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Patriarchy, and Colonialism in Ama Ata Aidoo's Anowa : A Feminist Approach
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Abstract The research investigates in detail the fascinating story of its title character, which may work as an allegory for Africa itself in its past. Ama Ata Aidoo is miscellaneous writers who wrote in different literary genre like drama , short stories novel and , poetry and criticism . She is also an active feminist. Aidoo is against the colonial practice and its influence on African minds. Aidoo's play Anowa confronts painful issues in Africa's past, mostly those of the slave trade. She goes further to tackle issues of patriarchal domination and African feminism, like the relationships between individuals and society, women and motherhood, men and women, husbands and wives, mothers and daughters, and above all the future invasion of ancient traditions. Anowa is an exciting play full of deep questions.

Publication Date
Wed Oct 10 2018
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injury With Versus Without Nerve Identification In Different Thyroidectomy Procedures
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Background: The world health organization estimates that worldwide 2 billion people still have iodine deficiency Objectives: Is to make comparison between the effect of identification of recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) and non-identification of the nerve on incidence of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury (RLNI) in different thyroidectomy procedures.

Type of the study: cross –sectional study.

Methods: 132 patients with goiters underwent thyroidectomy .Identification of RLN visually by exposure were done for agroup of them and non-identification of the nerves for the other group. The outcomes of RLNI in the two groupsanalyzed statistically for the effect of

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behavior of Low Carbon Steel Weldments
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This research involves studying the mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of “low carbon steel” (0.077wt% C) before and after welding using Arc, MIG and TIG welding. The mechanical properties include testing of microhardness, tensile strength, the results indicate that microhardness of TIG, MIG welding is more than arc welding, while tensile strength in arc welding more than TIG and MIG.

The corrosion behavior of low carbon weldments was performed by potentiostat at scan rate 3mV.sec-1 in 3.5% NaCl to show the polarization resistance and calculate the corrosion rate from data of linear polarization by “Tafel extrapolation method”. The results indicate that the TIG welding increase the corrosion current d

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
C.F Modules and C.P Modules
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Let R be a commutative ring with identity. R is said to be P.P ring if every principle ideal of R is projective. Endo proved that R is P.P ring if and only if Rp is an integral domain for each prime ideal P of R and the total quotient ring Rs of R is regular. Also he proved that R is a semi-hereditary ring if and only if Rp is a valuation domain for each prime ideal P of R and the total quotient Rs of R is regular. , and we study some of properties of these modules. In this paper we study analogue of these results in C.F, C.P, F.G.F, F.G.P R-modules.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Media campaigns, evolution and concept
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In dealing with media management phenomenon, concept and elements, we have tried, as much as possible, to build an abstract concept that can be analyzed and measured by analyzing the elements and components of the concept mentioned and explain it.

Before further consideration of the management of media campaigns, it is necessary to restore some points of media management so as not to understand the subject of campaign management as if it is independent of the concept of media management and the objectives that we seek to ensure its achievement. As we have noted that the concept of media management frames the administration mentioned as:

- Authority to manage the media institution.

- Operations supervised by the me

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Operations Strategy and Technological Change
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This research aims to deal with contemporary knowledge  methodology to correlate between operations strategy and technological change or modernization in productive paths for industrial organizations depend on practical indicators for competitive  priorities that is objectives of operations performance.

The research is based on main hypothesis, concentrates on determination of technological change which is decided by the level of technology deterioration in current operations path compared with the competitors leaders-technology leaders.

We apply these concepts on hypothetical case to two similar companies in their production nature and te

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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To track scientific developments and achievements, for example, that (achieved) after the Second World War until this moment, make each of us in absolute amazement. He invented the computer, discovered the genetic factor (DNA), and discovered the drawing of the human genetic map, going up to the moon, penetrating outer space by satellites, getting close to distant planets, producing jet planes, microprocessors, and lasers, in addition to enabling a person to create a layer of The material is extremely thin and extremely imaginative. It has also become possible for a person to "dig lines that do not exceed 20 billion meters of thickness." The human being was also able to collect things an atom and build an efficient and high-precision con

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Significant words Collect and study
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The aim of this research is to collect the semantically restricted vocabulary from linguistic vocabulary and make it regular in one wire with an in-depth study. This study is important in detecting the exact meanings of the language. On the genre, as shown in this research, and our purpose to reveal this phenomenon, where it shows the accuracy of Arabic in denoting the meanings, the research has overturned more than sixty-seven words we extracted from the stomachs of the glossaries and books of language, and God ask safety intent and payment of opinion.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Fifth International Conference On Applied Sciences: Icas2023
Ejectivity and goldie-extending modules
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Opcion, Año
Active Learning And Creative Thinking
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Active Learning And Creative Thinking

Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
Structure and Melodic Sabean Mandaean
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The Mandaean religion of ancient and important religions in Iraq and Iran has its own rituals which are characterized by the use of singing and toning of speech. It began with the creation of human beings through a group of prophets. Peace be upon them. Researcher research problem, and explained the importance of research and objectives and limits and identify terminology. The second topic is the theoretical framework to include the history of the Sabean Mandaean, secondly their religious rites, sources, major books and secondary books for the Latin tribes of Mandaean. Finally, the researcher tackled the sources of their sacred books and previous studies. The third topic represented the procedures. The researcher dealt with the musical a

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