Rates of zinc consumption during cathodic protection of a copper pipeline carrying saline water were measured by the loss in weight technique. The study of sacrificial anode cathodic protection of short copper tube using zinc strip extended axially in the pipe revealed that : (i) The increase of zinc consumption with time of exposure (1-3 h's) at different flow rates (turbulent flow) (300-600 l/hr) while the temperature , solution concentration and the pH were fixed at 20ºC, 3.5%wt NaCl, and pH=8 respectively in absence and presence of bacteria.(ii)Increase of zinc consumption with flow rates (300-600 l/hr) at different temperatures (10-40ºC) while solution concentration and time of exposure were fixed at 3.5 %wt NaCl and 3hr's respectively, in absence and presence of bacteria. (iii) Increase of zinc consumption with flow rates (300-600l/hr) at different solution concentrations (1-3.5 %wt NaCl) while the time of exposure and temperature were fixed at 3h's and 30ºC respectively in absence and presence of bacteria. Generally the Zn consumption during cathodic protection ranges from (2.424- 26.741 g/m2) and (5.352-27.296g/m2) in absence and presence of bacteria respectively.
The current study introduces a novel technique to handle electrochemical localized corrosion in certain limited regions rather than applying comprehensive cathodic protection (CP) treatment. An impressed current cathodic protection cell (ICCPC) was fabricated and firmly installed on the middle of a steel structure surface to deter localized corrosion in fixed or mobile steel structures. The designed ICCPC comprises three essential parts: an anode, a cathode, and an artificial electrolyte. The latter was developed to mimic the function of the natural electrolyte in CP. A proportional-integrated-derivative (PID) controller was designed to stabilize this potential below the ICCPC at a cathodic potential of −850 mV, which is crucial for prote
... Show MoreThis study was designed to stand on the most important causes of contamination in sesarean section in women by the aerobic bacteria species the bacteria isolates were diagnosed in the Maternity and Children Hospital in the Qadsiya province and in the special clinics. Sixty five persent of women having cesarean operation were contaminated with different bacteria in different ratios. Staphylococcus aureus showed the higher percentage (62.4) , Pseudomonas.aerogenosa 18% , E.coli 9.5% and Proteus.spp (6,4%).While Streptococcus pyogens showed lowest percentage 3.6% . The results of antibiotic sensitivity test for all bacteria isolates showed Chloramphenicol and Ami
... Show MoreThe physicochemical behaviour of dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) in water and ethanol-water mixture in the presence and absence of ZnSO4 were studied by measuring the conductivity at 298.15 K. The pre-micellar (S1) and post-micellar slopes (S2) were obtained and calculated the degree of dissociation (α) and the critical micelle concentration (cmc). With an increase in ethanol content, the cmc and α of DTAB increased whereas, in the presence of ZnSO4, the cmc and α decreased. By using cmc and α, thermodynamic properties as the standard free energy of micellization ( ) were evaluated. With an increase in ethanol content, the negative values of are decreased indicating less spont
... Show MoreThin films of Magnetite have been deposited on Galvanized Steel (G-S) alloy using RF-reactive magnetron sputtering technique and protection efficiency of the corrosion of G-S. A Three-Electrodes Cell was used in saline water (3.5 % NaCl) solution at different temperatures (298, 308, 318 & 328K) using potentiostatic techniques with. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and fitting impedance data via Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) were applied to G-S alloy with Fe3O4 and tested in 3.5 % NaCl solution at 298K.Results taken from Nyquist and Bode plots were analyzed using software provided with the instrument. The results obtained show that the rate of corrosion of G.S alloy increased with increasing the temperatures from 298 t
... Show MoreIn this work, laboratory experiments were carried out to verify direct contact membrane distillation system’s performance in highly saline water desalination. The study included the investigation of various operating conditions, like feed flow rate, temperature and concentration of NaCl solution and their impact on the permeation flux were discussed. 16 cm2 of a flat sheet membrane module with commercial poly-tetra-fluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane, which has 0.22 μm pore size, 96 µm thickness and 78% average porosity, was used. A high salt rejection factor was obtained greater than 99.9%, and the permeation flux up to 17.27 kg/m2.h was achieved at 65°C for hot feed side and 20°C for cold side stream.
Reaxys Chemistry database information SciVal Topics Metrics Abstract A novel CoO–ZnO nanocomposite was synthesized by the photo irradiation method using a solution of cobalt and zinc complexes and used as a coating applied by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) for corrosion protection of stainless steel (SS) in saline solution. The samples were characterized using powder XRD, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electrochemical polarization. It was also found that the coating was still stable after conducting the corrosion test: it contained no cracks and CoO–ZnO nanocomposites clearly appeared on the surface. SEM showed that the significant surface cracking disappeared. XRD confirmed that CoO–ZnO nanocomposites comprised CoO and Zn
... Show MoreThe problem of water scarcity is becoming common in many parts of the world, to overcome part of this problem proper management of water and an efficient irrigation system are needed. Irrigation with a buried vertical ceramic pipe is known as a very effective in the management of irrigation water. The two- dimensional transient flow of water from a buried vertical ceramic pipe through homogenous porous media is simulated numerically using the HYDRUS/2D software. Different values of pipe lengths and hydraulic conductivity were selected. In addition, different values of initial volumetric soil water content were assumed in this simulation as initial conditions. Different value
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