شغلت نظرية العدل الإلهي بال الأديب العراقي القديم، مما جعلته يثير عبر نصوصه الأدبية كثير من التساؤلات حول عدالة الإلهة، التي يعبدها ويقدم لها الهدايا وتساؤلاته هذه دفعت بالباحث إلى اختيارها عنوانا لموضوعه، إلا أن الدراسة ستختصر على نصوص معينة، والسبب في ذلك أنها كانت الرائدة في هذا الجانب، وفي اللحظة التي ينتقي فيها العدل الإلهي وتتحول الإلهة إلى كلاب تلهث وراء غرائزها، ذهبنا وراء الأسباب التي قادت إلى فقدان صفة العدل من الإلهة
Censure in poetry is a pattern of poetic construction, in which the poet evokes a voice other than his own voice or creates out of his own self another self and engages with him in dialogue in the traditional artistic style whose origin remains unknown. Example of the same may be found in the classical Arabic poets’ stopping over the ruins, crying over separation and departure and speaking with stones and andirons; all in the traditional technical mould. Censure confronting the poet usually emanates from the women as blaming, censure and cursing is closer to woman’s hearts than to the man’ hearts. Censure revolves around some social issues, such as the habit of over drinking wine and extravagant generosity taking risks, traveling,
... Show MoreAfter the fall of the Third Dynasty of Ur at the hands of the Elamites during the reign of its last ruler, King Ibi-Sin, the Amorites continued to flow more into Mesopotamia in the form of large migrations that established a number of contemporary and conflicting ruling dynasties that formed the Old Babylonian era. Among these dynasties was the Larsa dynasty, founded by King Nablanum in the city of Larsa. The fourth king who ruled in the Larsa dynasty, Gungunum, was one of the most powerful kings who stood up to the Isin dynasty, which had until that time enjoyed great political superiority in the country. The kings who ruled after him expanded their influence and controlled a number of cities, especially the cities of Nippur and Uruk, whic
... Show MoreThe analysis of detective novels has taken different aspects. The linguistic analysis of them, for example, has tackled the linguistic systems of morphology, phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. In line with the linguistic analysis, this study explores the various pragmatic and stylistic devices realized through detective novels for the purpose of misdirecting and deceiving the reader. The problem is that when readers try to reach to the truth, they face difficulties. They might not reach to the right solution or infer wrong conclusions because writers use some techniques to hide the truth and mislead them. This study aims at examining these techniques and devices; namely, Grice's Maxims and ambiguity as pragmatic devices on the
... Show MoreThe financial crises that occurred in South East Asia and America, and the discovery of the financial and administrative corruption that affected these companies, which led to the crisis. Since then, organizations and institutions interested in accounting have begun new ways to further rationalize the management of these companies. Hence the concept of governance, which means good governance. Al-Susiya confirmed its adoption of the financial reporting standards and adopted internal and external auditing for the purpose of increasing the reliability and credibility of the financial and reports that increase the confidence of investors in making their investment decisions in the financial markets The study dealt with the contributi
... Show Moreعرف العرب ، منذ القدم ، الأحجار الكريمة وعنوا بإقتناء أنواعا عديدة منها ، حيث كانت من أهم واردات سكان بلاد وادي الرافدين من السومريين والبابليين ثم الآشوريين ، كما عرفها المصريون القدماء وغيرهم من الشعوب القديمة ، فوجدت في قبورهم ومدافنهم وخزائن كنوزهم، مثل الياقوت الأحمر واللازورد واللؤلؤ . بالإضافة إلى ذلك فقد كان معدني الذهب والفضة من المعادن الوفيرة في هذه البلاد ، ولها الأولوية في صناعة الحلي.
In a quick reading of the character of Camille Ben Ziad al-Nekha al-Kufi al-Taabi, one of the most sincere companions of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), he enjoyed great status and status because he was one of the people of his people who lived alongside Imam Ali (peace be upon him) since his tribe migrated from Yemen to Kufa To this end, he became loyal during the reign of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), who is also a member of the delegation coming from Kufa to protest against the actions of the Wali of Kufa during the reign of Caliph Uthman ibn Affan. After the death of Caliph Uthman bin Affan, (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) (Duaa kamil), one of the most famous and important supplications in Islamic history, and each one of u
... Show MoreThis paper deals with the role of the clergy in the Church and artists in the emergence of this art, which is represented by an atmosphere of spiritual, aesthetic, artistic, technical and engineering very magnificence and is located in two Find.Chapter One: the stages of stained glass in the Middle AgesThe Architects Goths to get rid of the walls gradually, based Baloctav plane, columns and beams strengthened with the vehicle, as previously mentioned, making the building looks like a glass of excessive use of colored windows building, this art has been known to the art of stained glass And the second chapter: the stages of stained glass in the Middle Ages Department of Winston (Winston) works of stained glass since its inception in the t
... Show MorePing message focused on highlighting the fact commodity trading in Iraq, and increased exposure to world merchandise trade imbalance, which dominate Iraq's foreign trade major commodity is oil, and therefore the inability of Iraq to control financial revenue as a result of the fluctuations in the international market, the shortage of commodity products will lead inevitably to the weakness in the ability of the local market to meet the internal demand and due to the lack of flexible production machine For agricultural, industrial and economic sectors are responding to changes in the domestic or external demand which will open the door to merchandise imports to invade these markets, since the adoption of the Iraq oil exports,
... Show MoreWater resources would be differentiate in Morocco specially in Morocco which appear as form of eyes ,rivers as dissolved water of mountain.
The human takes care of water either as rains to store and use in necessity trying to bring it to Maracas by helping from state .
The religious tried to dig wells to emphasize that water is rumored and do not monopolized.