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Enhancing Sustainability Reporting in Green Universities Through Social Media: A Case Study of Baghdad University on Advancing SDG

Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the role of social media in promoting awareness of green university initiatives and assess the effectiveness of sustainability reports in engaging students at Baghdad University. In alignment with Sustainable Development Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production),It seeks to provide recommendations for enhancing digital platforms for sustainability communication.   Theoretical Framework: The study is grounded in the Green University Model, Social Media Engagement Theory, and the Sustainability Reporting Framework, which emphasize integrating sustainable practices in education, using digital platforms for community engagement, and leveraging sustainability reports for transparency and trust-building.   Method: A quantitative research design was employed, involving a structured questionnaire administered to 100 elite students at Baghdad University. The study analyzed social media usage patterns, awareness of sustainability initiatives, and perceptions of sustainability reporting.   Results and Discussion: The findings reveal a significant association between social media engagement and increased awareness of green initiatives. Key results indicate that 94% of participants follow the university's official social media outlets, and 70% reported behavior changes due to exposure to sustainability-related content. However, gaps in communication about sustainability-focused student groups were identified. The results align with existing literature while emphasizing the need for improved visibility and strategic communication.   Research Implications: This study underscores the critical role of social media and sustainability reporting in fostering environmental awareness and behavior change among students. It provides a localized perspective that can guide other universities in Iraq and similar regions in adopting effective sustainability communication strategies.   Originality/Value: By focusing on Baghdad University, this study addresses a research gap in understanding the unique challenges of sustainability communication in developing regions, offering actionable insights for enhancing academic and community engagement in green practices.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Intellectual as an Alien: A Study of Henry James's The Beast in the Jungle and James Joyce's "A Painful Case"

This research paper studies the alienation of the intellectuals in the modern novel through the study of two alienated characters, John Marcher in Henry James's The Beast in the Jungle, and Mr. Duffy in James's Joyce's "A Painful Case." As a result of the complexity of life in the industrial societies, the individuals, especially the intellectual ones, feel themselves unable to integrate into social life; they fear society and feel that it endangers their individuality and independence. Thus, these characters live on the fringe of the societ

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluating the reality of applying the curriculum axis according to the Iraqi academic accreditation standards / a comparative study of a sample of governmental and private universities and colleges

The research aims to get acquainted with the evaluation of the reality of the application of the curriculum axis from among the eight Iraqi academic accreditation standards in a sample of governmental and private universities and colleges in Iraq and to identify the main and secondary reasons for it as well as to provide proposed mechanisms and procedures to help reduce gaps, If the research problem is represented in the weak availability of the requirements of the curriculum axis in universities and colleges (the study sample) due to the weak documentation and successful implementation of them and interest in them is still below the level of ambition, In order to arrive at scientific facts, the researchers adopted the comparativ

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2024
Journal Name
Civil Engineering And Architecture
Assessing Environmental Sustainability and Design Integration in the Context of District 838, Al-Dawra, Baghdad, Iraq - An Analysis of Urban Multifunctional Land Uses

This research explores the intricate relationship between environmental sustainability and urban design in Al-Jumhuriya Neighborhood, Baghdad, reflecting urban development challenges and opportunities. It highlights the need to balance growth, functionality, and quality of life with environmental responsibility in urban areas worldwide. The research includes a literature review on environmental sustainability in urban design and the utilization of multifunctional land in contemporary cities. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Survey results show a diverse range of perspectives, indicating concerns about air quality and local regulations but also positive views on co

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Negotiating policies for the granting of investment loans: A CASE STUDY ON IRAQI MIDDLE EAST BANK FOR INVESTMENT& COMMERCIAL GULF BANK

The negotiation phase is gaining great importance in investment loans due to the magnitude of the amounts awarded and the need to obtain adequate lending guarantees and the development of better conditions, and this requires that negotiating policy with fixed principles that balance between meeting the demands of customers and maintain market share and achieve profits and avoid defaults and losses the bank, and so I have touched Find the concept of investment loans and procedures for granting and the concept of the negotiation process for the granting of loans. The practical side to ensure the preparation of examination form consists of questions commensurate with the methodology developed by the researchers, were directed to the officia

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Spatial Organization on the Sustainability of the Neighborhood Unit in the Residential Environment

Contemporary residential neighborhoods suffer from weak sustainability of urban residential environments as a result of the adoption of inefficient spatial organization at the neighborhood unit level. This resulted negative characteristics which affected the achievement of sustainable development plans for the residential environment that constitute the majority of the urban fabric of cities.

The physical affordances ,within the vocabulary of recent times,overcame the spiritual ones and affected the residential environment. Accordingly,the concept of space changed in contemporary residential areas through the dominance of the physical aspect (mass) on the symbolic aspect (space).The modern technology occupied an important level b

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Competitiveness of an enterprise under a flexible manufacturing system. Manufacturing strategy and flexibility - Case study

The research has designed for studying the relationship between manufacturing strategy and its flexibility under the flexible manufacturing system with their reflection on the competitive environmental performance of the firm. To interpret and tackle the problem, a hypothesis has formulated stating that “ the competitive performance of a firm is interpreted by the manufacturing strategy and flexibility which are derived from the firm and its business  strategies under the flexible manufacturing system”. Related literatures with their theoretical dissertations, which enhanced the thoughtful content, have analyzed. An illustrative case study on the flexible manufacturing system at Toyota Motors Corporation working at the g

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Aggregate accounting information and its impact on management decision-making ( Case Study )

The main aim of this paper is to explain the effect of the aggregation accounting information on the financial, investment, and operational, managerial decision-making and the evaluation of the financial statements after aggregate. The problem of this study is represented in administrative decision-making that takes place under differentiated accounting systems operating within a governmental economic unit that seeks at the same time to achieve a unified vision and goals for the organization. This study was conducted at the College of Administration and Economics /University of Baghdad, and it represents a sample from a community of governmental economic units that apply differentiated accounting systems. The study method is repr

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of systems and information technology on stock market activity: Case study in Iraq stock market

Financial markets play an important role in the economy, as it contributes to the financial and economic system of the state stability, as it reduces the adoption of the companies on the loans granted by the banks, as financial markets contribute to attracting and channeling savings to small savers who will be able to buy a number of shares proportional to their savings, It also provides them the place of exchange, and play technology and information systems an important role in facilitating exchanges and increased market activity, in this research touched on the importance of information technology in effect on the activity of the financial markets. Research is divided into three demands of the first concept of eating and the importance

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 12 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities

The current research aims to identify the risk management and its impact on the quality of service in the Salahalddin Sewerage Directorate, This is due to the great impact that the service provided by this institution plays in preserving health and the environment in the community, which has faced many administrative challenges, problems and issues as a result of the rapid and continuous environmental changes, and therefore, the adoption of administrative concepts such as risk management and knowledge of their impact on the quality of the municipal service is necessary to reach this service To the required levels. To achieve the research objectives, two main hypotheses have been formulated, the first of which is to find the extent of the li

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social Work and Social Policies in Iraqi Society

Through the study of social work and social policy ( problems of marginalization and empowerment opportunities ) and taken a theoretically descriptive and analytical and highliyhed the role of social work in social policy its achieved only through community intraction and paamong all parties and according to social policies include of material resources and haman and integrated in to the planning and development framework with the aim of providing social services for allsegments of society and become the study in social work that include the introducation / and five chapters each chapter in cludes several detectives and each complements the other .
1 – The absence of social development projects on social policy .
2 – social pol

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