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Cathodic Protection of Copper Pipes Carrying Saline Water in the Presence of Aerobic Bacteria
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Rates of zinc consumption during cathodic protection of a copper pipeline carrying saline water were measured by the loss in weight technique. The study of sacrificial anode cathodic protection of short copper tube using zinc strip extended axially in the pipe revealed that : (i) The increase of zinc consumption with time of exposure (1-3 h's) at different flow rates (turbulent flow) (300-600 l/hr) while the temperature , solution concentration and the pH were fixed at 20ºC, 3.5%wt NaCl, and pH=8 respectively in absence and presence of bacteria.(ii)Increase of zinc consumption with flow rates (300-600 l/hr) at different temperatures (10-40ºC) while solution concentration and time of exposure were fixed at 3.5 %wt NaCl and 3hr's respectively, in absence and presence of bacteria. (iii) Increase of zinc consumption with flow rates (300-600l/hr) at different solution concentrations (1-3.5 %wt NaCl) while the time of exposure and temperature were fixed at 3h's and 30ºC respectively in absence and presence of bacteria. Generally the Zn consumption during cathodic protection ranges from (2.424- 26.741 g/m2) and (5.352-27.296g/m2) in absence and presence of bacteria respectively.

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
The influence of gold nanoparticles on electro-optical properties of nematic liquid crystal
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Comparison of Bayes Estimators for the parameter of Rayleigh Distribution with Simulation
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   A comparison of double informative and non- informative priors assumed for the parameter of Rayleigh distribution is considered. Three different sets of double priors are included, for a single unknown parameter of Rayleigh distribution. We have assumed three double priors: the square root inverted gamma (SRIG) - the natural conjugate family of priors distribution, the square root inverted gamma – the non-informative distribution, and the natural conjugate family of priors - the non-informative distribution as double priors .The data is generating form three cases from Rayleigh distribution for different samples sizes (small, medium, and large). And Bayes estimators for the parameter is derived under a squared erro

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of TiO2 on the sintering behavior and microstructure of stoichiometric spinel (MgAl2O4)
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In this work, magnesium aluminate spinel (MA) (MgO 28 wt%, Al2O3 72 wt%) stoichiometric compound , were synthesized via solid state reaction (SSR) Single firing stage, and the impact of sintering on the physical properties and thermal properties as well as the fine structure and morphology of the ceramic product were examined. The Spinel samples were pressed at of (14 MPa) and sintering soaking time (2h). The effect of adding oxide titania (TiO2) was studied. The obtained powders were calcined at a temperature range of 1200 and 1400 °C. The calcined samples spinel were characterized by XRD, it showed the presence of developed spinel phase end also showed that the best catalyst is titania. The SEM image showed the high sintering temperat

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The research dealt with a topic that has been practiced and transmitted news in satellite channels in recent years a lot. That is to say the role of satellite channels in the culture of a protest. In general, this study aims to reach to know the extent of the impact of television, especially the impact of the programs that bear the contents of protest and remonstration on the public; and what can be resulted out of these programs as cognitive, emotional and behavioral effects as a result of the individual's exposure to these programs and their impact from the culture of pretense. In addition to that, the research was interested in explaining the role of Iraqi satellite channels in developing and cultivating such culture; and following up

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Pyrolysis of High-density Polyethylene for the Production of Fuel-like Liquid Hydrocarbon
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Pyrolysis of high density polyethylene (HDPE) was carried out in a 750 cm3 stainless steel autoclave reactor, with temperature ranging from 470 to 495° C and reaction times up to 90 minute. The influence of the operating conditions on the component yields was studied. It was found that the optimum cracking condition for HDPE that maximized the oil yield to 70 wt. % was 480°C and 20 minutes. The results show that for higher cracking temperature, and longer reaction times there was higher production of gas and coke. Furthermore, higher temperature increases the aromatics and produce lighter oil with lower viscosity.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Vortex Shedding on Solar Collector Performance
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In this work, the effect of vortex shedding on the solar collector performance of the parabolic trough solar collector (PTSC) was estimated experimentally. The effect of structure oscillations due to wind vortex shedding on solar collector performance degradation was estimated. The performance of PTSC is evaluated by using the useful heat gain and the thermal instantaneous efficiency. Experimental work to simulate the vortex shedding excitation was done. The useful heat gain and the thermal efficiency of the parabolic trough collector were calculated from experimental measurements with and without vortex loading. The prototype of the collector was fabricated for this purpose. The effect of vortex shedding at different operation condition

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Diameter of Micropile on the Minaret Behavior during Earthquake, Virtual study
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This study aims to suggest a technique for soil properties improvement of AL- Kadhimin shrine Minaret and to support the foundation, which has a tilt of roughly 80 cm from the vertical axis. The shrine of the AL- Kadhimin is made up of four minarets with two domes set in a large courtyard. The four minarets have skewed to varying degrees due to uncontrolled dewatering inside the shrine in recent years. However, the northeast minaret was the most inclined due to its proximity to the well placed inside shrine courtyard. When the well near the minaret is operated, the water level drops, increasing the effective stresses of the soil and causing differential settling of the minaret foundation. To maintain the minaret's foundation from potenti

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the relationship of waste recycling to sustainable development objectives 2015-2030
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Waste recycling is one of the modern means of treating waste and minimizing its harmful effects that have caused problems for all countries of the world through the disposal of them in a safe and healthy manner as well as achieving economic and social benefits to the United Nations, and through the goals of sustainable development. 2015-2013 seeks to solve the environmental problems, including various peoples of the world, through various projects and programs, including waste recycling. Here is the question of whether there is a relationship between waste recycling and the goals of sustainable development, the research seeks to answer through five categories to determine the type of relationship between waste recycling and the g

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Testing the Assumption of Linearity for Sales of State Company for Electrical Industries
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In this study, the four tests employed for non-linear dependence which is Engle (1982), McLeod &Li (1983), Tsay (1986), and Hinich & Patterson (1995). To test the null hypothesis that the time series is a serially independent and identical distribution process .The linear structure is removed from the data which is represent the sales of State Company for Electrical Industries, through a pre-whitening model, AR (p) model .From The results for tests to the data is not so clear.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Toxicity effects of some heavy metals on the growth of alga Scenedesmus dimorphus
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The toxicity effect of some heavy metals (Lead, Cadmium, Copper, and Zinc) on the growth of alga Scenedesmus dimorphus which belongs to the Division of Chlorophyta was studied and depended on the total cell number . The growth rate and doubling time were also calculated accordingly in present of absent of the the heavy metals . There were differences in toxic effects of the metals (p<0.05) . The growth was decreased gradually with alga when exposured to Lead at 15,20 and 25 mg/l in comparison with the control , mean while 30 mg/l caused an acute decrease in growth . Treating the alga with 0.05,0.1,0.5 mg/l concentration of Cadmium the number of cells decreased while at 1 mg/l the effect was more pronounced . As for Copper the conc

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