Introduction & Aim: Long-term diabetes mellitus (DM) is known to have a deleterious impact on bone health, resulting in change in bone mineral density, bone turnover, and bone quality, all of which increase the risk of fractures. The aim of. this study was to link immunological and pro-inflammatory cytokine (I.L-6, I.L-1, and TNF-alpha) markers in patients.with type 1 diabetes to Their connection to bones formation (sPINP) and bone resorption parameters (sCTX). Materials & Methods: This study included 80 patients suffering from T1DM in the age range of 20-45 years. The patients were assayed for their biochemical (Vitamin D and HbA1c), Immunological (IL-6, IL-1 and TNF-alpha) parameters, as well as bone formation and resorption markers. Results: HbA1c values were observed to be 7.5 in 85% of individuals, while vitamin D levels were 16 ng/mL. Correlation in patients with HbA1c 7.5. The results of a linear regression between I.L-6 and sCTX showed that there was an increase in sCTX for each unit of IL-6. Conclusion: In patients with HbA1c levels 7.5, there is an association between IL-6, TNFalpha, and the bone resorption. TNF-alpha and IL-6 have been linked to metabolic control loss.
Abstract :
The purpose of the subject of Total quality management is an important management style in organizations including hospitals through the achievement of this method of success in the administration to include this approach describes the provision of health services and make adjustment and suggestions that help to improve the quality of health care on an ongoing basis . Hence the idea of the study to shed light on the reality of the application of principles of Total quality management and to highlight the quality of health services provided in al-kindi hospital / Baghdad health department rusafa and the staff at the hospital were included to find out the appl
... Show MoreThe deviation in the formal idiomatic circulation of the body is nothing more than a response to the new currency; The (things) that surround us mean that they represent the new interests that the artist transforms into meanings and symbols after he invests them as aesthetic visual formations. Art establishes a reality other than the one that was established by (the body), which is always subject to a system of deliberative relations, and in general we can diagnose it in three paths, it is either linked to what represents the changing objective reality with the change of general systems or causes them, or it is a subject to the logic of general thought in its changing space-time limits, or it is a subject to the principle of benefit and ad
... Show MoreThis paper examines Gloria Naylor's Mama Day (1988) that shows the mixing of African and American culture. Afro-American authors reject the Eurocentric hypothesis that slavery had ended the Afro-American cultural engagement in Africa. African Americans represent an essential fabric of American society, sharing many traditions, habits, and traits with the American society. Yet, at the same time, Naylor portrays Afro-American individuals in Mama Day as a separate unit with a unique and rich culture. These mannerisms expose a kind of resistance, appreciation to her African identity, history, and roots. A tale of a conjure woman located in Willow Springs' mythical isle, Mama Day, highlights the mystical, storytelling, and folkloristic customs.
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... Show Moreتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بحث ظاهرة الاغتراب في رواية " ديك الفداء " لايلي عامير ، لأن هذه الظاهرة تبدو أكثر وضوحا في هذه الرواية ، وتمثل تیارا مسيطرة على معطياتها واتجاهاتها الفكرية والفنية، خاصة أن الكاتب استطاع أن يجسد هذه الظاهرة المحورية تجسيدا فنيا متميزا ، وكشف عن طبيعة العلاقة بين عالم الواقع وعالم الحلم لدى الشخصيات، وعما تتسم به من تناقض و تعارض وتصادم و شعور بالإحباط والضياع والاغتراب. وقد اشتملت ال
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