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Downlink Training Design for FDD Massive MIMO Systems in the Presence of Colored Noise
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Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MaMi) systems have attracted much research attention during the last few years. This is because MaMi systems are able to achieve a remarkable improvement in data rate and thus meet the immensely ongoing traffic demands required by the future wireless networks. To date, the downlink training sequence (DTS) for the frequency division duplex (FDD) MaMi communications systems have been designed based on the idealistic assumption of white noise environments. However, it is essential and more practical to consider the colored noise environments when designing an efficient DTS for channel estimation. To this end, this paper proposes a new DTS design by exploring the joint use of spatial channel and noise covariance matrices, when the channel is not reciprocal but the coherence block length remains limited. We derive an analytical solution for the mean square error (MSE) based on the proposed training design with colored noise. In addition, this paper exploits the method of random matrix theory to provide an analytical solution for the downlink (DL) achievable sum rate of the regularized zero forcing beamforming (RZFBF) precoder. Numerical results demonstrate that using the proposed DTS design, the MSE of the channel estimate is significantly reduced compared with the conventional training designs with white noise. Furthermore, the results show that the proposed pilot design markedly improves the DL achievable SR over the conventional training designs, especially at relatively low signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) levels. This enables FDD MaMi systems to operate under more practical scenarios of colored noise and limited coherence time environments.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
A Cryptosystem for Database Security Based on RC4 Algorithm
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Because of vulnerable threats and attacks against database during transmission from sender to receiver, which is one of the most global security concerns of network users, a lightweight cryptosystem using Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4) algorithm is proposed. This cryptosystem maintains data privacy by performing encryption of data in cipher form and transfers it over the network and again performing decryption to original data. Hens, ciphers represent encapsulating system for database tables

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
2008 15th Asia-pacific Software Engineering Conference
G2Way A Backtracking Strategy for Pairwise Test Data Generation
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
5th International Conference On Energy Aware Computing Systems & Applications
Area efficient test circuit for library standard cell qualification
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High cost of qualifying library standard cells on silicon wafer limits the number of test circuits on the test chip. This paper proposes a technique to share common load circuits among test circuits to reduce the silicon area. By enabling the load sharing, number of transistors for the common load can be reduced significantly. Results show up to 80% reduction in silicon area due to load area reduction.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Yarmouk
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Colon Cancer Detection: A Review
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 05 2023
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Mathematical Theory And Modeling
(Tc) Technique for Finding Optimal Solution To Transportation Problem
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Given the importance of increasing economic openness transport companies’ face various issues arising at present time, this required importing different types of goods with different means of transport. Therefore, these companies pay great attention to reducing total costs of transporting commodities by using numbers means of transport methods from their sources to the destinations. The majority of private companies do not acquire the knowledge of using operations research methods, especially transport models, through which the total costs can be reduced, resulting in the importance and need to solve such a problem. This research presents a proposed method for the sum of Total Costs (Tc) of rows and columns, in order to arrive at the init

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Computers, Communications, Control And Systems Engineering
A Framework for Predicting Airfare Prices Using Machine Learning
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Many academics have concentrated on applying machine learning to retrieve information from databases to enable researchers to perform better. A difficult issue in prediction models is the selection of practical strategies that yield satisfactory forecast accuracy. Traditional software testing techniques have been extended to testing machine learning systems; however, they are insufficient for the latter because of the diversity of problems that machine learning systems create. Hence, the proposed methodologies were used to predict flight prices. A variety of artificial intelligence algorithms are used to attain the required, such as Bayesian modeling techniques such as Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), Adaptive boosting (ADA), Decision Tre

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
European Journal Of Scientific Research
Fast approach for arabic text encryption using genetic algorithm
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As s widely use of exchanging private information in various communication applications, the issue to secure it became top urgent. In this research, a new approach to encrypt text message based on genetic algorithm operators has been proposed. The proposed approach follows a new algorithm of generating 8 bit chromosome to encrypt plain text after selecting randomly crossover point. The resulted child code is flipped by one bit using mutation operation. Two simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach including execution time of encryption/decryption and throughput computations. Simulations results prove the robustness of the proposed approach to produce better performance for all evaluation metrics with res

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Vertical Stress Prediction for Zubair Oil Field/ Case Study
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Predicting vertical stress was indeed useful for controlling geomechanical issues since it allowed for the computation of pore pressure for the formation and the classification of fault regimes. This study provides an in-depth observation of vertical stress prediction utilizing numerous approaches using the Techlog 2015 software. Gardner's method results in incorrect vertical stress values with a problem that this method doesn't start from the surface and instead relies only on sound log data. Whereas the Amoco, Wendt non-acoustic, Traugott, average technique simply needed density log as input and used a straight line as the observed density, this was incorrect for vertical computing stress. The results of these methods

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Exponentially Fitted Diagonally Implicit EDITRK Method for Solving ODEs
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This paper derives the EDITRK4 technique, which is an exponentially fitted diagonally implicit RK method for solving ODEs . This approach is intended to integrate exactly initial value problems (IVPs), their solutions consist of linear combinations of the group functions  and  for exponentially fitting  problems, with  being the problem’s major frequency utilized to improve the precision of the method. The modified  method EDITRK4 is a new three-stage fourth-order exponentially-fitted diagonally implicit approach for solving IVPs with functions that are exponential as solutions. Different forms of -order ODEs must be derived using the modified system, and when the same issue is reduced to a  framework of equations that can be sol

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Spiritual Coping Strategies for Patients with Chronic Renal Failure
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Objectives: This study aims to (1) find out the association between patients' age, years of getting the disease, and their spiritual coping ability, and (2) investigate the differences in illness perception and spiritual coping ability between gender groups, level of education groups, monthly income groups, residence groups and satisfaction with health services groups.
A descriptive correlational design is used in this study. The study sample includes a convenience sample of (158) patients with chronic kidney failure.
The study instrument consists of two parts; the first one focuses on participants’ sociodemographic characteristics, and the second part deals with participants’ spiritual coping by us

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