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قياس وتحليل الاستدامة المالية للاقتصاد العراقي للمدة ٢٠٠٤-٢٠١٨
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ان تحليل السلاسل الزمنية من المواضـيع الهامة في تفسير الظـواهر التي تحدث خلال فترة زمنية معينة ان الهدف من هذا لتحليل هو الحصـول على وصف وبنـاء أنموذج مناسب من اجل اعطاء صورة مستقبلية واضحة للسلاسل الزمنية المدروسة وان السلاسل الزمنية اهم الادوات المستخدمة في بناء وتقدير والتنبؤ بالظواهر المختلفة وان الاستدامة المالية هي الحالة التي تكون فيها الدولة قادرة على الوفاء بالتزاماتها الحالية والمستقبلية من غير تغيير سياساتها اهم القضايا التي تواجهها الدولة خصوصا الدولة النفطية لاعتمادها بشكل شبة التام على العوائد النفطية وهذا يؤدي الى تقلب حجم الايراد العام (انخفاض وارتفاع) مما يؤثر على الاستدامة المالية بالإضافة الى ارتفاع حجم الانفاق العام اذ استخدمت خصائص السلاسل الزمنية واختبار التكامل المشترك وانموذج متجه تصحيح الخطأ Vector Error Correction Model ومن ثم المقارنة من خلال المعايير,Sum Square Error Root Mean Square Error لإيجاد افضل انموذج من نماذج التمهيد الاسي للتنبؤ بالقيم المستقبلية , اذ تم التوصل الى ان السلاسل الزمنية (الانفاق العام والايراد العام) ساكنة بعد اخذ الفرق الاول وفق Augmented Dickey Fuller وتوصل البحث الى ان فترة الابطاء المثلى هي الفترة الثالثة بالاعتماد على معيار Akaike Information Criterion واشار اختبار Johansen – Juselius الى وجود علاقة توازنية طويلة الاجل بين المتغيرات وان هناك علاقة متجه من الايراد الى الانفاق وفق Vector Error Correction Model لان معلمة تصحيح حد الخطأ سالبة ومعنوية وان انموذج متجه تصحيح الخطأ بين نفقات والايرادات خالي من مشكلة الارتباط المتسلسل وخالي من مشكلة عدم تجانس التباين وان افضل انموذج للتنبؤ للمتغيرات البحث هو التمهيد الاسي لمعلمتي هولت لأنه اعطى نتائج دقيقة وقريبة من القيم الحقيقية.

Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Analyzing the content of the chemistry textbook for the third intermediate grade according to the skills of knowledge economy
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The current research aims to identify the extent to which cognitive economics skills are included in the content of the chemistry textbook for the third intermediate grade, and the research sample was represented in the chemistry textbook for the third intermediate grade. A list of knowledge economy skills was prepared (6) main skills (basic skills, communication skills, thinking skills, work skills Group, information-gathering skill, behavioral skills (and (20) sub-skills) (reading, writing, operations, computer skills and employability, oral expression and written communication, dialogue, persuasion, influence and arousal, analysis, problem-solving, decision-making, suggestions and hypotheses and employing them. Controlling, directing

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the Causal Relationship Long-and Short-term Between the Price of Crude Oil, the Global Price of Gold and the US. Dollar Exchange Rate
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This research aims to test the causal relationship long-and short-run between the price of gold the global crude oil price and the exchange rate of the dollar and how you can take advantage of the nature of this relationship, particularly in the Arab oil states that achieve huge surpluses, including Iraq and how to keep on the purchasing power of these surpluses or reduce the levels of risk.

The problem is that the Arab oil countries, adversely affected, as a result of that relationship, due to the fact that its role confined to the sale of crude oil only. They do not have control in the dollar, then they are not able to take advantage of its impact on the price of gold the fact that gold is effective pr

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Role of Cooperative Legislation in the Limitation of Informal Employment
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In this study we examine the role that cooperative legislation can play in reducing informal employment. Cooperatives are considered the window of the social economy, which plays a major role in complementing traditional markets and collective labor, thus embracing the informal economy as the lifeboat for marginalized and excluded groups. Cooperatives come to regulate the informal economic sector as one of the options available for organization, by providing cooperatives in the provision of services and not by access to natural resources, and by facilitating the participation of decision makers in building skills for young people By supporting their ability to innovate, gaining the confidence of donor financial institutions, and ultimate

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Social Solidarity Economy Conceptual framework and call for accreditation
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In this study, we sought to identify in detail all that relates to the social and solidarity economy in terms of its foundation, including historical development, philosophical basis, legalization and its associated concepts, characteristics, objectives, elements and obstacles, especially after the ways of achieving social justice attracted several individual, socialist and Islamic philosophies , Each seeks to understand them in different ways and methods while denying the means and methods of other philosophies in this framework, emerged some of the tools that may have received the consensus of the theoreticians and supporters of all those ideologies, namely, social responsibility and cooperative insurance and cooperatives and other Thi

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effects of Macroeconomic Variables on Gross Domestic Product in Saudi Arabia using ARDL model for the period 1993-2019
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This paper analyses the relationship between selected macroeconomic variables and gross domestic product (GDP) in Saudi Arabia for the period 1993-2019. Specifically, it measures the effects of interest rate, oil price, inflation rate, budget deficit and money supply on the GDP of Saudi Arabia. The method employs in this paper is based on a descriptive analysis approach and ARDL model through the Bounds testing approach to cointegration. The results of the research reveal that the budget deficit, oil price and money supply have positive significant effects on GDP, while other variables have no effects on GDP and turned out to be insignificant. The findings suggest that both fiscal and monetary policies should be fo

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A proposed model for disclosing the role of the collective intelligence system in improving joint auditing
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This research aims to present a proposed model for disclosure and documentation when performing the audit according to the joint audit method by using the questions and principles of the collective intelligence system, which leads to improving and enhancing the efficiency of the joint audit, and thus enhancing the confidence of the parties concerned in the outputs of the audit process. As the research problem can be formulated through the following question: “Does the proposed model for disclosure of the role of the collective intelligence system contribute to improving joint auditing?”   

The proposed model is designed for the disclosure of joint auditing and the role

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Artistic Integration of Aesthetic Manifestations in the Andalusian Islamic Style into the Interior Architecture (Mansour Laalaj's Door / Meknes a Case Study): شهريار عبد القادر محمود -سعد جرجيس
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The Islamic architectural heritage constitutes a civilized fortune that has to be preserved and protected and work should be done to maintain its development to be more convenient for the circumstances of the age and the civilization transformations. Due to the fact that architecture represents the civilization pot and cultural identity, its originality has to be preserved and work has to be done to prevent the strange architectural invasion that changes its character and make it lose the identity and the character and detached from its roots and environment.    

Decoration, in the interior design, as a concept is connected to ornamentation process of interior spaces, which is a process of adding certain items

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Legislative Balance between Stability and Sustainability in the Labor Market : A Study of the United Arab Emirates Legislation
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The Emirati Labor Legislation is one of the most effective legislations in its response to the developments and variations of the labor market, an effectiveness attained through emphasizing the necessity of workers’ efficiency reinforcement and through conserving and supporting skilled labor. It is however necessary to maintain balance in labor relations, to achieve equal opportunities for workers, and to ensure their rights, especially the citizens. The United Arab Emirates is actively seeking to support national talent by applying the Emiratization Policy, which is one of the State’s most prioritized concerns. This Policy entails achieving a balance between the labor relations’ stability and meeting the labor market’s requireme

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Best Multiplier Approximation of Unbounded Periodic Functions in L_(p,∅_n ) (B),B=[0,2π] Using Discrete Linear Positive Operators
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The purpose of this paper is to find the best multiplier approximation of unbounded functions in    –space by using some discrete linear positive operators. Also we will estimate the degree of the best multiplier approximation in term of modulus of continuity and the averaged modulus.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A comparative study of stylistic kriging and Co - kriging Multivariate on the barley crop in Iraq
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  This paper deals  the prediction of the process of  random spatial data of two properties, the first is called  Primary variables  and the second is called secondary  variables ,   the method  that were used in the  prediction process for this type  of data is technique Co-kriging  , the method is usually used when the number of primary variables  meant to predict for one of its elements is measured in a particular location a few (because of the cost or difficulty of obtaining them) compare with secondary variable which is the number of elements  are available and  highly correlated with primary variables, as was the&nbs

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