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The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Loyalty among Baghdad University Employees in light of Covid- 19 A Descriptive Analytical Study (University of Baghdad as a model)
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The educational service industry is one of the most negatively affected industries by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Government agencies have taken many measures to slow its spread, and then restrict movement and gatherings and stop recreational activities. Furthermore, the repercussions of the curfew had a significant impact due to the interruption in actual attendance for students and employees, and the severity of the Covid-19 crisis and its (economic, social, security, humanitarian and behavioral) effects on all societies and work sectors is no secret to anyone. Iraq, like other countries, was also affected by the negative impact of Covid-19 pandemic in all fields of institutional work, especially public fields, and specifically the field of education, given that It is based on the necessity for the administration to maintain the continuity of workers’ commitment to perform their duties, which raised the possibility of them being exposed to greater levels of pressure and workload due to the requirements to adhere to the new work procedures as specified by the crisis cell, such as full curfew and social distancing measures to preserve health, and since workers represent the lifeline of any an organization, managing and dealing with them was considered to be highly important because despite the lack of material and financial resources in business, employees remain one of the key assets that administrations of organizations must take care of and ensure the quality of their practical life and careers, not only during crises but at all times, by striving to satisfy them in order to maintain their organizational loyalty. These changes in work methods and procedures have likely had an impact on the performance and commitment of employees. Therefore, employee satisfaction has become one of the important topics that need examination and testing in light of crises in general and the COVID-19 crisis in particular. The global health crisis forced institutions to expedite the formulation of plans and a response strategy with little guidance as a result of the unprecedented nature of the epidemic, and then there was an impact on the predetermined factors that might have affected the satisfaction of employees in various institutions, especially service institutions whose work required them to continue providing services and complete work. In addition, the previously less relevant factors have become prevalent due to the nature of the pandemic; for example, the topics of job insecurity, unemployment and health risks have been identified as the most serious consequences of the epidemic globally. This research came to examine the level of job satisfaction of employees working in the educational institution (the University of Baghdad as a model) and its relationship to the degree of their organizational loyalty in light of the COVID 19 pandemic based on the knowledge generated by reviewing the literature that was used to identify the key factors that affect employee’s satisfaction and hence the degree of loyalty to his\her organization, and the foundational idea that employee’s satisfaction affects the overall performance level of the organization is based on several factors, including the degree of employee loyalty and devotion to work, thus, maintaining an adequate level of job satisfaction for employees is one of the key factors in maintaining effective organizational performance for any organization. In light of the changes that took place in the methods and procedures of institutional work in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it became important to unveil the positive and negative factors that affected the job satisfaction of employees and then their organizational loyalty to achieve further organizational progress and improvement and then improve the overall performance of the organization. thus came this research to focus on analyzing the relationship between employee satisfaction and organizational loyalty during the COVID-19 pandemic, and for that reason, we developed questionnaires to identify job satisfaction and organizational loyalty at the job level for employees of the educational institution, the University of Baghdad (Colleges of Education for Girls and Science for Girls) in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study included (279) employees from the Colleges of Education for Girls and the College of Science for Girls, with a rate of (135) (144) employees, respectively. Employee satisfaction was considered an independent variable, and organizational loyalty was considered a dependent variable. Reliability tests, correlation analysis and regression were conducted to prove the research hypotheses, and the results of the research showed that satisfied employees tend to be more loyal and devoted to the organization and contribute positively to improving organizational performance. Furthermore, at the time of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, employees in the field of educational services at the University of Baghdad.

Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iaes International Journal Of Artificial Intelligence (ij-ai)
Innovations in t-way test creation based on a hybrid hill climbing-greedy algorithm
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<p>In combinatorial testing development, the fabrication of covering arrays is the key challenge by the multiple aspects that influence it. A wide range of combinatorial problems can be solved using metaheuristic and greedy techniques. Combining the greedy technique utilizing a metaheuristic search technique like hill climbing (HC), can produce feasible results for combinatorial tests. Methods based on metaheuristics are used to deal with tuples that may be left after redundancy using greedy strategies; then the result utilization is assured to be near-optimal using a metaheuristic algorithm. As a result, the use of both greedy and HC algorithms in a single test generation system is a good candidate if constructed correctly. T

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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Type-2 Fuzzy Sonewhere Dense Set In General Type-2 Fuzzy Topological Space
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The multiplicity of connotations in any paper does not mean that there is no main objective for that paper and certainly one of these papers is our research the main objective is to introduce a new connotation which is type-2 fuzzy somewhere dense set in general type-2 fuzzy topological space and its relationship with open sets of the connotation type-2 fuzzy set in the same space topology and theories of this connotation.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 24 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Drought Spatiotemporal Characteristics Based on a Vegetation Condition Index in Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
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     Drought is a complex phenomenon that has severe impacts on the environment. Vegetation and its conditions are very sensitive to drought effects. This study aimed to monitor and assess the drought severity and its relationships to some ecological variables in ten districts of Erbil Governorate (Kurdistan Region), Iraq, throughout 20 years (1998-2017). The results revealed that droughts frequently hit Erbil throughout the study period. The Landsat time-series- based on Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) significantly correlated with precipitation, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and latitude. Extreme VCI-based drought area percentages were recorded in 1999, 2000, 2008, and 2011 by 43.4%, 67.9%, 43.3%, and 40.0%, respe

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
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Solidification Enhancement in a Triple-Tube Latent Heat Energy Storage System Using Twisted Fins
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This work evaluates the influence of combining twisted fins in a triple-tube heat exchanger utilised for latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) in three-dimensional numerical simulation and comparing the outcome with the cases of the straight fins and no fins. The phase change material (PCM) is in the annulus between the inner and the outer tube, these tubes include a cold fluid that flows in the counter current path, to solidify the PCM and release the heat storage energy. The performance of the unit was assessed based on the liquid fraction and temperature profiles as well as solidification and the energy storage rate. This study aims to find suitable and efficient fins number and the optimum values of the Re and the inlet tem

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Measuring Concentration For Some Ions In Drink And River Water In AL-muthana AndAL-basrah Cities Between December 2003 TO April 2004
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This  study  is concerned   measuri ng the concentration of some

ions l ike  calci um,  sodium, potassium, chlor,  lithium, carbonate and bicarbonate in drinking  and  river water  in AI-Muthana  and AI-Basrah


These  ions usually are found in normal water.  When we take di!Ierent samples  from different  regions  on the  E uph rates river  in Al­ Muthana  and A1-Basrah cities  we fou nd that the d rinking water  in Al­ Basrah contains a high prccent from  those ions. The  low preccnt from those  ions found  in Arab  river as compared with Euphrates  river. This study

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 12 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry
Using Standing Gold Nanorod Arrays as Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) Substrates for Detection of Carbaryl Residues in Fruit Juice and Milk
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Potentiometric Analysis of Samarium Ion in Aqueous Solution Employing Selective Electrode Based on Crown Ethers - Samarium Picrate Complexes in a PVC Membrane
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Samarium  ion selective  electrodes  we1·e  construct.ed  and  prepared

then  tested as  probefor  Samarium  ion detection  and determination  in different aqueous solutions.

The sensitive membrane is made of  PVC which contains Samarium

picrate complexed with either 18-crown-6 or 15-crown-5 ethers as active species.

Different  plasticizers:  phthalates  (DBPH),  phosphates  (DBP)  and

phosphonates  (DOPP) were incorporated into the membranes as solvent


Every   membrane   was   evaluated   practically   following  &n

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Dramatic Dialogue And Its Effectiveness In Enhancing The Characteristics Of The Alienated Character In The Television Series
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Dialogue is one of the pillars of character building in the television series, through which it is possible to identify the most important characteristics and traits of the personality, in addition to its ability to reveal the most important problems at all levels. The following: (How does dialogue contribute to enhancing the traits of the alienated personality?). It therefore aims to identify the effectiveness of the dramatic dialogue in enhancing the traits of the alienated personality represented by (powerlessness, isolation, meaninglessness, objectification, non-standardization and rebellion). (The traits of the alienated character, and the second is the psychological function of the dramatic dialogue), to extract from them the main

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Adsorption Kinetic and Isotherms Studies of Thiophene Removal from Model Fuel on Activated Carbon Supported Copper Oxide
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In the present study, activated carbon supported metal oxides was prepared for thiophene removal from model fuel (Thiophene in n-hexane) using adsorptive desulfurization technique. Commercial activated carbon was loaded individually with copper oxide in the form of Cu2O/AC. A comparison of the kinetic and isotherm models of the sorption of thiophene from model fuel was made at different operating conditions including adsorbent dose, initial thiophene concentration and contact time. Various adsorption rate constants and isotherm parameters were calculated. Results indicated that the desulfurization was enhanced when copper was loaded onto activated carbon surface. The highest desulfurization percent for Cu2O/AC and o

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2008
Journal Name
2008 First International Conference On The Applications Of Digital Information And Web Technologies (icadiwt)
Hybrid canonical genetic algorithm and steepest descent algorithm for optimizing likelihood estimators of ARMA (1, 1) model
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This paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm (hGA) for optimizing the maximum likelihood function ln(L(phi(1),theta(1)))of the mixed model ARMA(1,1). The presented hybrid genetic algorithm (hGA) couples two processes: the canonical genetic algorithm (cGA) composed of three main steps: selection, local recombination and mutation, with the local search algorithm represent by steepest descent algorithm (sDA) which is defined by three basic parameters: frequency, probability, and number of local search iterations. The experimental design is based on simulating the cGA, hGA, and sDA algorithms with different values of model parameters, and sample size(n). The study contains comparison among these algorithms depending on MSE value. One can conc

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