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The Technical Mediator in Arab Theater: Their Tools and Skills
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The artistic mediation in theater connects the human elements with the material elements in the theatrical production process. The human artistic mediator plays a crucial role in achieving the artistic and expressive goals of the theatrical work, requiring high skills and expertise. Their role involves coordinating and executing the technical aspects of production, such as lighting, sound, set design, costumes, and acting, using their skills and techniques to transform the theatrical text into a successful stage performance. The artistic mediator significantly impacts the quality of the theatrical work and creates a distinct viewing experience for the audience. Technological advancements and continuous updates in theater contribute to the development of the artistic mediator, expanding their capabilities in creative embodiment and artistic creation. This evolution leads to improved reception conditions and opens up new horizons for viewing and interacting with theatrical productions.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
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The technical mediator in contemporary Iraqi formation
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 The current research (technical mediator in contemporary Iraqi painting) dealt with the concept of technical mediator in contemporary arts and its role in the qualitative transformation in art, the diversity of discoveries in technical media that artists use in their artistic achievement, and the extent of their impact on contemporary Iraqi painting, where the research problem was identified (what is The nature and role of technical media in showing works in contemporary Iraqi painting) and (What are the intellectual and aesthetic concepts of media and techniques as references for contemporary art in Iraq). The second topic dealt with technical media and their impact on the plastic arts, and the third topic focused on the technical med

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Features of the actor's performance in the ritual theater (Iraqi theater as a model): علي شخير نفل
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The features of the actor's performance in the ritual theater are of great importance and chief in theatrical work since the first emergence of the theater, as the features of the performance were embodied in all Iraqi theatrical performances, but they took personal privacy in some ritual performances because of their differences and similarities between the ritual theatrical performance and the ritual show Al-Khalis, who wanted the researcher to know the similarities and differences in the features of the ritual performance and in the theatrical performance, despite the many transformations that occurred in the theater and affected the features of the performance, but it remained an important and attractive link between the recipient, t

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of the Arab oil to the achievement of Economic security in the Arab: The Role of the Arab oil to the achievement of Economic security in the Arab
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This research aims to the importance of oil in achieving economic
security in the Arab. Oil is not an ordinary subject and returns it significance to
the followings:
1. The importance of skipping a source of energy.
2. The importance of oil as raw material for petrochemical industry.
3. The importance of the oil sector as an area of foreign investment
4. The importance of oil in the marketing activities, transport, insurance
and various services
In addition to the importance of oil in general and the Arab oil has
additional strategic advantages such as geographic location, And the
magnitude of reserves and production of heavy investment costs are relatively
simple, And the ability to meet the

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Seit langer Zeit verbindet sich das Theater in Europa mit dem Begriff ''Dramatisches Theater''. Am Namen dieses Theaters erkennt man, dass es sich mit dem Drama beschäftigt. Um diesen Umstand näher zu erklären, braucht man, meiner Meinung nach, eine Erklärung des Begriffs 'Drama'.

,,Dieses Wort wird von dem griechischen- genauer gesagt, dorischen- Verb 'dran' (tun, handeln) abgeleitet und bedeutet Handlung”(1). Die Fixierung auf die Handlung bedeutet, dass alles, was der Zuschauer auf der Bühne sieht, vom menschlichen Verhalten abhängig ist. Dieses Verhalten wird als Experiment dargestellt. Das erinnert uns an Hegels Theorie: ,,Der Kern des Dramas war das menschliche Subjekt in einem Konflikt, einer ''dramatisc

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم و التكنولوجية للنشاطات البدنية و الرياضية
The Effectiveness of Electronic Puppet Educational Theater by Camtasia Studio in Learning Some of The Artistic Gymnastics Skills For First-Grade
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The study aims to design an electronic puppet educational theater by Camtasia studio and identify the effectiveness in learning some of the artistic gymnastics skills for first grade, the research curriculum is experimental by designing two equal groups, and the research sample first grade students are distributed among 4 grade, and by the pumpkin determines two divisions (15 from each) representing the experimental group and control group, the main experiment conducted for 8 weeks by two educational units per week after which the post-tests were conducted, SPSS was used to process the results, and it was found that the electronic puppet educational theater contributed by making the learning process enjoyable and interesting and meeting the

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
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Representative hiring in the interactive theater performance techniques
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That researchers in the play Science Find a theatrical form of an experimental creative, and these experiences taken from the innovation space aesthetic dialogue with the receiver, especially since with previous theatrical experience and is an extension of her, because the interactive theater theatrical terms that assume a pattern do from the depth of the relationship between supply playwright and the audience, which alters the receiving skills actually change, and to monitor these differing divided into three classes that include research, methodological framework (Chapter I) and includes, research problem, the importance of research and the need to him, the goal of the research, the limits Find it border, and the theoretical framework

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
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Figure role in highlighting and content in the technical poster
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The poster is one of the means which can be communicate with others through it, to transfer ideas that the designer want to focus on, for its importance to accomplish the poster. It’s a visual mean contact aim to submit an idea to the audience to get a clear idea, and that would be through the shapes and subject to submit the idea. Depend on that our goal in this study is to find out, what follows:1-Finding the relationship between the shape and the idea.And the study comes up with several results, like:1-The drawings that contain themes connected with what the designer want to achieve, through the clearness of idea and to make those elements clear by putting more elements to surround the main shape.2-To assure that the strong connecti

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
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The Dynamics of the artistic form in the Iraqi theater
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The research is aimed at dynamics the dynamics of the artistic form within the theater and the dynamics of this movement in the development of the form and the multiplicity of meaning. This research came to address a problem of great importance in the creation of the image and the form of theatrical presentation. The evolution and transformation within the display system requires a dynamic structure that enables the form of growth and growth. The aim of the research was to identify the dynamics of form in the Iraqi theater. The researcher then identified two terms: form and motor.
In the theoretical framework, it was divided into two sections: the first (the dynamics of the artistic form) and the second (the dynamics of the act of dir

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 23 2018
Journal Name
Scientific Conference
Philosophy of Abstraction and Construction of Space in Contemporary Iraqi Theater
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Philosophy of Abstraction and Construction of Space in Contemporary Iraqi Theater Abstract The aesthetic and stylistic features in the theatrical play develop according to the changes of the age and its developments. Stylistic forms different from the prevailing and familiar in the visions of contemporary theatre directors emerged which adopt the removal of traditional awareness in the creation of the visual space of theatrical discourse, through adopting contemporary formats and structures which depend on the abstraction representations in the aesthetic construction of the contemporary theatre show which is one of the prerequisites of the postmodern theater, that produces aesthetic data based on abstract metaphors in the formation of th

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Epische Bearbeitungen im ägyptischen Theater
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Der ägyptische christliche Schriftsteller und Dramaturg Alfred
Faradj wurde 1929 in El-Zaqazek/ Alexandria geboren. An der
philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Alexandria erhielt er 1949 den
B.A. Grad. Von 1949 bis 1950 arbeitete er als Lehrer und als
Theaterkritiker bei verschiedenen Zeitungen wie Akhir Sa’a, Ros El-
Yousef, El- Ghad und El-Djiel. 1952 erhielt er den Sultan-ElAwies-Preis
für Literatur. Die goldene Medaille für Künste und Literaturschaffen
bekam Faradj 1956 für seinen ersten Einakter Saut Missr’/ Die Stimme
Ägyptens. Dieses Stück wurde im Dezember 1956 am Nationaltheater in
Kairo aufgeführt und von Hamdy Ghaith inszeniert.

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