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Implementation and characterization of coating pure titanium dental implant with sintered β-TCP by using Nd:YAG laser
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Objectives This work presents laser coating of grade 1 pure titanium (Ti) dental implant surface with sintered biological apatite beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP), which has a chemical composition close to bone. Materials and methods Pulsed Nd:YAG laser of single pulse capability up to 70 J/10 ms and pulse peak power of 8 kW was used to implement the task. Laser pulse peak power, pulse duration, repetition rate and scanning speed were modulated to achieve the most homogenous, cohesive and highly adherent coat layer. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray microscopy (EDX), optical microscopy and nanoindentation analyses were conducted to characterise and evaluate the microstructure, phases, modulus of elasticity of the coating layer and calcium-to-phosphate ratio and composition. Results showed that the laser power and scanning speed influenced coating adherence. The cross-sectional field-emission scanning electron microscopy images at low power and high speed showed poor adherence and improved as the laser power increased to 2 kW. Decreasing the scanning speed to 0.2 mm/s at the same power of 2 kW increased adherence. EDX results of the substrate demonstrated that the chemical composition of the coat layer did not change after processing. Moreover, the maps revealed proper distribution of Ca and P with some agglomeration on the surface. The sharp peaks on the X-ray diffraction patterns indicated that β-TCPs in the coat layer were mostly crystalline. The elastic modulus was low at the surface and increased gradually with depth to reach 19 GPa at 200 nm; this value was close to that of bone. The microhardness of the coated substrate increased by about 88%. The laser pulse energy of 8.3 J, pulse peak power of 2 kW, pulse duration of 4.3 min, repetition rate of 10 Hz and scanning speed of 0.2 ms−1 yielded the best results. Conclusion: Both processing and coating have potential use for dental implant applications.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Isolation and identification of Bacillus stearothermophilus and study the inhibition effect of squeezed grape waste extract on it.: Isolation and identification of Bacillus stearothermophilus and study the inhibition effect of squeezed grape waste extract on it.
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The aim of this study was to know the inhibition activity of squeezed grape waste extract on Bacillus stearpthermophilus by using three different tempretures degree 40, 60 and 80c, in order to reduce the time exposure of food for preservation. This study include two branchs: First: isolation and identification of Bacillus stearothermophilus from soil, 5 sample were collected from the soil of the college agriculture/Baghdad university. Samples were cultured on nutrient agar, microscopic and culturing tests were conducted and many biochemical tests were done. The isolates were cultivated at 55 c and 65 c for differentiate it from Bacillus coagulans which is can't grow at 65 co. The c

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 20 2021
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Effect Of Boron Spray And Pollination Of Date Palm Yield And Fruits Quality Of Date Palm Cv. Zahdi‏ Mr Abood‏
Effect of Boron spray and pollination of Date palm yield and fruits Quality of Date palm Cv. Zahdi‏
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 14 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Kerbala University 11 (3)‏
Effect of chemical fertilization and gibberellic acid on the contentofsomechemical compounds of Nepali and Khudairi cultivars of olive‏
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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The extent of theatrical and musical arts contribute to the diagnosis And treatment of psychological problems Inmates of
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 The research aims to identify the extent to which the theatrical and musical arts contribute to diagnosing and treating psychological problems among the residents of children’s villages in Jordan, and the methodologies adopted by the theatrical and musical arts to achieve this. It moves on to prove the theory that theatrical and musical arts have an impact on improving the psychology of the residents of children’s villages in Jordan by reviewing the theories and opinions that address the subject from a scientific point of view proven by experiences and expertise. The research took place in the period between (2019-2020), and the spatial limits came within the (SOS) children's villages in Jordan. The importance of the research is to

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
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This field experiment was conducted at Research Station B, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, Jadiriyah during the fall season of 2019-2020 to evaluate the effect of cultivation dates and soil fertilization source on the growth, yield and quality of broccoli. A split plot design within the RCBD design with three replicates was applied as the Max F1 hybrid broccoli seedlings were transferred to the field at two dates 25, Sep. 2019 and 15, Oct. 2019, which were symbolized as A and B, respectively, and occupied at the main plot. After two weeks of cultivation, the soil fertilizers were applied three times during the season in 20 days between each applicati

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health
[CITATION] Direct and deferred retrieval of basketball for student of the college of physical education and sport sciences
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation of Polymeric Composites from Polypropylene and Palm Fronds and the Study of Some of Their Physical Properties
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              In this study a type of polymeric composites from melting poly propylene as a basic substance with Palm fronds powder were prepared. Evaluation of polymeric composites was done by studying some of it is mechanical properties, which included:Yong modulus (E), Impact Strength (I.S), Brinell hardness (B.H) and Compression Strength (C.S). The polymeric composites were studied before and after reinforcment by comparing between them. There was an increase in resistance of Yong modulus (E), Impact Strength (I.S), Brinell hardness (B.H) and compression Strength (C.S). Also, the effect of some acids were studied such as (HCl, H2

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of temperature and density of different host spam in efficiency and performance life of the intruder
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Studied competence spam to malicious moth figs at temperatures and Kagafat host different results showed that female intruder, despite their ability to shell larvae host and when densities of different, but it is able to lay eggs at a temperature of 14 + or -1 and finally urged the efficiency spam to malicious affected heavily host and that the greater the intensity of the host spam increased efficiency and its performance life

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 19 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of physical characteristics of mass and luminosity function of disk systems in barred and unbarred spiral galaxies
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إحدى أهم الطرق لتقصي توزيع المجرات عبر الزمن الكوني هي دالة اللمعان LF بدلالة كتلة القرص الباريوني ψS(Mb)، القدر . لقد درسنا تقديرًا لكثافة كتلة الباريون في عينة من المجرات الحلزونية القضيبية وغير القضيبية من الادبيات السابقة، والتي تتضمن فعليًا، لكل صنف من الاجرام السماوية ذات المحتوى الباريون المرئي، جزءًا لا يتجزأ من ناتج دالة الضيائية (LF) ونسبة الكتلة إلى الضوء. استخدمت تقنية الانحدار المتعدد لحزمة الب

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Acoustic and Thermal Insulation of Nanocomposites for Building Material: Improvement Of Sound And Thermal Insulation Properties Of Nanocomposite
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This work aims to enhance acoustic and thermal insulation properties for polymeric composite by adding nanoclay and rock wool as reinforcement materials with different rations. A polymer blend of (epoxy+ polyester) as matrix materials was used. The Hand lay-up technique was used to manufacture the castings. Epoxy and polyester were mixed at different weight ratios involving (50:50, 60:40, 70:30, 80:20, and 90:10) wt. % of (epoxy: polyester) wt. % respectively. Impact tests for optimum sample (OMR), caustic and thermal insulation tests were performed. Nano clay (Kaolinite) with ratios ( 5 and 7.5% ) wt.% , also hybrid reinforcement materials involving (Kaolite 5 & 7.5 % wt.% + 10% volume fraction of rockwool ) were added as reinforcem

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