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Sunflower Husks Coated with Copper Oxide Nanoparticles for Reactive Blue 49 and Reactive Red 195 Removals: Adsorption Mechanisms, Thermodynamic, Kinetic, and Isotherm Studies
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The adsorption process of reactive blue 49 (RB49) dye and reactive red 195 (RR195) dye from an aqueous solutions was explored using a novel adsorbent produced from the sunflower husks encapsulated with copper oxide nanoparticle (CSFH). Primarily, the features of a CSFH, such as surface morphology, functional groups, and structure, were characterized. It was determined that coating the sunflower husks with copper oxide nanoparticles greatly improved the surface and structural properties related to the adsorption capacity. The adsorption process was successful, with a removal efficiency of 97% for RB49 and 98% for RR195 under optimal operating conditions, contact time of 180 min, pH of 7, agitation speed of 150 rpm, initial dye concentration of 10 mg/L, CSFH mass of 0.2 g/100 mL dye solution, and temperature of 25 °C. According to findings of thermodynamic, adsorption process was a spontaneous, chemical, and endothermic with increased variability at the solid-solution interface during the stabilization of the reactive dyes onto the adsorption active sites. The second-order kinetic model fits the experimental results better, indicating that the chemisorption mechanism controls the adsorption of RB49 and RR195. Meanwhile, the Sips isotherm best fitted to RB49 and RR19, indicating that both heterogeneous and homogenous adsorptions occurred. The findings suggest that CSFH has potential use as an efficient and profitable adsorbent for removing reactive dyes from aqueous solutions.

Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comparative Efficiency Study of Two Adsorbent Materials to Remove Eosin Y Dye from Aqueous Solutions
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This study was done to find a cheap, available and ecofriendly materials that can remove eosin y dye from aqueous solutions by adsorption in this study, two adsorbent materials were used, the shells of fresh water clam (Cabicula fluminea) and walnut shells. To make a comparison between the two adsorbents, five experiments were conducted. First, the effects of the contact time, here the nut shell removed the dye quickly, while the C. flumina need more contact time to remove the dye. Second, the effects of adsorbent weight were examined. The nut shell was very promising and for all used adsorbent weight, the R% ranged from 94.87 to 99.29. However C. fluminea was less effective in removing the dye with R% ranged from 47.59 to 55.39. The thi

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Modeling the removal of Cadmium Ions from Aqueous Solutions onto Olive Pips Using Neural Network Technique
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The uptake of Cd(II) ions from simulated wastewater onto olive pips was modeled using artificial neural network (ANN) which consisted of three layers. Based on 112 batch experiments, the effect of contact time (10-240 min), initial pH (2-6), initial concentration (25-250 mg/l), biosorbent dosage (0.05-2 g/100 ml), agitation speed (0-250 rpm) and temperature (20-60ºC) were studied. The maximum uptake (=92 %) of Cd(II) was achieved at optimum parameters of 60 min, 6, 50 mg/l, 1 g/100 ml, 250 rpm and 25ºC respectively.

Tangent sigmoid and linear transfer functions of ANN for hidden and output layers respectively with 7 neurons were sufficient to present good predictions for cadmium removal efficiency with coefficient of correlatio

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Removal of Oil From Wastewater Using Walnut-Shell
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The ability of pulverized walnut-shell to remove oil from aqueous solutions has been studied. It involves two-phase process which consists of using walnut-shell as a filtering bed for the accumulation and adsorption of oil onto its surface. Up to 96% oil removal from synthetic wastewater samples was achieved while tests results showed that 75% of oil can be removed from the actual wastewater discharged from Al- Duara refinery in the south of Baghdad.


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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Stabilization of phenol trapped by agricultural waste: a study of the influence of ambient temperature on the adsorbed phenol
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Stabilization of phenol trapped by agricultural waste: a study of the influence of ambient temperature on the adsorbed phenol

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 17 2023
Journal Name
Biomass Conversion And Biorefinery
Effect of green synthesis of Fe3O4 nanomaterial on the removal of cefixime from aqueous solution
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In this paper, two types of iron oxide nanomaterial (Fe3O4) and nanocomposite (T-Fe3O4) were created from the bio-waste mass of tangerine peel. These two materials were utilized for adsorption tests to remove cefixime (CFX) from an aqueous solution. Before the adsorption application, both adsorbents have been characterized by various characterizations such as XRD, FTIR, VSM, TEM, and FESEM. The mesoporous nano-crystalline structure of Fe3O4 and T-Fe3O4 nanocomposite with less than 100-nm diameter is confirmed. The adsorption of the obtained adsorbents was evaluated for CFX removal by adjusting several operation parameters to optimize the removal. The optimal conditions for CFX removal were found to be an initial concentration of 40 and 50 m

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Kinetics of Fixed Bed Sorption Processes
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Adsorption and ion exchange are examples of fixed-bed sorption processes that show transient behavior. This means that differential equations are needed to design them. As a result, numerical methods are commonly utilized to solve these equations. The solution frequently used in analytical methods is called the Thomas solution. Thomas gave a complete solution that adds a nonlinear equilibrium relationship that depends on second-order reaction kinetics. A computational approach was devised to solve the Thomas model. The Thomas model's validity was established by conducting three distinct sets of experiments. The first entails the adsorption of acetic acid from the air through the utilization of activated carbon. Following

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Adsorptive Desulfurization of Iraqi Heavy Naphtha Using Different Metals over Nano Y Zeolite on Carbon Nanotube
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The present research was conducted to reduce the sulfur content of Iraqi heavy naphtha by adsorption using different metals oxides over Y-Zeolite. The Y-Zeolite was synthesized by a sol-gel technique. The average size of zeolite was 92.39 nm, surface area 558 m2/g, and pore volume 0.231 cm3/g. The metals of nickel, zinc, and copper were dispersed by an impregnation method to prepare Ni/HY, Zn/HY, Cu/HY, and Ni + Zn /HY catalysts for desulfurization. The adsorptive desulfurization was carried out in a batch mode at different operating conditions such as mixing time (10,15,30,60, and 600 min) and catalyst dosage (0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1, and 1.2 g). The most of the sulfur compounds were removed at 10 min for all catalyst ty

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Removal of Dyes from Synthetic Wastewater by Agriculturalwaste
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Adsorption is one of the most important technologies for the treatment of polluted water from dyes. Theaim of this study is to use a low-cost adsorbent for this purpose. A novel and economical adsorbent was used to remove methyl violet dye (MV) from aqueous solutions. This adsorbent was prepared from bean peel, which is an agricultural waste. Batch adsorption experiments were conducted to study the ability of the bean peel adsorbent (BPA) to remove the methyl violet (MV) dye. The effects of different variables, such as weight of the adsorbent, pH of the MV solution, initial concentration of MV, contact time and temperature, on the adsorption behaviour were studied. It was found experimentally that the time required to achieve equilibrium

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Desulfurization of AL-Ahdab Crude Oil using Oxidative Processes
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Two different oxidative desulfurization strategies based on oxidation/adsorption or oxidation/extraction were evaluated for the desulfurization of AL-Ahdab (AHD) sour crude oil (3.9wt% sulfur content). In the oxidation process, a homogenous oxidizing agent comprising of hydrogen peroxide and formic acid was used. Activated carbons were used as sorbent/catalyst in the oxidation/adsorption process while acetonitrile was used as an extraction solvent in the oxidation/extraction process. For the oxidation/adsorption scheme, the experimental results indicated that the oxidation desulfurization efficiency was enhanced on using activated carbon as catalyst/sorbent. The effects of the operating conditions (contact time, temperat

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Corrosion Inhibition of Aluminium in Acidic Medium using Amino Acid (Methionine)
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  Corrosion behavior of aluminium in 0.6 mol. dm-3 NaCl solution in acidic medium 0.7 was investigated in the absence and presence of different concentrations of amino acid, methionine, as environmentally – friendly corrosion inhibitor over temperature range (293-308)K. The investigation involved electrochemical polarization method using potentiostatic technique and optical microscopy, the inhibition efficiency increased with an increase in inhibitor concentration but decreased with increase in temperature. Results showed that the inhibition occurs through adsorption of the inhibitor molecules on the metal surface and it was found to obey Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Some thermodynamic parameters ∆. and activation ener

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