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A hybrid technique for solving fractional delay variational problems by the shifted Legendre polynomials
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This study presents a practical method for solving fractional order delay variational problems. The fractional derivative is given in the Caputo sense. The suggested approach is based on the Laplace transform and the shifted Legendre polynomials by approximating the candidate function by the shifted Legendre series with unknown coefficients yet to be determined. The proposed method converts the fractional order delay variational problem into a set of (n + 1) algebraic equations, where the solution to the resultant equation provides us the unknown coefficients of the terminated series that have been utilized to approximate the solution to the considered variational problem. Illustrative examples are given to show that the recommended approach is applicable and accurate for solving such kinds of problems.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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September 11th attacks held the biggest tragedy in American history. It was a day of grief, and it proved that America was not immune to attacks and threat. Afterwards life has changed not only for the American Muslims but also American Christians and Jews and to people from other religions. The cruelty of that day has left its shed particularly on the Muslims’ life in America who in reality had nothing to do with the attacks. Arab American Muslim writer Laila Halaby’s novel, Once in a Promised Land, intensely displays the problems that Arab Muslims went through after September 11th attacks. This paper discusses this issue through analysing Halaby’s novel, where she deals with the issues such as discrimination, stereotype, and prejudi

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
2019 12th International Conference On Developments In Esystems Engineering (dese)
Roadway Deterioration Prediction Using Markov Chain Modeling (Wasit Governorate/ Iraq as a Case Study)
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 31 2020
Journal Name
Lark Journal For Philosophy, Linguistics And Social Sciences
Identity crisis of Arab-American in Laila Halaby's Novel once in a promise Land
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This study aims at describing the identity crisis of Diaspora people (Arab -American) in "Laila Halaby's" novel "Once in A promise Land". Halaby tackles the issues of racism, exclusion, and instability of identity that affect the Arab American community after the terrorist event of eleventh of September. She sheds light on the experiences of her significant characters Salwa and Jassim in America, clarifying how this event weakened their social position and turns their presence in America questionable. "Halaby" describes the bitterness of her characters who are induced into a dream of belonging to a land that transcends their original culture and religious values as well as their language. "Halaby" explains the subsistence in America involvi

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 23 2022
Journal Name
American Scientific Research Journal For Engineering, Technology, And Sciences
A Review of TCP Congestion Control Using Artificial Intelligence in 4G and 5G Networks
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In recent years, the field of research around the congestion problem of 4G and 5G networks has grown, especially those based on artificial intelligence (AI). Although 4G with LTE is seen as a mature technology, there is a continuous improvement in the infrastructure that led to the emergence of 5G networks. As a result of the large services provided in industries, Internet of Things (IoT) applications and smart cities, which have a large amount of exchanged data, a large number of connected devices per area, and high data rates, have brought their own problems and challenges, especially the problem of congestion. In this context, artificial intelligence (AI) models can be considered as one of the main techniques that can be used to solve ne

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Women with Breast Cancer in Iraq: A Preliminary Report
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 24 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Cardiovascular Risk Assessement in Osteoporotic Patients Using Osteoprotegerin as a Reliable Predictive Biochemical Marker
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       Some studies indicated a relationship between increased serum levels of osteoprotegerin with arterial calcification and as a result, it leads to the risk of cardiovascular disease. In our study group we selected patients with osteoporosis, with similar age and body mass index for the assessment of the relationship between cardiovascular disease and osteoprotegerin serum level. We took into account the analysis of correlation and association between the presence of distinct patterns of atherosclerosis and associated diseases like high blood pressure,  diabetes mellitus, low HDL cholesterol, increased LDL cholesterol, increased triglycerides and was the case of presence of any type of dyslipidemia,

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Variation of non-diatomic algae in a martyr monument lake under different climate factors
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Abstract<p>The current study was conducted in the environment of the Martyr Monument Lake in the city center of Baghdad during 2019 to monitor the impact of climatic conditions such as drought, water shortage, high temperatures in the environment of the city and the lack of water flow during the years 2015 to 2018 and their effects on some of the physical and chemical factors of water and the dynamics of the phytoplankton community in the lake environment. Heterogeneity of some studied environmental factors, including air and water temperature, permeability, water depth, pH, DO, BOD5, nutrients, nitrate, NO3, and phosphates were found. The results showed the effect of climate change and the pres</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Mar 05 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Molecular Docking Studies of Human Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme RAD6: A Systematic in Silico Approach
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This study confirms the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 2B (Rad6) plays a significant role in the DNA repair pathway also because the ubiquitin-conjugating pathway. The DNA repair pathway could be a variety of bypass repair mechanism where the broken base pair is bypassed by permitting the replication fork to labor under the site of injury. This is often done by a shift mechanism wherever deoxyribonucleic acid enzyme - δ is switched with DNA enzyme - η (DNAP - η). Site of DNAP - η is massive enough to permit the broken ester to labor under, and so bypass the broken nucleotide. However, this is often potential solely through the involvement of Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) that could be a processivity issue and it acts as a plat

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 16 2020
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Green tea influence on iron overload in thalassemia intermedia patients: a randomized controlled trial
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Background: Although iron chelation therapies have been available for many years for thalassemia intermedia patients, iron accumulation remains the major cause of death. Therefore, the need for additional chelation options is in demand. This randomized controlled study aimed to understand the effects of green tea on iron balance in thalassemia intermedia patients.

Methods: Using a random selection method, 141 thalassemia intermedia patients were initially screened for inclusion in this trial; only 68 patients included after applying exclusion criteria. Two equal groups were generated (n=34/group): green tea (three cups/day after meals) + usual treatment (deferasirox iron chelat

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
On modelling and adaptive control of a linear smart beam model interacting with fluid
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Abstract<p>This paper deals with modelling and control of Euler-Bernoulli smart beam interacting with a fluid medium. Several distributed piezo-patches (actuators and/or sensors) are bonded on the surface of the target beam. To model the vibrating beam properly, the effect of the piezo-patches and the hydrodynamic loads should be taken into account carefully. The partial differential equation PDE for the target oscillating beam is derived considering the piezo-actuators as input controls. Fluid forces are decomposed into two components: 1) hydrodynamic forces due to the beam oscillations, and 2) external (disturbance) hydrodynamic loads independent of beam motion. Then the PDE is discretized usi</p> ... Show More
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