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Structural performance of fiber-reinforced lightweight concrete slabs with expanded clay aggregate

Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Some Properties of Superplasticized and Retarding Concrete Under Effect of Accelerated Curing Methods

In recent decades, tremendous success has been achieved in the advancement of chemical admixtures for Portland cement concrete. Most efforts have concentrated on improving the properties of concrete and studying the factors that influence on these properties. Since the compressive strength is considered a valuable property and is invariably a vital element of the structural design, especially high early strength development which can be provide more benefits in concrete production, such as reducing construction time and labor and saving the formwork and energy. As a matter of fact, it is influenced as a most properties of concrete by several factors including water-cement ratio, cement type and curing methods employed.
Because of acce

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Transverse Base Width Restraint on the Cracking Behavior of Massive Concrete

The effect of considering the third dimension in mass concrete members on its cracking behavior is investigated in this study. The investigation includes thermal and structural analyses of mass concrete structures. From thermal analysis, the actual temperature distribution throughout the mass concrete body was obtained due to the generation of heat as a result of cement hydration in addition to the ambient circumstances. This was performed via solving the differential equations of heat conduction and convection using the finite element method. The finite element method was also implemented in the structural analysis adopting the concept of initial strain problem. Drying shrinkage volume changes were calculated using the procedure suggested

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of high and low density polyethylene on some mechanical properties of concrete

The increasing use of plastics in various aspects of modern life resulted in the availability of enormous amount of wastes, including a negative effect on the environment and humans. So it is necessary to find solutions to deal with these wastes and ensure to use them as solutions to use in concrete mix . In this research the production of concrete containing high and low density polyethylene has been used by (5, 10, 15)% as a replacement of part of the volume of sand, so as to obtain concrete good compressive strength as well as other benefits such as improved possibility of pumping concrete and reduce the loss of concrete for workability polymer is a material that is non-absorbable of water . It is also intended to dispose of these was

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Re-Use of Date Palm Wastes to Improve Aging of Composite Concrete System

The presented research aims to manipulate and improve the aging behaviors of concrete composite systems by employing ecologically safe date palm (seeds and husks) waste as a filler. In addition, optimized workability, durability, and erosion resistance properties for the new material were investigated.
The experimental work included the application of different mixing ratios (50/50, 30/70, and 70/30) of husk date/ date seeds to study the enhanced physicochemical behaviors and erosion resistant of bio-waste-concrete composite system exposed to severe temperature conditions (50 ºC) for a time period of 25 days. Optimum results were observed for samples reinforced with the natural filler with a ratio of 50/50 in comparison to the base

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Transverse Base Width Restraint on the Cracking Behavior of Massive Concrete

The effect of considering the third dimension in mass concrete members on its cracking behavior is investigated in this study. The investigation includes thermal and structural analyses of mass concrete structures. From thermal analysis, the actual temperature distribution throughout the mass concrete body was obtained due to the generation of heat as a result of cement hydration in
addition to the ambient circumstances. This was performed via solving the differential equations of heat conduction and convection using the finite element method. The finite element method was also implemented in the structural analysis adopting the concept of initial strain problem. Drying shrinkage volume changes were calculated using the procedure sug

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessing the Effect of Using Porcelanite on Compressive Strength of Roller Compacted Concrete

Roller-Compacted Concrete (RCC) is a zero-slump concrete, with no forms, no reinforcing steel, no finishing and is wet enough to support compaction by vibratory rollers. Because the effectiveness of curing on properties and durability, the primary scope of this research is to study the effect of various curing methods (air curing, emulsified asphalt(flan coat) curing, 7 days water curing and permanent water curing) and different porcelanite (local material used as an Internal Curing agent) replacement percentages (volumetric replacement) of fine aggregate on some properties of RCC and to explore the possibility of introducing more practical RCC for road pavement with minimum requirement of curing. Cubes specimens were sawed from the slab

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 03 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of the addition of silanated poly propylene fiber to polymethylmethacrylate denture base material on some of its mechanical properties

Background: Poly propylene fibers with and without silane treatment have been used to reinforce heat cure denture base acrylic but, some mechanical properties like transverse strength, impact strength, tensile strength, hardness, wear resistance and wettability. Which are related to the clinical use of the prosthesis are not evaluated yet. The aim of the study is to identify the influence of incorporation of treated and untreated fibers on these properties Materials and methods: Eighty four heat cure acrylic specimens were constructed by conventional flasking technique. They were divided into six groups according to the tests and each group was subdivided into two subgroups control and experimental groups (seven samples for each subgroup

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
Art and trash Structural transformation in aesthetic taste: بلاسم محمد جسام

Garbage is the waste of neglected human beings. The despised thing turns into art. We accept its existence as one of the new aesthetics that have been extended in the joints of modern life. Works of debris and waste find their place in exhibitions, museums and urban spaces of cities. It is one of the major tremors in the transformation of aesthetic taste on the level of art history.In light of these ideas, we are faced with the problem of interpreting the phenomenon and its identity, because the remnants of garbage for each people have historical characteristics and a kind of anthropology that refers to the culture of human use of the materials and their waste and the identity of their belonging. In Iraq, the garbage has its ecological a

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Multi-pages structure for Six Sigma performance matrix based on the technical characteristics of balanced performance and methodology Al-Sigma for measuring corporate performance: Suggestion vision

Accelerates operating managements in the facilities contemporary business environment toward redefining processes and strategies that you need to perform tasks of guaranteeing them continue in an environment performance dominated by economic globalization and the circumstances of uncertainty attempt the creation of a new structure through multiple pages seek to improve profitability and sustainable growth in performance in a climatefocuses on the development of institutional processes, reduce costs and achieve customer satisfaction to meet their demands and expectations are constantly changing. The research was presented structural matrix performance combines methodology Alsigma in order to improve customer satisfaction significantly bet

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Assessment Resistance Potential to Moisture Damage and Rutting for HMA Mixtures Reinforced by Steel Fibers

Rutting is mainly referring to pavement permanent deformation, it is a major problem for flexible pavement and it is a complicated process and highly observed along with many segments of asphalt pavement in Iraq. The occurrence of this defect is related to several variables such as elevated temperatures and high wheel loads. Studying effective methods to reduce rutting distress is of great significance for providing a safe and along-life road. The asphalt mixture used to be modified by adding different types of additives. The addition of additives typically excesses stiffness, improves temperature susceptibility, and reduces moisture sensitivity. For this work, steel fibres have been used for modifying asphalt mixture as they incorp

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