<p>Generally, The sending process of secret information via the transmission channel or any carrier medium is not secured. For this reason, the techniques of information hiding are needed. Therefore, steganography must take place before transmission. To embed a secret message at optimal positions of the cover image under spatial domain, using the developed particle swarm optimization algorithm (Dev.-PSO) to do that purpose in this paper based on Least Significant Bits (LSB) using LSB substitution. The main aim of (Dev. -PSO) algorithm is determining an optimal paths to reach a required goals in the specified search space based on disposal of them, using (Dev.-PSO) algorithm produces the paths of a required goals with most efficient and speed. An agents population is used in determining process of a required goals at search space for solving of problem. The (Dev.-PSO) algorithm is applied to different images; the number of an image which used in the experiments in this paper is three. For all used images, the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) value is computed. Finally, the PSNR value of the stego-A that obtained from blue sub-band colo is equal (44.87) dB, while the stego-B is equal (44.45) dB, and the PSNR value for the stego-C is (43.97)dB, while the vlue of MSE that obtained from the same color sub-bans is (0.00989), stego-B equal to (0.01869), and stego-C is (0.02041). Furthermore, our proposed method has ability to survive the quality for the stego image befor and after hiding stage or under intended attack that used in the existing paper such as Gaussian noise, and salt & pepper noise.</p>
The type of video that used in this proposed hiding a secret information technique is .AVI; the proposed technique of a data hiding to embed a secret information into video frames by using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Curvelet Transform (CvT). An individual pixel consists of three color components (RGB), the secret information is embedded in Red (R) color channel. On the receiver side, the secret information is extracted from received video. After extracting secret information, robustness of proposed hiding a secret information technique is measured and obtained by computing the degradation of the extracted secret information by comparing it with the original secret information via calculating the No
... Show MoreText based-image clustering (TBIC) is an insufficient approach for clustering related web images. It is a challenging task to abstract the visual features of images with the support of textual information in a database. In content-based image clustering (CBIC), image data are clustered on the foundation of specific features like texture, colors, boundaries, shapes. In this paper, an effective CBIC) technique is presented, which uses texture and statistical features of the images. The statistical features or moments of colors (mean, skewness, standard deviation, kurtosis, and variance) are extracted from the images. These features are collected in a one dimension array, and then genetic algorithm (GA) is applied for image clustering.
... Show MoreImage steganography is undoubtedly significant in the field of secure multimedia communication. The undetectability and high payload capacity are two of the important characteristics of any form of steganography. In this paper, the level of image security is improved by combining the steganography and cryptography techniques in order to produce the secured image. The proposed method depends on using LSBs as an indicator for hiding encrypted bits in dual tree complex wavelet coefficient DT-CWT. The cover image is divided into non overlapping blocks of size (3*3). After that, a Key is produced by extracting the center pixel (pc) from each block to encrypt each character in the secret text. The cover image is converted using DT-CWT, then the p
... Show MoreJPEG is most popular image compression and encoding, this technique is widely used in many applications (images, videos and 3D animations). Meanwhile, researchers are very interested to develop this massive technique to compress images at higher compression ratios with keeping image quality as much as possible. For this reason in this paper we introduce a developed JPEG based on fast DCT and removed most of zeros and keeps their positions in a transformed block. Additionally, arithmetic coding applied rather than Huffman coding. The results showed up, the proposed developed JPEG algorithm has better image quality than traditional JPEG techniques.
With growing global demand for hydrocarbons and decreasing conventional reserves, the gas industry is shifting its focus in the direction of unconventional reservoirs. Tight gas reservoirs have typically been deemed uneconomical due to their low permeability which is understood to be below 0.1mD, requiring advanced drilling techniques and stimulation to enhance hydrocarbons. However, the first step in determining the economic viability of the reservoir is to see how much gas is initially in place. Numerical simulation has been regarded across the industry as the most accurate form of gas estimation, however, is extremely costly and time consuming. The aim of this study is to provide a framework for a simple analytical method to esti
... Show MoreMB Mahmood, BN Dhannoon