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Evaluation of technology‐based learning by dental students during the pandemic outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 27 2018
Journal Name
Surface And Coatings Technology
Effect of surface treatment of zirconia-ceramic dental restorations
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The zirconia ceramic restoration (ZCR) is used as substitutes for the metal-ceramic restoration. Clinical studies demonstrating of ZCRs showed a high fracture incidence of veneering layer than metal-ceramic restorations. This attributed to the low bond strength of zirconia to veneering ceramic as a result of lacking of glass content in its matrix. Surface treatment was proposed to improve the bonding strength between zirconia and veneering ceramic. Several studies revealed that some treatment such as airborne particle abrasion (APA) is responsible for generating chipping of veneering ceramic. The study aimed to develop a new zirconia coatings to increase bonding strength between zirconia substrate and veneering porcelain. Three groups of 15

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The relationship among bite force with facial dimensions and dental arches widths in a sample of Iraqi adults with Class I skeletal and dental relations
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Background: This study aimed to determine whether there is a relationship among the bite force with facial dimensions and dental arches in a sample of Iraqi adults with Class I skeletal and dental relations. Materials and methods: Forty dental students (20 males and 20 females) were selected under certain criteria. For those individuals, dental impressions, frontal facial photographs and maximum bite force at molar and incisor regions were taken. The dental arches widths and facial dimensions were measured using the AutoCAD program 2007, while the bite force was determined using special device. Descriptive statistics for the measured variables were performed and gender difference was determined using independent sample t-test, while the rel

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Fifth International Conference On Applied Sciences: Icas2023
A modified Mobilenetv2 architecture for fire detection systems in open areas by deep learning
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This research describes a new model inspired by Mobilenetv2 that was trained on a very diverse dataset. The goal is to enable fire detection in open areas to replace physical sensor-based fire detectors and reduce false alarms of fires, to achieve the lowest losses in open areas via deep learning. A diverse fire dataset was created that combines images and videos from several sources. In addition, another self-made data set was taken from the farms of the holy shrine of Al-Hussainiya in the city of Karbala. After that, the model was trained with the collected dataset. The test accuracy of the fire dataset that was trained with the new model reached 98.87%.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Post COVID-19 Effect on Medical Staff and Doctors' Productivity Analysed by Machine Learning
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The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected the healthcare sector and the productivity of medical staff and doctors. This study employs machine learning to analyze the post-COVID-19 impact on the productivity of medical staff and doctors across various specialties. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 960 participants from different specialties between June 1, 2022, and April 5, 2023. The study collected demographic data, including age, gender, and socioeconomic status, as well as information on participants' sleeping habits and any COVID-19 complications they experienced. The findings indicate a significant decline in the productivity of medical staff and doctors, with an average reduction of 23% during the post-COVID-19 period. T

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Valuation of Construction Projects Based on of Quantity Scale by using Expert System
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The subject of an valuation of quality of construction projects is one of the topics which it becomes necessary of the absence of the quantity standards in measuring the control works and the quality valuation standards in constructional projects. In the time being it depends on the experience of the workers which leads to an apparent differences in the valuation.

The idea of this research came to put the standards to evaluate the quality of the projects in a special system depending on quantity scale nor quality specifying in order to prepare an expert system “ Crystal “ to apply this special system to able the engineers to valuate the quality of their projects easily and in more accurate ways.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 21 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Computer Science And Mathematics
Fuzzy C means Based Evaluation Algorithms For Cancer Gene Expression Data Clustering
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The influx of data in bioinformatics is primarily in the form of DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. This condition places a significant burden on scientists and computers. Some genomics studies depend on clustering techniques to group similarly expressed genes into one cluster. Clustering is a type of unsupervised learning that can be used to divide unknown cluster data into clusters. The k-means and fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithms are examples of algorithms that can be used for clustering. Consequently, clustering is a common approach that divides an input space into several homogeneous zones; it can be achieved using a variety of algorithms. This study used three models to cluster a brain tumor dataset. The first model uses FCM, whic

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Diameter of Micropile on the Minaret Behavior during Earthquake, Virtual study
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This study aims to suggest a technique for soil properties improvement of AL- Kadhimin shrine Minaret and to support the foundation, which has a tilt of roughly 80 cm from the vertical axis. The shrine of the AL- Kadhimin is made up of four minarets with two domes set in a large courtyard. The four minarets have skewed to varying degrees due to uncontrolled dewatering inside the shrine in recent years. However, the northeast minaret was the most inclined due to its proximity to the well placed inside shrine courtyard. When the well near the minaret is operated, the water level drops, increasing the effective stresses of the soil and causing differential settling of the minaret foundation. To maintain the minaret's foundation from potenti

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Second Language Learning and Its Relationship with the Third Language Learning: Statistical Study: China
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The exchanges in various fields,like economics, science, culture, etc., have been enhanced unceasingly among different countries around the world in the twenty-first century, thus, the university graduate who masters one foreign language does not meet the need of the labor market in most countries.So, many universities began to develop new programs to cultivate students who can use more foreign languages to serve the intercultural communication. At the same time, there is more scientific research emerged which is related to the relationship between the second and third languages. This humble research seeks to explain the relevant concepts and analyze the real data collected from Shanghai International Studies University in China, to expl

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Calculating the variations of sunrise, sunset and day length times for Baghdad city.With comparison to different regions of the world in year 2019
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     The sunrise, sunset, and day length times for Baghdad (Latitude =33.34º N, Longitude =44.43º E) were calculated with high accuracy on a daily basis during 2019. The results showed that the earliest time of sunrise in Baghdad was at 4h: 53m from 5 Jun. to 20 Jun while the latest was at 7h: 07m from 5 Jan. to 11 Jan. The earliest time of sunset in Baghdad was at16 h: 55m from 30 Nov. to 10 Dec. whereas the latest was at 19h: 16m from 25 Jun. to 5 Jul. The minimum period of day length in Baghdad was 9h: 57m) in 17 Dec. whereas the maximum period was 14h: 22m) in 20 Jun. Day length was calculated and compared among regions of different latitudes(0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 north).

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Content Assessment of the Sciences Textbooks of Grades (1-4) in the Light of International Standards in Mathematics and Science TIMSS 2019 (Content Dimension)
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The current research aims to determine the requirements of Trends of International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2019) and to find out the extent to which the content of science textbooks for grades (1-4) in the Sultanate of Oman includes the requirements of (TIMSS 2019). Only the content dimension has been taken into account when conducting the content analysis. The study population includes all science books from the first to the fourth grade for the academic year 2021-2022. The study identified and organized the requirements in the study tool, which is a list of requirements of (TIMSS 2019). The results showed a general deficiency in all grades (1-4) in the content dimension including many main topics, subtopics, and objectives

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