thus it is important to find efficient ways to eliminate it. One of the promising techniques is sonoelectrochemical processing. However, the type of electrodes, removal efficiency, and process cost are the biggest challenges. The main goal of the present study is to investigate the removal of phenol by a sonoelectrochemical process with different anodes, such as graphite, stainless steel, and titanium. The best anode performance was optimized by using the Taguchi approach with an L16 orthogonal array. the degradation of phenol sonoelectrochemically was investigated with three process parameters: current de

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 17 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of Positive and Negative Parity States in 114Te nucleus by the Interacting Boson Model .IBM by Neural Network(Back propagation multi-layer neural network) .

Positive and negative parity states for 114Te have been studied applying the vibration al limit U(5) of Interacting boson model (IBM- 1 ) . The present results have shown their good agreement with experimental data in addition to the determination of the spin/parity of new energy levels are not assigned experimentally as the levels 0+2 and 5+1 and the levels 3"1 and 5-1 . Then back propagation multiLayer neural network used for positive and negative parity states for 114Te and shown their membership to the Vibration limit U(5) the network implemented by MATLAB system.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Electrical Engineering
Handling Mobility with Network Virtualization in IoT WAVE Context

Realizing robust interconnectivity in a rapidly changing network topology is a challenging issue. This problem is escalating with the existence of constrained devices in a vehicular environment. Several standards have been developed to support reliable communication between vehicular nodes as the IEEE 1609 WAVE stack. Mitigating the impact of security/mobility protocols on limited capability nodes is a crucial aspect. This paper examines the burden of maintaining authenticity service that associated with each handover process in a vehicular network. Accordingly, a network virtualization-based infrastructure is proposed which tackles the overhead of IEEE 1906 WAVE standard on constrained devices existed in vehicular network. The virtualized

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Communications In Computer And Information Science
Performance Evaluation for Four Supervised Classifiers in Internet Traffic Classification

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Recognizing Different Foot Deformities Using FSR Sensors by Static Classification of Neural Networks

Sensing insole systems are a promising technology for various applications in healthcare and sports. They can provide valuable information about the foot pressure distribution and gait patterns of different individuals. However, designing and implementing such systems poses several challenges, such as sensor selection, calibration, data processing, and interpretation. This paper proposes a sensing insole system that uses force-sensitive resistors (FSRs) to measure the pressure exerted by the foot on different regions of the insole. This system classifies four types of foot deformities: normal, flat, over-pronation, and excessive supination. The classification stage uses the differential values of pressure points as input for a feedforwar

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Tuning PID Controller by Neural Network for Robot Manipulator Trajectory Tracking

Ziegler and Nichols proposed the well-known Ziegler-Nichols method to tune the coefficients of PID controller. This tuning method is simple and gives fixed values for the coefficients which make PID controller have weak adaptabilities for the model parameters variation and changing in operating conditions. In order to achieve adaptive controller, the Neural Network (NN) self-tuning PID control is proposed in this paper which combines conventional PID controller and Neural Network learning capabilities. The proportional, integral and derivative (KP, KI, KD) gains are self tuned on-line by the NN output which is obtained due to the error value on the desired output of the system under control. The conventio

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Solving Mixed Volterra - Fredholm Integral Equation (MVFIE) by Designing Neural Network

       In this paper, we focus on designing feed forward neural network (FFNN) for solving Mixed Volterra – Fredholm Integral Equations (MVFIEs) of second kind in 2–dimensions. in our method, we present a multi – layers model consisting of a hidden layer which has five hidden units (neurons) and one linear output unit. Transfer function (Log – sigmoid) and training algorithm (Levenberg – Marquardt) are used as a sigmoid activation of each unit. A comparison between the results of numerical experiment and the analytic solution of some examples has been carried out in order to justify the efficiency and the accuracy of our method.


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Publication Date
Fri Aug 12 2022
Journal Name
Future Internet
Improved DDoS Detection Utilizing Deep Neural Networks and Feedforward Neural Networks as Autoencoder

Software-defined networking (SDN) is an innovative network paradigm, offering substantial control of network operation through a network’s architecture. SDN is an ideal platform for implementing projects involving distributed applications, security solutions, and decentralized network administration in a multitenant data center environment due to its programmability. As its usage rapidly expands, network security threats are becoming more frequent, leading SDN security to be of significant concern. Machine-learning (ML) techniques for intrusion detection of DDoS attacks in SDN networks utilize standard datasets and fail to cover all classification aspects, resulting in under-coverage of attack diversity. This paper proposes a hybr

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Publication Date
Thu May 05 2016
Journal Name
Global Journal Of Engineering Science And Researches

The aim of this paper is to design suitable neural network (ANN) as an alternative accurate tool to evaluate concentration of Copper in contaminated soils. First, sixteen (4x4) soil samples were harvested from a phytoremediated contaminated site located in Baghdad city in Iraq. Second, a series of measurements were performed on the soil samples. Third, design an ANN and its performance was evaluated using a test data set and then applied to estimate the concentration of Copper. The performance of the ANN technique was compared with the traditional laboratory inspecting using the training and test data sets. The results of this study show that the ANN technique trained on experimental measurements can be successfully applied to the rapid est

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 21 2019
Journal Name
J. Eng. Appl. Sci
Developing an Arabic handwritten recognition system by means of artificial neural network

The matter of handwritten text recognition is as yet a major challenge to mainstream researchers. A few ways deal with this challenge have been endeavored in the most recent years, for the most part concentrating on the English pre-printed or handwritten characters space. Consequently, the need to effort a research concerning to Arabic texts handwritten recognition. The Arabic handwriting presents unique technical difficulties because it is cursive, right to left in writing and the letters convert its shapes and structures when it is putted at initial, middle, isolation or at the end of words. In this study, the Arabic text recognition is developed and designed to recognize image of Arabic text/characters. The proposed model gets a single l

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