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Improving the BURT’s Sensitivity using Noise Calibration Unit via Crab Nebula Observations
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Radio observations from astronomical sources like supernovae became one the most important sources of information about the physical properties of those objects. However, such radio observations are affected by various types of noise such as those from sky, background, receiver, and the system itself. Therefore, it is essential to eliminate or reduce these undesired noise from the signals in order to ensure accurate measurements and analysis of radio observations. One of the most commonly used methods for reducing the noise is to use a noise calibrator. In this study, the 3-m Baghdad University Radio Telescope (BURT) has been used to observe crab nebula with and without using a calibration unit in order to investigate its impact on the signal. Radio observations of crab nebula have been carried out for different periods in 2022. Several parameters of the telescope have been calculated and analyzed using statistical measurements with and without using the noise calibration unit. Those parameters are receiver gain, system temperature, antenna temperature, and degree per flux unit. The results of this research revealed that the fluctuation sensitivity of BURT improved by about an order of magnitude, when the noise calibration unit is used. The root mean square error and the radiometer equation of the antenna temperature decreased to less than 33% and 10%, respectively in comparison to their initial values. In conclusion, the noise calibration unit plays a crucial role to improve the sensitivity of a radio telescope drastically.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Environmental Sciences
An expert System for Predicting the Effects of Noise Pollution on Grass Trimming Task Using Fuzzy Modeling
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Grass trimming operation is widely done in Malaysia for the purpose of maintaining highways. Large number of operators engaged in this work encounters high level of noise generated by back pack type grass trimmer used for this purpose. High level of noise exposure gives different kinds of ill effect on human operators. Exact nature of deteriorated work performance is not known. For predicting the work efficiency deterioration, fuzzy tool has been used in present research. It has been established that a fuzzy computing system will help in identification and analysis of fuzzy models fuzzy system offers a convenient way of representing the relationships between the inputs and outputs of a system in the form of IF-THEN rules. The paper presents

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 27 2019
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    Ten blue swimming crabs Portunus segnis (Forskål, 1775) were collected from the north west of the Arabian Gulf off the Iraqi marine waters from October to November 2017 at 29ᵒ 37′ N to 48ᵒ 47′ E.

     The barnacle Octolasmis angulata (Aurivillius, 1894) was found on the gills of the present species of crab, the mean incidence of infestation was 30%, while the mean Intensity of infestation was 12.3. The barnacle have a long and slim shaped calcareous plate with the presence of carina and the absence of tergum, in addition to the elongated shape of carina and scutum. The current study represents the first record of the barnacle O. angulata in the Ar

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improving IoT Applications Using a Proposed Routing Protocol
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The main objective of this work is to propose a new routing protocol for wireless sensor network employed to serve IoT systems. The routing protocol has to adapt with different requirements in order to enhance the performance of IoT applications. The link quality, node depth and energy are used as metrics to make routing decisions. Comparison with other protocols is essential to show the improvements achieved by this work, thus protocols designed to serve the same purpose such as AODV, REL and LABILE are chosen to compare the proposed routing protocol with. To add integrative and holistic, some of important features are added and tested such as actuating and mobility. These features are greatly required by some of IoT applications and im

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 02 2024
Journal Name
Quantum Studies: Mathematics And Foundations
Implementation of a modified noise-free and noisy multistage quantum cryptography protocol using QISKIT
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Classical cryptography systems exhibit major vulnerabilities because of the rapid development of quan tum computing algorithms and devices. These vulnerabilities were mitigated utilizing quantum key distribution (QKD), which is based on a quantum no-cloning algorithm that assures the safe generation and transmission of the encryption keys. A quantum computing platform, named Qiskit, was utilized by many recent researchers to analyze the security of several QKD protocols, such as BB84 and B92. In this paper, we demonstrate the simulation and implementation of a modified multistage QKD protocol by Qiskit. The simulation and implementation studies were based on the “local_qasm” simulator and the “FakeVigo” backend, respectively. T

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Translation & Linguistics
The Concept of Death in Don DeLillo's White Noise
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Death is undoubtedly the theme of Don DeLillo’s White Noise. Murray Siskind, a College-on-the-Hill professor who is obsessed with the exploration and reinterpretation of American popular culture, talks about the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and the German mentor of Jack Gladney has been using the Egyptian Book of the Dead, translated into German. The core episode of the story is the Airborne Toxic Event, the associate of Heinrich (Jack’s teenage son), Orestes Mercator, dreams of becoming one of the great figures in the Guinness Book by challenging and confronting death by enclosing himself in a glass pen jam-packed with poisonous snakes, and Heinrich challenges an imprisoned mass murderer in a chess game. The scholarly expertise of Jack c

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The efficiency calibration for local manufacturing gamma scanning systems of radioactive waste drums
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The Local manufacturing scanning gamma system designed in Tuwaitha site for nondestructive assay method of radioactive waste drums, where it consist of two main parts with their belongings for controlling the of detector and drum movements up-down and rotation respectively. The volume of the used drum is 220 L with 85 cm height. The drum filled with Portland cement. Six cylindrical holes were made within cement drum and distributed in radial arrangement.The152Eu source inserted in these holes individually, to measure the average angular count rate of gamma radiation. The full energy efficiency value for geometry of drum and detector is computed for thirteen photo peaks. The average efficiency represented by the curve of these peaks indic

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
World Congress On Civil, Structural, And Environmental Engineering
Improving the Behavior of Steel Plate Shear Wall Using Double Infill Plates
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Natural Sciences
Geology and Structure Analysis of Shaqlawa – Merawa Area, Northern Iraq Using Remote Sensing, GIS and Field Observations
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This study appears GIS techniqueand remote sensing data are matching with the field observation to identify the structural features such as fault segments in the urban area such as the Merawa and Shaqlawa Cities. The use of different types of data such as fault systems, drainage patterns (previously mapped), lineament, and lithological contacts with spatial resolution of 30m was combined through a process of integration and index overlay modeling technique for producing the susceptibility map of fault segments in the study area. GIS spatial overlay technique was used to determine the spatial relationships of all the criteria (factors) and subcriteria (classes) within layers (maps) to classify and map the potential ar

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Strong Triple Data Encryption Standard Algorithm using Nth Degree Truncated Polynomial Ring Unit
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Cryptography is the process of transforming message to avoid an unauthorized access of data. One of the main problems and an important part in cryptography with secret key algorithms is key. For higher level of secure communication key plays an important role. For increasing the level of security in any communication, both parties must have a copy of the secret key which, unfortunately, is not that easy to achieve. Triple Data Encryption Standard algorithm is weak due to its weak key generation, so that key must be reconfigured to make this algorithm more secure, effective, and strong. Encryption key enhances the Triple Data Encryption Standard algorithm securities. This paper proposed a combination of two efficient encryption algorithms to

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of using blockchain technology in improving the quality of digital financial reports
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This study aims mainly to identify the role of the use of blockchain technology in improving the quality of digital financial reports, answering questions and testing the hypothesis of the study, the researchers relied on the descriptive analytical approach, and to obtain the necessary data a questionnaire was distributed after evaluation to the study community.

The results of the study have shown that the use of blockchain technology helps to provide a high degree of reliability in digital financial reports published to banks over the Internet, ensure the speed of completion and completion, and maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the information contained in the digital financial reports of banks

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