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Fire flame effect on the compressive strength of reactive powder concrete using different methods of cooling
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This research foxed on the effect of fire flame of different burning temperatures (300, 400 and 500)oC on the compressive strength of reactive powder concrete (RPC).The steady state duration of the burning test was (60)min. Local consuming material were used to mixed a RPC of compressive strength around (100) MPa. The tested specimens were reinforced by (3.0) cm hooked end steel fiber of (1100) MPa yield strength. Three steel fiber volume fraction were adopted in this study (0, 1.0and 1.5)% and two cooling process were included, gradual and sudden. It was concluding that increasing burning temperature decreases the residual compressive strength for RPC specimens of(0%) steel fiber volume fraction by (12.16, 19.46&24.49) and (18.20, 27.77 &36.07) forgradual and sudden cooling respectively. This reduction was modified by adding steel fiber, the percentage of (1%) characterized the optimum response. Burning RPC that has non-zero steel fiber content up to 400 oC caused an increase in the residual compressive strength for a case of gradual cooling to be (4.37 & 6.25)% for steel fiber volume fraction of (1 & 1.5) % respectively. Sudden cooling method was improved to be the critical cooling method, the negative influence of this method was directly proportion with both burning temperature and steel fiber volume fraction.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Residual post fire strength of non-prismatic perforated beams
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Abstract<p>The main aim of this study is to assess the performance and residual strength of post-fire non-prismatic reinforced concrete beams (NPRC) with and without openings. To do this, nine beams were cast and divided into three major groupings. These groups were classified based on the degrees of heating exposure temperature chosen (ambient, 400, and 700°C), with each group containing three non-prismatic beams (solid, 8 trapezoidal openings, and 8 circular openings). Experimentally, given the same beam geometry, increasing burning temperature caused degradation in NPRC beams, which was reflected in increased mid-span deflection throughout the fire exposure period and also residual deflectio</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (4)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Nov 13 2020
Journal Name
Mechanics Of Advanced Materials And Structures
Enhancing the strength of reinforced concrete columns using steel embedded tubes
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This paper demonstrates an experimental and numerical study on the behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) columns with longitudinal steel embedded tubes positioned at the center of the column cross-section. A total of 12 pin-ended square sectional columns of 150 × 150 mm having a total height of 1400 mm were investigated. The considered variables were the steel tube diameters of 29, 58, and 76 mm and the load eccentricity (0, 50, and 150) mm. Accordingly, these columns were divided into three groups (four columns in each group) depending on the load eccentricity (e) to column depth (h) ratio (e/h = 0, 1/3, and 1). For each group, one column was solid (reference), and the other three columns contained steel tubes with hollow rat

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Crossref (12)
Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Lime Addition Methods on Performance Related Properties of Asphalt Concrete Mixture
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In the recent years, some of the newly constructed asphalt concrete pavements in Baghdad as well as other cities across Iraq showed premature failures with consequential negative impact on both roadway safety and economy. Frequently, load associated mode of failure (rutting and fatigue) as well as, occasionally, moisture damage in some poorly drained sections are the main failure types found in those newly constructed road.

In this research, hydrated lime was introduced into asphalt concrete mixtures of wearing course in two methods. The first one was the addition of dry lime on dry aggregate and the second one was the addition of dry lime on saturated surface dry aggregate moisturized by 2.0 to 3.0 percent of wa

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of Mechanical Strength of Epoxy Polymer Concrete Reinforcement with Different Types of Fibers
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 Polymer composite materials were prepared by mixing epoxy resin with sand particles in three different grain size (150-300 ), (300-600 ) and (600- 1200) μm . The weight of epoxy was 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% of the total weight. Compression  strength and flexural strength tests were carried out for the prepared samples .The percentages of epoxy resin at 20% wt and 25% wt showed best mechanical properties for all grain sizes .These percentages were adopted to fill the void between particles sand which have two different size ranges (150-600) μm and {(150-300) & (600-1200)} μm respectively to obtain more dense material. The results showed that the strength of polymer composite at 20% resin is higher than 25% resin. The

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of sulfuric acid solution on thermal conductivity and impact strength of epoxy resin reinforced by silicon dioxide powder
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In this search, Ep/SiO2 at (3, 6, 9, 12 %) composites is prepared by hand Lay-up method, to measure the change in the thermal conductivity and Impact Strength of epoxy resin before and after immersion in H2SO4 Solution with a 0.3N for 10 days. The results before immersion decreases with the increase of the weight ratios of the reinforcement material (SiO2), It changed from (82.6×10-2 to 38.7×10-2 W/m.°C) with change weight ratios from (3 to 12) % respectively, but after immersion time in the chemical solution where it was (65.6×10-2 W/m.°C) at the weight ratios (6 %) and became (46.6 × 10-2 W/m.°C) after immersion in sulfuric acid. The results of the Impact strength decreased by increasing the percentage weight ratio, it changed f

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
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Two field experiments were carried out for cultivating yellow maize crop Zea mays L. during the autumn planting season 2019 in two sites with soils of different textures. The first site is a loamy texture in one of the fields of the Medhatia Agriculture Division, Babylon Governorate. The second was silty loam by an alluvial mixture in one of the fields of Al-Nouriah Research Station, Ministry of Agriculture located in Al-Nouriah sub-district, Al-Qadisiyah governorate. It was found through the results that the uniformity, efficiency, and adequacy of the irrigation efficiency of the sprinkler irrigation method is better than that of the sprinkler irrigation method, and it ranged between (88.6-88.7) for uniformity and (84-86)% of the irrigatio

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Scopus (7)
Publication Date
Mon Jul 30 2018
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Performance of Post-Fire Composite Prestressed Concrete Beam Topped with Reinforced Concrete Flange
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The performance of composite prestressed concrete beam topped with reinforced concrete flange structures in fire depends upon several factors, including the change in properties of the two different materials due to fire exposure and temperature distribution within the composition of the composite members of the structure. The present experimental work included casting of 12 identical simply supported prestressed concrete beams grouped into 3 categories, depending on the strength of the top reinforced concrete deck slab (20, 30, and 40 MPa). They were connected together by using shear connector reinforcements. To simulate the real practical fire disasters, 3 composite prestressed concrete beams from each group were exposed to high t

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Experimental and numerical study on wrapping concrete cylinders post heating and cooling under preload using CFRP fabrics
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This paper reports test results and describes a numerical investigation of the effectiveness of using carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) fabrics for strengthening concrete cylinders that have been undamaged and damaged due to heating under preload. The purpose of this research was to investigate whether there is any difference in the performance of CFRP-wrapped cylinders if the wrapping is done under preload, and those for which neither heating, cooling nor wrapping was done under preload. The cylinders were exposed to 30% of maximum load at ambient temperature during heating and cooling before being wrapped under preload. Of 18 Ø 100 × 200 mm identical cylinders, 6 were left as control samples without heating, 12 were exposed t

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Scopus (12)
Crossref (6)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Thermal Characteristics of Closed Wet Cooling Tower Using Different Heat Exchanger Tubes Arrangement
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This paper presents thermal characteristics analysis of a modified Closed Wet Cooling Tower (CWCT) based on heat and mass transfer principles to improve the performance of this tower in Iraq. A prototype of CWCT optimized by added packing was designed, manufactured and tested for cooling capacity of 9 kW. Experiments are conducted to explore the effects of various operational and conformational parameters on the thermal performance. In the test section, spray water temperature and both dry bulb temperature and relative humidity of the air measured at intermediate points of the heat exchanger and packing. Heat exchangers consist of four rows and eight columns for an inline tubes arrangement and six rows and five columns f

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparison of Shear Bond Strength of Sapphire Bracket Bonded to Zirconium Surface after Using Different Surface Conditioning Methods (In Vitro Study)
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Background: The present study was carried out to compare shear bond strength of sapphire bracket bonded to zirconium surface after using different methods of surface conditioning and assessment of the adhesive remnant index. Materials and methods: The sample composed of 40 zirconium specimens divided into four groups; the first group was the control, the second group was conditioned by sandblast with aluminum oxide particle 50 μm, the third and fourth group was treated by (Nd: YAG) laser (1064nm)(0.888 Watt for 5 seconds) for the 1st laser group and (0.444 Watt for 10 seconds) for the 2nd laser group. All samples were coated by z-prime plus primer. A central incisor sapphire bracket was bonded to all samples with light cure adhesive res

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