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Effect of High Salt Concentrations on some Growth Characteristics and Feed Intake Rate of Ctenopharyngodon idella
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Abstract<p>Grass carp at a weight of 34.68 + 2 g were gradually exposed to four saline concentrations: tap water (0.1), 3, 6, 9, and 12 gm/litter, and the first concentration represented a control treatment. Fish were fed on a diet with a protein content of 30% for ten weeks. Results of the growth experiment showed that the feed conversion rate was 2.46, 3.58, 4.84, 6.77, and -8.56 in the first to fifth treatments, respectively, and the rate feed conversion efficiency was 40.65, 27. 93, 20.66, 14.77 and 11.68 %, while the protein intake was 22.38, 20.44, 18.86, 17.47 and 16.56 g in salt concentrations of 0.1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 g/L, respectively. In another experiment to study the effect of salt acclimatization on the rate of feed intake, grass carp with an average weight of 25.66 + 2 gm were exposed to the previous salt concentrations and fed on the same ratio in the growth experiment. Feed intake as a percentage of body weight amounted to 4.62, 4.12, 3.78, 3.24, and 2.48% respectively. It was concluded from the current study that the growth characteristics of grass carp were negatively affected by high salt concentrations.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 10 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine & Public Health
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The study showed that all extracts (aqueous, ethanolic and acetonic) of the leaves of Eucalyptus and Myrtus plants had a inhibitory effect on the growth of all types of yeasts studied, acetone extract recorded the highest inhibition of yeastat 100ppm concentration,The inhibition was 35mm, 34mm, 24mm and 20mm for Candida parapsilosis, Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis and Candida albicans respectively, The experiments above showed the least significant differences at 0.05 level.The results ofE. Cammldulensis ethanolic tincture analysis has shown the presence of 44 biologically active substances. The main Eucalyptus leaves component was: 2-Bicyclo (2-2.1) heptanol (12.37%), Ledol (8.23%),1,2,4- Benzenetriol (8.45%) and that contain spathul

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Applications And Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (aam)
Stability and Bifurcation of a Cholera Epidemic Model with Saturated Recovery Rate
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In this paper, a Cholera epidemic model is proposed and studied analytically as well as numerically. It is assumed that the disease is transmitted by contact with Vibrio cholerae and infected person according to dose-response function. However, the saturated treatment function is used to describe the recovery process. Moreover, the vaccine against the disease is assumed to be utterly ineffective. The existence, uniqueness and boundedness of the solution of the proposed model are discussed. All possible equilibrium points and the basic reproduction number are determined. The local stability and persistence conditions are established. Lyapunov method and the second additive compound matrix are used to study the global stability of the system.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 11 2019
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Modeling Rate of Penetration using Artificial Intelligent System and Multiple Regression Analysis
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Abstract<p>Over the years, the prediction of penetration rate (ROP) has played a key rule for drilling engineers due it is effect on the optimization of various parameters that related to substantial cost saving. Many researchers have continually worked to optimize penetration rate. A major issue with most published studies is that there is no simple model currently available to guarantee the ROP prediction.</p><p>The main objective of this study is to further improve ROP prediction using two predictive methods, multiple regression analysis (MRA) and artificial neural networks (ANNs). A field case in SE Iraq was conducted to predict the ROP from a large number of parame</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Measurement radon concentrations in samples for drinking water
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The principal forms of radiation dosage for humans from spontaneous radiation material are being recognized as radon and its progenitors in the interior environment. Radiation-related health risks are caused by radon in water supply, which can be inhaled or ingested. Materials and Methods: The solid-state CR-39 nuclear trace detectors method was using in this research for measuring accumulation of radioactivity in water supply in different locations of Iraq's southwest corner of Baghdad. In Baghdad district, 42 samples were selected from 14 regions (3 samples out of each region) and put in dosimeters for 50 days. Results: The mean radon concentration was 49.75 Bq/m3, that is lower than the internationally recognized limit of 1100 Bq /m3. Th

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad
The use of remote sensing to study the reflection of the ground cover and its relationship to some soil characteristics in the Abi Gharib area
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Nitrogen fertilization and plant density and their impact on the growth indicators and plant winning livestock
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This experiment was conducted in the season 2001-2000 in station Ishaqi the company's general industrial crops to plant livestock Vigna radala deleted (Khadrawi) carried out the experiment design panels splinter and order in RCBD with three balls two factors are levels nitrogen fertilizer (120 and, 100.0 kg urea / ha)nitrogen ratio of 46%, which put in the main panels mAIN PLOT and Alkiavat three levels that were placed in secondary panels .....

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Characteristics of Paper-cement Composite
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This study “discusses the benefit of “addition waste paper as a “new cellulose material “in mortar mixes. A partial addition of waste paper by cement weight was achieved to produce cement composite mortar.  Pulp and paper is the third major industrial dumper of air, soil and water. In recent year, paper and paperboard constitute a greater portion of many countries’ urban solid discarded generation. Beside, it increases characteristic “strength due to existence “of hydrogen links “in the microstructure of “paper. Furthermore, it consume “better thermal protection. The addition percentages “of waste paper used “in this work were (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) by “mass of cement to measure and evaluat

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 22 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Enhancement of Solubility and Improvement of Dissolution Rate of Atorvastatin Calcium Prepared as Nanosuspension
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       Atorvastatin have problem of very slightly aqueous solubility (0.1-1 mg/ml). Nano-suspension is used to enhance it’s of solubility and dissolution profile. The aim of this study is to formulate Atorvastatin as a nano-suspension to enhance its solubility due to increased surface area of exposed for dissolution medium, according to Noyes-Whitney equation.

        Thirty one formulae were prepared to evaluate the effect of ; Type of polymer, polymer: drug ratio, speed of homogenization, temperature of preparation and inclusion of co-stabilizer in addition to the primary one; using solvent-anti-solvent precipitation method under high power of ultra-sonication.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Formulation and Characterization of Nimodipine Nanoparticles for the Enhancement of solubility and dissolution rate
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Nimodipine (NMD) is a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker useful for the prevention and treatment of delayed ischemic effects. It belongs to class ? drugs, which is characterized by low solubility and high permeability. This research aimed to prepare Nimodipine nanoparticles (NMD NPs) for the enhancement of solubility and dissolution rate. The formulation of nanoparticles was done by the solvent anti-solvent technique using either magnetic stirrer or bath sonicator for maintaining the motion of the antisolvent phase. Five different stabilizers were used to prepare NMD NPs( TPGS, Soluplus®, HPMC E5, PVP K90, and poloxamer 407). The selected formula F2, in which  Soluplus 

has been utilized as a stabilizer, has a par

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the relationship between Government spending compression and the window of the currency and its impact on the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar
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The exchange rate is the backbone of  any economy in the world, whether  developed or developing, where most countries adopted  many policies, in order to ensure the stability of the exchange rate of the currency, because of its importance as a link between the local economy and the others ,And it contribute in the achievement of internal and external balance and despite the many different factors that affect it, but there is wide consensus on the effectiveness of the role of spending and the currency window in the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, especially in the Iraqi economy, effectiveness As the increase in government spending lead to an increase in the supply of money and increase domestic demand and high pr

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