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El intertexto audiovisual y su traduccion
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El intertexto audiovisual y su traduccion

Publication Date
Tue May 15 2012
Journal Name
مجلة الاداب الجزء الثاني\ اللسانيات –اللغات الاجنبية
العدد: دراسة مقارنة بين اللغة الاسبانية والعربية.
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العدد: دراسة مقارنة بين اللغة الاسبانية والعربية.

Publication Date
Fri Jan 02 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Frecuencia de las fórmulas de tratamiento pronominal en grandes obras de la literatura española entre los siglos XII y XX .(Estudio cronológico)
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he Spanish is considered one of the most developed and renovated languages. Spanish language has gone through several stages since its separation from the mother language Latin until its current form. As the medieval Spanish was different of the Spanish that used in the Spanish golden epoch and this Spanish is different of current Spanish. These changes have included syntactical, morphological, phonetically, semantically and orthographical changes.

Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Valle-Inclan entre la magia filosofica de la vida y la sofisticación رامون ديل بايه انكلان بين ساحرية فلسفة الحياة واضطراد التطور
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2019
Journal Name
حولیات أداب عین شمس
La Pérdida de la Identidaden la Simbología de los Nombres: “la Malinche” y “la Hidra” de Carlos Fuentes (Análisis desde una Perspectiva de la Semiótica)
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The works that have been analyzed are symbolic names written by Carlos Fuentes, Mexican novelist, and short-story writer, critic, and diplomat whose experimental novels gave him an international literary reputation. The study deals with the analysis of the symbolic images of the name "Malinche" that appears in todoslos gatos son pardos (1970; “All Cats Are Gray”), a drama about the Spanish conquest of Mexico with the pivotal character. And "Hydra", in la cabeza de Hidra (1978; Hydra’s Head) is a mystery story, an immersion into a corrupt political world, and an exploration of different kinds of attraction between man and who deals with the subject of the search: lost identity. Therefore, we try to answer in this study some of the que

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