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The Effect of Public Spending on the Monetary Sterilization Factor in the Iraqi Economy for the Period 2005-2021

Monetary sterilization policies are one of the modern trends of monetary policy in rentier countries, specifically to confront the positive shocks in foreign assets flowing into the national economy and the impact of these shocks on monetary and real variables. And that the Central Bank contains these emergency increases in foreign exchange with the aim of avoiding the impact of this increase on the official local currency through its three main monetary tools, which are the rediscount rate, the legal reserve, and open market operations. As well as the relationship between the central bank and the objective of external balance, which is reflected in the balance of payments balance, the central bank resorts to managing the exchange rate to isolate the effect of foreign exchange from domestic currency, and avoiding the impact of positive shocks on foreign exchange means making it neutral in affecting domestic balances through foreign currency, and the neutrality of money means isolating the effect of money in causing undesirable price changes, because price changes impede the efforts of the Central Bank in sterilization operations. Thus, the central bank may enter into a vicious circle from which it does not come out in the long term, because usually the price changes are faced by the central bank with the mechanism of raising the interest rate, and the latter stimulates the entry of new foreign assets with the aim of benefiting from the high interest. Thus, the suffering of the central bank continues in monetary sterilization in rentier economies. Specifically, we will go through this suffering in the rentier Iraqi economy in this research.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Analysis of Precipitation and Precipitable Water Vapor over Iraq for the Period 1948-2011

The water vapor is one of the constituent elements of the rain and the superiority
of its importance in the study of climate because it is the basis on which depends all
the different aspects of condensation. The purpose of research is to analyze the time
series of the Baghdad station andan analyze these series to see whether there is a
relationship between these two variables. Obtained the data used in this research
from the National Center for Environmental Prediction for the period from 1948 to
2011. The use of statistical criteria included linear regression and Mann Kandal test
to find the link. The results of time series monthly presence decrease in rainfall and
all months except October, either the results o

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
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The aesthetics of the symbol in the Iraqi theater scene

Theatrical performances began with the Greeks when the theatrical scenes and skeletal figures were encoded, where the large wall of the Alskina, which contains three doors, the middle of them with a high height, and the two sides took the natural size, where the middle door indicated a symbolism of the god or demigods, as we find the condensation of the symbol in the architecture of the theater, and the symbol was taken In the theatrical scene, the development semantically and aesthetically, and interpreting and interpreting the current day, where the laser light formed the symbolism of the contemporary virtual scene, and in order to identify the aesthetics of the symbol in the theatrical scene, the current research was evaluated into fo

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
Journal Name
The Dynamics of the artistic form in the Iraqi theater

The research is aimed at dynamics the dynamics of the artistic form within the theater and the dynamics of this movement in the development of the form and the multiplicity of meaning. This research came to address a problem of great importance in the creation of the image and the form of theatrical presentation. The evolution and transformation within the display system requires a dynamic structure that enables the form of growth and growth. The aim of the research was to identify the dynamics of form in the Iraqi theater. The researcher then identified two terms: form and motor.
In the theoretical framework, it was divided into two sections: the first (the dynamics of the artistic form) and the second (the dynamics of the act of dir

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of credit risk indicators on the profitability of banks in the Arab gulf countries

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of credit risk indicators on the Arab Gulf countries' banks Profitability over the period of 2015 to 2017.  The banking credit risk was calculated using non-performing loans ratio affecting banks profitability indicators like net income and by using fixed effect and random effect model analyses, the study found that increasing in non-performing loans ratio will decrease the net income in gulf banks, the study also found that personal loans represent the largest share of loans granted in gulf banks. Also, the study recommends the importance of developing the capabilities of credit departments in commercial banks in dealing with bad loans, and studying the financial statem

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of Constructive Conflict on the Organizational Identification Applied Research in the Ministry of Planning

This research deals with the effect of constructive conflict of the organizational identification .These relatively recent subjects have relative importance in the field of administration and they have strong effect in the success of organizations .The objective of this research is to detect the level of the constructive conflict and the organizational identification in the center of The Ministry of Planning. So, two major hypotheses were formulated The first are searched the correlation between the constructive conflict and the organizational identification and it emerged with four sub-hypotheses searched the correlation among every dimension of the constructive conflict with the organizational identification .The second major h

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
Deterritorialized States Within the Framework of Public International Law

one of the most important consequences of climate change is the rise in sea levels, which leads to the drowning of some low-lying island states, which leads to them losing the elements of statehood and thus affecting their status as a state, this resulted in several proposals made by the jurisprudence of international law to solve this issue, perhaps the most important of which is the idea of the government in exile, and the proposal to continue recognition of submerged countries, in a way that makes it possible to talk about a new concept of states represented by deterritorialized states, all of which are ultimately proposals that contain great difficulties that hinder their implementation in reality.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
N3, N749 dyes effect on the TiO2 for optoelectronic applications

The present work aimed to study effect of (N749 & N3) dyes on TiO2 optical and electrical properties for optoelectronic application. The TiO2 paste prepared by using a doctor blade method. The samples were UV-VIS specterophometricall analyzes of TiO2 before and after immersed in dyes (N749 & N3). The results showed absorption spectra shift toward the visible region due to the adsorption of dye molecules on the surface of oxide nanoparticles. It is seen that the Eg determined to give a value of 3.3eV for TiO2 before immersing in dyes, and immersing in dyes (N749 & N3) are (1.4 &1.6 eV) respectively. The structural properties (XRD), (FTIR) and (SEM) for the sample prepared were investigated and (J-V) characteristics was stu

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of political thinking on the decision maker in analyzing the strategic environment of the state (applied study in the Iraqi Ministry of Finance)

The Political Thinking Regarded as an important element for the formulation of the stat, weather in its formation, the structure of it s entity, its political system and it s governmental instruments .The political thinking can not act without determined strategy, So they intend to work hard to formulate a railed strategy that make them able to determine its  directions to general issues.

   The Study aimed to solve the problem through the following question:

1- What are the levels of Political Thinking and Strategic Analysis in the financial ministry?

2- What are the relation ship between the dimensions of Political  T

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
Effect of HPV infection on the expression of fibronectin in a group of Iraqi women with cervical carcinoma

: Cervical malignancy positioned as the fourth most prevalent disease among women around the world. HPVs especially HPV16 are the causative agent of cervical cancer, responsible of about 5% of all human cancers worldwide. Some researchers found that the fibronectin is repressed by the papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 E7 oncoprotein in both HPV-positive nontumorigenic and tumorigenic cell lines, while others found that the HPV oncoprotein increase the levels of fibronectin. The aim is to study the effect of HPV infection on Fibronectin expression and their correlation onthe development of Cervicalcancinoma. The current retrospective study enrolled paraffinized blocks of two groups. The research included 30 cervical carcinomatous tissues as well

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A reformation Study about the Construction Management in the Primary Stage Curricula’s for the Civil Engineering in Some of the Iraqi Universities

There is no doubt that the field of education and teaching (in any country and whatever its ruling system varies “d”) is considered one of the most specific and sensitive field, because it is related to the building of human. And as the human is a purpose (aim) and the means in the same time and he is the strategist capital, so he way of his rearing, education, choosing the educator, methods of working and the aims are considered serious matters.

     The educational process has aim determined by the society for him self through its working establishments in this field and these are the official and public establishments. And as he feels that the establishments have failed to achieve its d

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